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The Eurasian Union


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While I agree with you on the Nord issue, Baron Uberstein; however, small time criminals can be reformed with enough...physical stimulation. If you cut off a killer's hands, he cannot kill. No incarceration required.

"Uberstein is still on vacation, I am PM Gustafsson. And why bother putting another beggar on the streets? A bullet though the head, that's what criminals need."


Ugh, I have to apologize, I've been acting like a paranoid $%&@ and letting OOC and IC blur. I'll try to be better about it.

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"I don't trust any nord, if there is one thing our prison systems have proven, it's that reformation of criminals is a lie."

Criminals? Please tell me the crimes that Nordland committed? After all, from what I can see, they waged one aggressive war against the SlavoRussia, but then again, that corrupt place had it coming in the first place. If anything the coalition that invaded Nordland should be punished. Bombing raids, the death of innocence, et cetera. - Michael Saviri

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Criminals? Please tell me the crimes that Nordland committed? After all, from what I can see, they waged one aggressive war against the SlavoRussia, but then again, that corrupt place had it coming in the first place. If anything the coalition that invaded Nordland should be punished. Bombing raids, the death of innocence, et cetera. - Michael Saviri

"You forget earlier incarnations of Nordland.

And Slavorussia corrupt? Yes, you truly have hit the nail on the head.

Except that the nail in question was the one on your thumb."

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"You forget earlier incarnations of Nordland.

And Slavorussia corrupt? Yes, you truly have hit the nail on the head.

Except that the nail in question was the one on your thumb."

You forget it was SlavoRussia that helped the corrupt institution, known as the United Francoist Empire, invade Europe and enslave it under two hundred years of oppression and slavery. SlavoRussia has enough blood on their hands to last them a lifetime. The same can be said about the corrupt coalition who invaded Europa and Nordland for reasons that would be considered "dumb" at best. Of course, I forget I am dealing with inept officials, who don't know right from wrong. How unfortunate. - Michael Saviri

Edited by Malatose
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You forget it was SlavoRussia that helped the corrupt institution, known as the United Francoist Empire, invade Europe and enslave it under two hundred years of oppression and slavery. SlavoRussia has enough blood on their hands to last them a lifetime. The same can be said about the corrupt coalition who invaded Europa and Nordland for reasons that would be considered "dumb" at best. Of course, I forget I am dealing with inept officials, who don't know right from wrong. How unfortunate. - Michael Saviri


Two hundred years of oppression? Slavery?

You must've got your history wrong somewhere in there. There was no slavery or oppression, even though the Slavorussians may not have been entirely right to support the Francoists. They did, because they perceived the Empire reigning much of europe at the time - an incarnation of the Nordland Empire - as great threat.

The Francoists were there for two years at most, and they didn't really do a lot.

Additionally: Even if the UFE was corrupt, just because the Slavorussians happened to help them against what they perceived to be a common foe doesn't make the Slavorussians corrupt, as well. Misguided at most."

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Two hundred years of oppression? Slavery?

You must've got your history wrong somewhere in there. There was no slavery or oppression, even though the Slavorussians may not have been entirely right to support the Francoists. They did, because they perceived the Empire reigning much of europe at the time - an incarnation of the Nordland Empire - as great threat.

The Francoists were there for two years at most, and they didn't really do a lot.

Additionally: Even if the UFE was corrupt, just because the Slavorussians happened to help them against what they perceived to be a common foe doesn't make the Slavorussians corrupt, as well. Misguided at most."

The Slavorussians have proven time and time again to be inept individuals. I find it disturbing how nations all over the world continue to support that regime. You have them invading sovereign territories because agreements couldn't be reached. Let me remind you, that talks never took place, the fools in SlavoRussia just felt the need to drive in the tanks. If my memory serves me correct, they criticized the Greater Nordic Reich for not following proper negotiation procedures, then they go and do the same thing themselves. However, I guess because they are SlavoRussia, they are afforded such flexibility. Disturbing.

