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Church Inaugurates 1st Military Division


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"Buryatia finds the idea of a religious organization creating a military to be moderately suspicious. Why should a religious organization that is committed to peace seek arms? The Buryatian Supreme People's Court will undoubtedly refer to this development when the discussions regarding the state of Roman Catholicism in Buryatia is brought before the courts."

**After the announcement 500 Roman Catholic men from Buryatia request permission to enlist in the Church's military division**

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"And the Church shows it's true colors. Not only do they seek land, they seek an army. Any Drakorian found to be bearing arms for the Pope will be subject to forcible return to Drakoria and subject to trial for bearing the banner of a rogue army, for that is what we recognize this homeless 'army' as. The Roman Catholic Peacekeeping Force is banned from stepping foot inside Drakoria. We have no problem with Catholicism. Our only problem is this action."

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The Holy Church of Arkvoodle spits in the general direction of the so called 'Catholic Church'. The hypocrisy displayed by the 'church' is undeniable, and as such, this cannot be the so called way to Enlightenment, Heaven, Purity, Reincarnation.

We beg the nations of the world, end the senseless worship of this false-god, and remember he who inhabits the Earth: Arkvoodle. Remember, lest he send the mighty Burrow Beast after you...

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Archbishop Orani João Tempesta, de facto spiritual leader of Vinilandese Catholics

"Because of the pseudo-Catholic Church's militarization, I hereby rescind any earlier comment regarding potential recognition of the self-proclaimed "Pope" of the said church and highly encourage all faithfuls of my country to do the same. It has been made clear that those people are more interested in exerting political and military influence through force rather than being the bastion of faith of Catholics across the globe. Even if they were genuine "peace keepers", those are still being used by the "church" to influence in a way it should never, ever dream of. This is not how any Christian - or anyone, religious or not - should be doing."

Edited by V The King
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The NoN defies Arkvoodle, and due to its continued stance at DEFCON 1, dares the Burrow Beast to step foot in Ethiopia.


We ask the Nation of Nod, repent from your heathen ways, for Dodecalypse is nothing but Darkness, while Arkvoodle shines brightly from his light. Do not take the heathen approach to getting Arkvoodle's kindness and gratitude - any person who believes in the most high will be taken under his wing, upon his second coming.

The Burrow Beast resides in the core of the Earth, sitting there, until Arkvoodle calls him once more to ravage the heathens upon his second coming by his chosen one, his own son!

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The Pope, stressed out with growing frustration, looked to DiNardo, his right hand man. Showing a faint smile, he siad, "These people are so narrow-minded. Every move I make to try to help out is criticized by the world community. I guess that's what being the Pope is about, isn't it?"

"But Karol, didn't Peter and the other Apostles have to suffer the same? Didn't they all have to suffer similarly?"

"Yes, but they had more faith than I did. They were willing to die for Christ, and ten of them did. I don't think that I have enough faith to be martyred if I were ever out in their situation."

"Remember though, God is with you. The Holy Spirit has chosen you over all the other Cardinals to lead the Church and the World in the spirit of St. Peter."

"Then it's time that I acted in his way," the Pope responded. Stepping up to the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, the Pope announced, "Friends! Christians! Leaders! Only a few days ago, I began the 1st Vatican Division to help in defending the world. This, however, has been met by much criticism. Some say that I inaugurated it to steal land for the Church. Others say that I wanted to eradicate certain powerless countries. I assured you that those were all lies, but many of you did not trust me. Therefore, in hopes of regaining your trust, I declare these statements:

"The Church is not to use this military to gain land.

"The Church is not to activate over 3,000 troops at one time if not directly involved in war (directly involved means someone declared war on the Church or vice versa).

"The Church is not to attack any country if not directly involved in war.

"The Church is not to declare war on another country unless the majority of countries agree that the Just War ideology has been met.

"If the Pope fails to obey these laws, he will be automatically excommunicated, declared an antipope, and shot.

"Please listen to this! I tried to assure you that I only meant peace, and now I bet my life on it! See this and trust me!"

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"Though Zargathia has not been against the idea of an expansion of the duties of the Swiss Guard, we nevertheless hope this will calm the wave of open criticism that this announcement had triggered. As for the latest amendment... We hope the Pope will continue to lead the Church for a long time."

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The Rheinmark views this as completely unacceptable. There is no need for the Catholic Church or any purely religious group to militarize. As such we are recalling the Swiss Guard from the charge of the pope."

OOC: You can't recall the Swiss Guard. You're German...

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The Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is always under the attack of those who wish to destroy her. Vatican City always needs some protection from miscreants and malcontents.

By the National Law of 1924, enacted by my Great-Grandfather, HRH King Joseph I, it mandates that we provide any and all assistance to the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church on Minilla Island, and if need should arise, world wide and in Vatican City.

Therefore, our elite LASER corpsmen/women will establish a fully armed garrison in Vatican City. The Battalion will be called Battalion 77 (The number of God), and will station 500-1000 from the Elite LASER Corps of the Minilla Island Armed Forces.

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Well, technically, not one of these soldiers would be fighting under a foreign flag. In fact, the Church isn't even a country, so we have no flag.

"If the Church is not a sovereign state, then its soldiers are not lawful combatants under Arctica's interpretation of the Sydney Convention. Please keep that in mind should you choose to flex the muscle you're building.

Arcticans who show a desire to serve in the Church's military will relinquish their citizenship before they do so."

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The Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is always under the attack of those who wish to destroy her. Vatican City always needs some protection from miscreants and malcontents.

By the National Law of 1924, enacted by my Great-Grandfather, HRH King Joseph I, it mandates that we provide any and all assistance to the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church on Minilla Island, and if need should arise, world wide and in Vatican City.

Therefore, our elite LASER corpsmen/women will establish a fully armed garrison in Vatican City. The Battalion will be called Battalion 77 (The number of God), and will station 500-1000 from the Elite LASER Corps of the Minilla Island Armed Forces.

The Church does not even reside in the Vatican if I understand correctly. Of course, recent events could have changed this. At any rate, unless the 'Pope' begins arming his bishops and cardinals, he has no soldiers left. The Swiss Guard has returned effective immediately.

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Gabriela Sokolov of the Zargathian priory of the Order of St John of Jerusalem issued the following statement.

"If the situation isn't resolved soon, we'll head in to protect the Pope ourselves."

Edited by Amyante
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Gabriela Sokolov of the Zargathian priory of the Order of St John of Jerusalem issued the following statement.

"If the situation isn't resolved soon, we'll head in to protect the Pope ourselves."

The situation is resolved. We took back our men.

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Minilla Island stands four-square behind the Holy Father. To those that are running away: You are nothing more than rats who will jump off a ship because you think it is sinking. The Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is not about to sink, regardless what heretics like Mudd and Wood says.

Edited by Minilla Island
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OOC: They can be ethnically Swiss, not necessarily citizens of Switzerland. Just sayin'

OOC: Actually they are volunteers from the Swiss Army, so I can.


To Minilla Island, we are not running away. We do not follow the 'pope' because we find him without credit. There is absolutely no reason for him to militarize the Catholic Church.

Edited by Cody Seb
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