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Official RAD Response

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So you are backtracking and no longer taking responsibility for a RAD government member making an official declaration that gave J8 the idea that he could do what he did?

He's saying that J8 backed into someone's car and thought it was funny. NSO responded by shooting his car windows out and for good measure all the windows in all the cars in the RAD parking lot.

Maybe that's how they roll in the Frostbite 'hood, but the rest of Planet Bob isn't so much impressed.

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I've never seen a Sith laugh unless it was in an evil, sardonic manner. Good luck on finding peace RAD, if the Sith take time out long enough to you know, talk.

Shockingly an arrangement was reached the first night. If you were involved, or, I don't know, had even read around a little before spouting off, you'd be aware that the talking has already occured.

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You can't expect them to be realistic, dude. They see the truth how they want to see it.

And you see it as you see fit to see it. Funny how you expect everyone to see it your way without respecting the fact that others may see it differently.

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And you see it as you see fit to see it. Funny how you expect everyone to see it your way without respecting the fact that others may see it differently.

We expect people to understand that we changed gov a week ago (although the gov topic went without update) and respect the fact that Jason8 is now a member, not Secondhand Smoke.

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We expect people to understand that we changed gov a week ago (although the gov topic went without update) and respect the fact that Jason8 is now a member, not Secondhand Smoke.

You expect quite alot considering there was no announcement for that yet you took the time to make a big announcement that you would be attacking people. You could have announced the leadership changes in that announcement but you didn't.

All I see is expecting a whole lot of understanding but giving no understanding. You are a needy bunch of individuals.

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You expect quite alot considering there was no announcement for that yet you took the time to make a big announcement that you would be attacking people. You could have announced the leadership changes in that announcement but you didn't.

All I see is expecting a whole lot of understanding but giving no understanding. You are a needy bunch of individuals.

If I would've been in RAD more than five minutes before the war I would've helped spread the word :v:

I coincidentally ended up in this !@#$storm because of my poor great timing.

Edited by Rey the Great
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I like the way you started the comment off so i figured id use that opener. You didnt call copyright! :D

For those that say "Look at Ivan, he's so merciful! He's limiting it to one round of war!" Ivan isnt being merciful. lol. Hes being smart. If he took it past 1 round or whatever, he would be dealing with more than he could handle, cuz we wouldnt have allies sit out of the fight


My life's work is so easily stolen!

Also, very true, but I think Frostbite would back him up which would more likely than not make short work of anybody who fought for you guys (no offense, it's just the new super bloc and all)

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If I would've been in RAD more than five minutes before the war I would've helped spread the word :v:

I coincidentally ended up in this !@#$storm because of my poor timing.

Completely understandable Rey. I am not going to say that one side acted perfectly but because I know of the growing tensions atleast on the NSO side that I understand why they did what they did.

Now looking back with hindsight you might understand what you guys could have done to make sure this didn't happen but all of that didn't happen. I understand most of the NSO bashing is not coming from RAD with maybe a few small exceptions and that for the most part this war has been a good thing for RAD in that some nations have stuck around because of it.

I really don't see what the problem is with folks. A week long war with minimal damage that can easily be fixed up, especially considering how stallwartly your allies have voiced their support. So you have a short war with light damage and you gain in the PR department with your allies and alot of the world. NSO gets to show off their policy of one week wars without nukes so that people can see they will get action that wont destroy them when they join NSO and other alliances can see how this type of a war can be fun without destroying everything their member nations have worked on. I really don't see what the big deal is that has people so pissy.

The only thing that keeps me around is that Hakai and some others have stated that your government did bear responsibility but since then have now begun to toss it all back upon J8. Granted I should take everything you guys say with a grain of salt because as you have said, you guys dont really take anything too seriously so obviously that will pertain to the statements you make as well.

Perhaps after this everyone will have a collective facepalm as they realize this was probably a good thing for both alliances involved and that the rest of us are just having a good time shouting at each other over it.

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It's kind of speaking for itself at the moment, it seems. He just pointed it out.

Speaking of speaking for things, would you mind terrible losing about 500 NS? I'm going through my first set of wars and military training and would love to have my nation's first set of wars involve conflicts against persons of note.

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My life's work is so easily stolen!

Also, very true, but I think Frostbite would back him up which would more likely than not make short work of anybody who fought for you guys (no offense, it's just the new super bloc and all)

Whoa...dude, lets not get it twisted. There are blocs that can handle Frostbite. Yeah its the newest of the big blocs but it's definately not the biggest nor have I seen any claims from our leaders that we are.