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The Slavorussians have proven time and time again to be inept individuals. I find it disturbing how nations all over the world continue to support that regime. You have them invading sovereign territories because agreements couldn't be reached. Let me remind you, that talks never took place, the fools in SlavoRussia just felt the need to drive in the tanks. If my memory serves me correct, they criticized the Greater Nordic Reich for not following proper negotiation procedures, then they go and do the same thing themselves. However, I guess because they are SlavoRussia, they are afforded such flexibility. Disturbing.

"They tried to contact Ukrainian officials for days, if not weeks, to get them to a meeting. There was no response, and in the position of Slavorussia, I would've done the same as them, retaken the lands that had been under my country's rule for ages, and put the rest as protectorate, for new nations to rise."

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Yet, when the Greater Nordic Reich tried to contact various individuals to discuss peaceful solutions to many problems, they were shot down. So going by your logic, the Reich was, indeed, correct in it's offensive actions against the Republic of Finland. Indeed, they tried for weeks if not months to negotiate a peace settlement. So therefore, they took it upon themselves to end the issue and solve it how they knew best. Yet, the world's corrupt coalitions including a certain individual, who I will not name, saw it different and used it to forward their own goals. Going by your logic, Imperialist actions are justified, if peace negotiations can't be reached in a specific time frame. How interesting. You just admitted yourself you're nothing but an imperialist warmonger, who believes in imperialistic invasions to further your own goals. How disturbing. I weep for you. - Michael Saviri

Edited by Malatose
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Yet, when the Greater Nordic Reich tried to contact various individuals to discuss peaceful solutions to many problems, they were shot down. So going by your logic, the Reich was, indeed, correct in it's offensive actions against the Republic of Finland. Indeed, they tried for weeks if not months to negotiate a peace settlement. So therefore, they took it upon themselves to end the issue and solve it how they knew best. Yet, the world's corrupt coalitions including a certain individual, who I will not name, saw it different and used it to forward their own goals. Going by your logic, Imperialist actions are justified, if peace negotiations can't be reached in a specific time frame. How interesting. You just admitted yourself you're nothing but an imperialist warmonger, who believes in imperialistic invasions to further your own goals. How disturbing. I weep for you. - Michael Saviri

"You are putting things into my mouth which I have not said.

The government of the Ukraine fell into anarchy, something quite different from refusing to do diplomatic talks.

This alone lets your entire argument fall together like a cardhouse.

I will not comment further, as you evidently do not know what you are actually talking about."

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Criminals? Please tell me the crimes that Nordland committed? After all, from what I can see, they waged one aggressive war against the SlavoRussia, but then again, that corrupt place had it coming in the first place. If anything the coalition that invaded Nordland should be punished. Bombing raids, the death of innocence, et cetera. - Michael Saviri

"The illegal invasion of Lübeck is one of many textbook cases."

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The government of the Ukraine fell into anarchy, something quite different from refusing to do diplomatic talks.

A fact that could easily be manuefactured. If the same had been said about Finland it would have been promptly rejected by the international community. Ultimately neither was any more justified than the other; they were both wars of conquest to acquire desired territory. The only difference was that Slavorussia had the sympathies of the world where as Nordland did not, and the CSSR was less capable at defending itself than Finland.

Edited by iamthey
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"They had no real reason to invade the nation at all, we were peaceful, and causing no trouble to anyone, yet still, they declared war and invaded."

That makes it unjustified (to you), not illegal. As there is no international state no international act can be "illegal". Even voluntary international laws, such as the World Congress, and the Axioms of war are not truly international laws, just rules within a treaty.

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There have been a lot of attempts to justify Slavorussia’s support of the UFE, and it’s imperialist regime, which as usual are not based on the facts. We realize some people still live in a different reality than the rest of the world, so we will have patients with those poor souls. They have the right to say, or believe whatever they want to believe, no matter how wrong they are.

We admit the UFE used us as an unknowing meat shield to gain a foothold in Europe, while RUSSIAN forces beat back Belkan and Nordlandic invaders the Asian powers amassed a grand army off the coast of Northern Africa. They struck through the Meddeteranian, not through Byelorussia or Rossiya proper. So our hands though sullied by blood were only made that way because we have a right to defend ourselves from the western invaders. If there is any blood on our hands it’s because we didn’t do enough to prevent the Nordic and Asian hegemony from ransacking Europe, but when you really think about it, what reason did the west give us to defend them? Constant invasions from central and northern Europe have since Napoleonic wars, to the Great Patriotic Wars, the plight of the Russians was caused by the imperialist west

Furthermore The negotiations with the CSSR were publicized by and monitored by the press, the Ukrainians invited the Dragon Empire to mediate, which they did. If you have any doubts about this feel free to contact the Dragons. Sadly the nation fell upon it’s own weight, but the Ukrainian people, our cousins are resilient and are already back on their feet.

