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IS Public Service Announcement

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You're obviously a very well-read man. Though you seemed to have missed the part where we fought NSO 1 on 1 and had to request our allies to stay out of it. However, that has nothing to do with this topic.

I did read that, if it wasn't for your white peace they would have came in? They got what they deserved and now so will IS...

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I did read that, if it wasn't for your white peace they would have came in? They got what they deserved and now so will IS...

Silly. Despite the white peace, many of us did enter. I myself took on 5 war slots for the cause of RADness, starting immediately after the NSO declaration of war.

That is all in the past however, and really has nothing to do with this thread.

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Silly. Despite the white peace, many of us did enter. I myself took on 5 war slots for the cause of RADness, starting immediately after the NSO declaration of war.

That is all in the past however, and really has nothing to do with this thread.

Under what AA, IS or RAD? You guys seem to bring back Ephie why not the RAD war?

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I am very sure of myself ;)

Okay Weiss, but you need to realize that being vague does nothing but make you seem like you're over reaching your bounds. Which you are. Unless (brace for it...) you're going to do something about it yourself, I don't see IS getting hit.

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Under what AA, IS or RAD? You guys seem to bring back Ephie why not the RAD war?

What does that have to do with this thread at all? First of all, Kingem has gotten the flak he deserves for making a dumb move in a world of serious business and second, that is the most absurdly unrelated thing you could reply to this thread with. Please, let's stop trying to derail the thread with posturing and get back to talking/lol'ing about Kingem.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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We openly make fun of RyanGDI, where were the moral police during all that? what about during the 60 page lolGGA thread from awhile back

RyanGDI has had failure after failure both on the forums and just on Bob in general. He was given multiple chances as this is the first ive ever heard of this guy im willing to throw it out there to give him a break.

No. However, the past 3-4 pages has been full of "be nice to him, he's a new player." Or "it was a new leader coming for advice, cut him some slack." The fact is, Kingem is neither a new player or a new leader. Cut him slack if you want to, but do it for the right reasons, or come out and say it's because it's IS who made fun of him.

I dont care who started this thread it showed very little class.

Assume? Take a look for yourself.

And anyone who tried to roll IS will find themselves having a difficult time indeed.

LOL and the epeen comes out. If NPO, TPF, IRON ,Valhalla and the rest of the "Hegemony" can be beaten what makes you think your safe.

don't get it. How did this thread devolve into this !@#$storm?

IS punk a young alliance, people rolls their eyes, some laugh, and then a mod locks it and we move on.

Seems goddamned simple enough to me.

Slow week on the OWF :LOL:

Edited by Buds The Man
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Okay Weiss, but you need to realize that being vague does nothing but make you seem like you're over reaching your bounds. Which you are. Unless (brace for it...) you're going to do something about it yourself, I don't see IS getting hit.

I never said somebody is going to hit them, I said in the near future they will be.

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LOL and the epeen comes out. If NPO, TPF, IRON ,Valhalla and the rest of the "Hegemony" can be beaten what makes you think your safe.

I understand you're still sore from your defeat, but please let's at least try to contribute to the thread. I never said we were safe anyway, I just said anyone who felt like attacking IS would find themselves having a difficult time. Interpret that how you will, but it only means one thing.

I never said somebody is going to hit them, I said in the near future they will be.

That's like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow. Of course it will happen, the question is: when?

Well, not soon unless someone really wants to try their luck.

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What does that have to do with this thread at all? First of all, Kingem has gotten the flak he deserves for making a dumb move in a world of serious business and second, that is the most absurdly unrelated thing you could reply to this thread with. Please, let's stop trying to derail the thread with posturing and get back to talking/lol'ing about Kingem.

This man is correct. Let's all go back and lol at fail Kingem for recruiting someone for his alliance and then we can high five each other as RAD and IS continue to do things for the lulz and pwn the forums with their win and awesome education technique. Hell, after that we can reminisce on the time that RAD thought it would be funny to attack a member of the wonderful and talented NSO and got rolled for it. It was quite funny to watch the pranksters get all srs bsns when the joke caught up with them.

Let's face it IS. You pull this crap because no one wants to attack you outright and draw in PC. That would be ok with some, but it would draw in some others that are pretty cool guys IF you didn't have that to back you up, you wouldn't be doing this. I understand though. When you have a large group of powerful allies at your disposal you feel invincible. I was there once. I know it doesn't matter to you guys at all but in the event that the future would see another great war, I have a feeling half the known world will be knocking at your doorstep, treaty or not.

Late edit:

The Mongol-Swedes Posted Today, 11:21 PM

Oh now, come on. Are you so certain you can pick on pink and get away with it? The LSF alone will make VietFAN look like a joke until your defeat by your own hubris is apparent, and I shudder to think what the rest of pink will bring to bear.

Were you guys at all certain you could pick on tC and get away with it? For a year the answer was no. Yet eventually you did. Anything can happen my friend.

Edited by Wentworth the Brave
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Is there a point to this thread ??

If I take all the stupid things I hear on Irc on a daily basis and post them on these forums I would probably be the top poster already.

I would tell IS to "grow up" but I think CN might not exist anymore by the time that happens.

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The more I come to know something about you, Kryievla, the more I like you. Your wording was maybe harsh, but to the point.

On the other hand, I doubt that IS is capable to understand and treasure what you're saying to them, which is a real pity in and by itself.

Being impervious to what a significant part of the community is saying to them and displaying a persecution syndrome instead (see the confrontational attitude over a single comment from STA) is not going to do well to them. Well, at least I think so! :)

You have a good point. Also, thank you :)

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Did this really deserve 11 pages? I mean has anything actually happened. Because all i've seen is some people laughing, the rest saying this is classless/they are jerks.(and then the random offtopic debates) Can we stop having the same argument over and over again? And if there has been, please point it out. (i skipped from page 4 to the end)

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Ok, honestly I dont all that much care about what started this thread. Plenty of folks have had their say, whatever but I am now curious about IS attacking CG. What led up to that?

Anyone got the tldr on it?

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