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The nation of Furon has formally declared its existence within the geographical land-mass named Japan. The new nation, has democratically elected Sir Maximilian Pepe. President Pepe has formally declared the new religion of Furon, to that of the holiest God:


All can bask in Arkvoodle's glory, as he saves the pure from Dodecalypse, the evil one.

"As the Sacred Lord purged the mighty inferno of Dodecalypse, his body began disintergrate. "The Evil has been vanquished. Thus, my life's purpose is complete." And in this great deed that brought life and happiness to the Furons, The Lord of the Sacred Crotch sunk low through space to the oasis of Earth, to sink into the furtile soul of it's land..."

"And lo, the Son of Arkvoodle shall arise, newly born. So prepare ye for that day, when Arkvoodle shall come again!" - The Holy Book of Pudenda

Let it be known that the Lord of the Sacred Crotch watches over President Pepe, and Furon, for all-time. Bask in the glory of Arkvoodle, as we await the second-coming, from his chosen one, The Son of Arkvoodle! Convert! Repent your sins and go forth and multiply in the name of Arkvoodle!

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Shaking her head in absolute astonishment at what had given rise in Japan, the Lady Protector only sighed. "I wish Furon the best in Japan and wish them well in their new endeavors."

While we politely recognize that Mrs. Tintagyl may not understand the holy and eccentric ways of Arkvoodle, we can only hope that, in time, you will come to, perhaps not join us in our holiness, but come to recognize us, and cheer on the second coming of Arkvoodle.

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OOC: So I lied. >_> I can't stay away. Anyways, :D


Arkvoodle does not discriminate against any ethnicity. We encourage all who dwell within Furon, our own Furion brothers and sisters, to practice whatever they wish. We do however express the fact that above all, Arkvoodle is superior, and reigns supreme.

There can be no denying Arkvoodle.

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OOC: Hi Stigmeister.


In Honor of the Lord of the Sacred Crotch, President Pepe has authorized the construction of a massive Church, with a 20-foot statue being built, based on an ages-old (well-known to followers of Arkvoodle) artists depiction.


Ages-old artist depiction of the holy Lord of the Sacred Crotch

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The Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania has placed the nation of Furon under quarantine and all travel is banned to that nation from the imperial Kingdom. Any objects or persons that enters the Imperial Kingdom from Furon shall be detained and incinerated before having the ashes taken well out into international waters and dumped down into its depths.

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The Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania has placed the nation of Furon under quarantine and all travel is banned to that nation from the imperial Kingdom. Any objects or persons that enters the Imperial Kingdom from Furon shall be detained and incinerated before having the ashes taken well out into international waters and dumped down into its depths.

We wonder what Furon has done to warrant such aggressive activity, when we have only just begun to enter the world stage. We plead the Tasmanians to reconsider, to reach a compromise. We are a fair people - we can only hope that the Tasmanians are the same.

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We wonder what Furon has done to warrant such aggressive activity, when we have only just begun to enter the world stage. We plead the Tasmanians to reconsider, to reach a compromise. We are a fair people - we can only hope that the Tasmanians are the same.

"Religion is already restricted heavily in the Imperial Kingdom due to its ability to corrupt and control the minds of the desperate and needy and your religion, well frankly its stupid and ridiclous and quite dangerous. At this time we can't tell if your people are just idiots or infected with some sort of mind damaging disease therefore we must take full precautions".

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"Religion is already restricted heavily in the Imperial Kingdom due to its ability to corrupt and control the minds of the desperate and needy and your religion, well frankly its stupid and ridiclous and quite dangerous. At this time we can't tell if your people are just idiots or infected with some sort of mind damaging disease therefore we must take full precautions".

Arkvoodle demands nothing of his followers other than the fact they recognize him as the supreme being. He encourages each of his followers to go forth, multiply, and spread across the globe, bringing all under his protective wing.

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"Zargathia holds freedom of religion in high regards, and as such wishes to congratulate the... Furions with their own state. As the islands of Japan were formerly controlled by a close ally of ours, we were wondering if an opportunity would arise in the near future for our two leaders to meet?"

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Buryatia welcomes Furon to the world stage and hopes that they will be a constructive influence on stability in the Asian region.

As the Hanseatic Commonwealth is no longer in control of Japan and is expected to withdraw their peacekeepers from the joint protectorate regions, Buryatia placed additional peacekeepers on standby to assume full administrative control of the joint protectorate.

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Arkvoodle demands nothing of his followers other than the fact they recognize him as the supreme being. He encourages each of his followers to go forth, multiply, and spread across the globe, bringing all under his protective wing.

"As we said its hard to believe people would willingly follow such a religion considering its founding and ideals. As of now a new Imperial Decree has been set forth. All followers of this Arkvoodle religion are to be terminated on sight by any Imperial Legion forces or Imperial citizens. It is a blight on humanity and it must be erased".

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"In response to Tasmania's rather... aggressive stance towards Furon citizens (Furians? Furions? ...Furionians?), we wish to make the following statement. Whether they follow God, Allah, Arkvoodle, the Mother of Chaos or the Flying Spaghetti Monster shouldn't really matter. In the end, we cannot claim to know better, therefore all religions are accepted in Zargathia as part of the people's freedom of opinion. We believe it is every person's individual choice which religion he or she feels content with, and making such an important decision for them would only be insulting their ability to decide for themselves."

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"As we said its hard to believe people would willingly follow such a religion considering its founding and ideals. As of now a new Imperial Decree has been set forth. All followers of this Arkvoodle religion are to be terminated on sight by any Imperial Legion forces or Imperial citizens. It is a blight on humanity and it must be erased".

"If you think about it their religion isn't that different from any other. The catholics claim their pope is the voice of god, the Christians in general designate an individual in the past as god in the flesh. While religion in general is banned in the Dominion there is no reason why the religion of the furions is any more stupid than any other." - Mathew Kaine

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