If the blood on our hands is enough to last a lifetime the former and some current leaders in the west have enough blood to last till the end of time.

More to the point, we wish the Eurasian Union more success promoting peace than the CEU had, and we want to stress that we won't let the words of one brainwashed country effect our opinion of the whole organization.

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"The illegal invasion of Lübeck is one of many textbook cases."

"If the Commonwealth annexing a protectorate of yours is 'illegal', then what does that make Bavaria's invasion of Austria and Slovenia? And why do you not argue with them?"

"They had no real reason to invade the nation at all, we were peaceful, and causing no trouble to anyone, yet still, they declared war and invaded."

"They felt that the Hungarians would feel more comfortable next to the Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks than they did a nation ruled from Copenhagen.

Why do we argue about Nordland? The Eurasian Union is not a Nordic union. The membership of Grøenlandia, Drakoria, RA, and The Dominion are enough to prove so. None of them were or are Nordic nations."

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"If the Commonwealth annexing a protectorate of yours is 'illegal', then what does that make Bavaria's invasion of Austria and Slovenia? And why do you not argue with them?"

"They felt that the Hungarians would feel more comfortable next to the Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks than they did a nation ruled from Copenhagen.

Why do we argue about Nordland? The Eurasian Union is not a Nordic union. The membership of Grøenlandia, Drakoria, RA, and The Dominion are enough to prove so. None of them were or are Nordic nations."

"We are, in fact, referring to the invasion by Prussia and their minions all those years ago, which resulted in us being exiled from Europe, not this recent affair."

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"We are, in fact, referring to the invasion by Prussia and their minions all those years ago, which resulted in us being exiled from Europe, not this recent affair."

"I did not study your history extensively, as at the time of my schooling you were a South American nation, out of my interest. Forgive my ignorance on that matter."

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"I did not study your history extensively, as at the time of my schooling you were a South American nation, out of my interest. Forgive my ignorance on that matter."

"I forgive you, the younger generations don't fully comprehend what the almighty Franz Ferdinand had to endure during his time on this earth while leading the nation."

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The Hansa would like to extend its congratulations to the signatories of the Eurasian Union. I am positive that the new nations of Poland-Czechoslovakia, Dalmatia, and Varangia will find much comfort in being allies with venerable nations as Drakoria, Prussia, Gronlandia, and the Rebel Army and for that I would like to raise a glass to toast your new stability in Europe. Though I do hope this doesn't lead to blocing and I would love to see that more nations in both Europe and Asia become included in this Union. However, to Lord Deveraux, I must ask what a South Indian Oceanic nation would have to do with Eurasia. Forgive me, I'm sure you have a history with Europe and why you are leading your services to these new countries. I would just like you hear your own explanation, because if nations like the Dominion can enter in, I think there are many other Eurasian nations that would love to join this alliance for the further stability that Rebel Army can, and will provide for the world.

Cheers Your Excellencies.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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The Hansa would like to extend its congratulations to the signatories of the Eurasian Union. I am positive that the new nations of Poland-Czechoslovakia, Dalmatia, and Varangia will find much comfort in being allies with venerable nations as Drakoria, Gronlandia, and the Rebel Army and for that I would like to raise a glass to toast your new stability in Europe. Though I do hope this doesn't lead to blocing and I would love to see that more nations in both Europe and Asia become included in this Union. However, to Lord Deveraux, I must ask what a South Indian Oceanic nation would have to do with Eurasia. Forgive me, I'm sure you have a history with Europe and why you are leading your services to these new countries. I would just like you hear your own explanation, because if nations like the Dominion can enter in, I think there are many other Eurasian nations that would love to join this alliance for the further stability that Rebel Army can, and will provide for the world.

Cheers Your Excellencies.



/me cries

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