So either you just dont quite understand the numbers involved or you are attempting to paint Frostbite in a false light, not sure right now which but you are right about this situation turning into a very nasty war should everyone see fit to jump in. It's definately best to just aid the embattled nations afterwards when they rebuild the light damages.

Alot of folks are really making a bigger deal out of it then they should. RAD is holding their own and to say that NSO has a major advantage due to their member count is to completely ignore the fact that nations cannot attack every other nation. One would have to do a much more detailed inquiry into the match up to see if that nation count advantage leads to a major advantage on the battlefield or if the match up is more equalized then people would realize with just a cursory look at nation counts.

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Who appointed you the official voice of the Cyberverse?

A simple observation.

On one side of this issue there is NSO and members of TLC and STA along with a few supporters from other alliances. On other side is most everyone else, who whether they think RAD is a joke or are strong RAD supporters, are a bit disgusted by the whole display. NSO is making a show of not asking for "reps" but instead are beating them out of RAD.

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Whoa...dude, lets not get it twisted. There are blocs that can handle Frostbite. Yeah its the newest of the big blocs but it's definately not the biggest nor have I seen any claims from our leaders that we are.

We're bigger than Jesus!

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A simple observation.

On one side of this issue there is NSO and members of TLC and STA along with a few supporters from other alliances. On other side is most everyone else, who whether they think RAD is a joke or are strong RAD supporters, are a bit disgusted by the whole display. NSO is making a show of not asking for "reps" but instead are beating them out of RAD.

Some damage will be done to both sides, obviously, but it would be ludicrous to claim that what is essentially an isolated skirmish will result in damage comparable to the punitive amounts that are standard for "reparations" these days.

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A simple observation.

On one side of this issue there is NSO and members of TLC and STA along with a few supporters from other alliances. On other side is most everyone else, who whether they think RAD is a joke or are strong RAD supporters, are a bit disgusted by the whole display. NSO is making a show of not asking for "reps" but instead are beating them out of RAD.

Most of the "others" are just being opportunistic. They find Frostbite to be much more powerful thus by connection more of a threat then that of Pink RAD. It is opportunism at its core and yes I know all about that. :P

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Most of the "others" are just being opportunistic. They find Frostbite to be much more powerful thus by connection more of a threat then that of Pink RAD. It is opportunism at its core and yes I know all about that. :P

I'm opportunistic? :lol1: I've been called many things, but never that.

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Whoa...dude, lets not get it twisted. There are blocs that can handle Frostbite. Yeah its the newest of the big blocs but it's definately not the biggest nor have I seen any claims from our leaders that we are.

So either you just dont quite understand the numbers involved or you are attempting to paint Frostbite in a false light, not sure right now which but you are right about this situation turning into a very nasty war should everyone see fit to jump in. It's definately best to just aid the embattled nations afterwards when they rebuild the light damages.

Alot of folks are really making a bigger deal out of it then they should. RAD is holding their own and to say that NSO has a major advantage due to their member count is to completely ignore the fact that nations cannot attack every other nation. One would have to do a much more detailed inquiry into the match up to see if that nation count advantage leads to a major advantage on the battlefield or if the match up is more equalized then people would realize with just a cursory look at nation counts.

I didn't mean by the numbers. Rather by the reputation of the alliances and even more of their leaders. You see if you can find 4 other people with more influence in the world than Ivan, Tyga, AlmightyGrub, and Sponge.

Good luck doing that! ^_^

RAD is holding their own quite well. I just wish that would say what they truly felt, and not what the party line is (if you truly feel what you've said than good, thank you)

I for one realize that this is [ooc]just a game[/ooc] and that war doesn't really matter. I don't like taking the happening of the world too seriously because it really just leads to headaches, and there's no reason that RAD had to be jumped after so little effort to avoid it. If people haven't noticed I and my alliance mate have posted opposite opinions about this on here. We're our own individuals and I'm more than happy to say that we are a clear cut case of ignoring/not having party lines. disagreement among your friends can help to strengthen your bonds. I wish Bob would realize that.

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RAD is holding their own quite well. I just wish that would say what they truly felt, and not what the party line is (if you truly feel what you've said than good, thank you)

Have you missed most of our posts? We realize that, yes, we $%&@ed up, we're sticking by J8, and this war is fun.

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Have you missed most of our posts? We realize that, yes, we $%&@ed up, we're sticking by J8, and this war is fun.


you have missed my posts obviously. I don't actually see how what you quoted me on has anything to do with your response.

I don't even know what else to say cause... I'm supporting you?

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Most of the "others" are just being opportunistic. They find Frostbite to be much more powerful thus by connection more of a threat then that of Pink RAD. It is opportunism at its core and yes I know all about that. :P

Or we think NSO is just being overbearing and we're kinda annoyed by it.

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