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Fascisti march on Rome

Agostinho Neto

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RAI Radio Televisione Italiana - EDIZIONE SPECIALE


Fascist troops march on Rome

ROMA - Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, General Borghese arrived in Rome at 20.30 in the evening, wearing the black shirt of the fascisti, and was received at the railway station with enthusiasm. He drove immediatly to the Quirinal Hill and already proclaimed Rome capital of the Italian Republic.

Accompained by an aide-de-camp and furnished with a pass, a journalist mounted to the first floor where a number of Fascisti officers held guard over the apartment of their chief. Borghese was discussing with Foreign Minister Roberto Ciano and Defense Minister Rodolfo Graziani of the events of the last week.

"The Italian Reunification is a lawful one, since it succeeded without bloodshed in changing the regime and without derangement of the public services of private property" said Borghese.

"We shall be friends to those who treat us as their friends". In reply to questions wether there would be great changes in foreign policy, he replied that he beleived it would be possible to open peaceful relationships even with Euzkadi. He accepted their apologies for the blockade, but never released a statement about that.

He hoped to be able to send Italian workmen to help in the rebuilding of Rome to make it once again the capital of a united Italy. As to internal affairs he would pursue a policy of law and order. It would be enough strictly to enforce those already existing. It would, above everything, be necessary to cut off the superfluous branches of the tree of State.

He hoped that it might be possible later to admit the moderate conservatives into the Government, but that was at present impossible. He concluded his speech announcing that the Republican Military Government would take an oath of allegiance to the new unified Italian Republic this evening. The impression created by Borghese is essentially one of strenght.


The "Quirinal Hill" historically the headquarter of the Italian Head of State

Edited by Junio Borghese
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Italians celebrate Reunification


A huge Italian Tricolour has been displayed on the Colosseum

ROMA - The people of Rome have crowded ont o the streets to welcome the troops of the Italian Republic. Italy is reunificated, Italy is now more than a geographical term.

The first Italian soldiers, reached the centre of Rome in the evening after encountering no resistance from locals and security forces still loyal to the "Imperial" government. This event brings to an end the long hostility between the Republic led by Junio Borghese and the Imperivm Romanvm led by Emperor Constantine Cato.

The occupation was described as "Peaceful and well welcomed by the whole Italian people. Since my appointment as President of the Italian Republic, the supreme goal was to reunificate the peninsula under one, truly Italian government. This is not an invasion, this is not an occupation, this is the reunification of a territory rightfully belonging to the Republic, to the People of Italy, the sons of mars, the sons of the wolf. Shall united Italy last forever, shall we live forever in brotherhood and friendship" said General Junio borghese in a radio broadcast.


In Rome itself, the people have been celebrating. Shops have closed and huge crowds have taken to the streets, cheering, waving and hurling bunches of flowers at the passing army vehicles.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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“A totalitarian regime spreads it’s influence while the world thunderously cheers for them. It’s a sad day in human history.” -Primer Medvedev

OOC: That statement made me think of

. :awesome:

IC: While we all may have had our differences in the past, this is surely a reason for congratulations.

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Despite the close proximity to the Rheinmark, in fact being almost the entire southern border, Kanzler Volker made no definite statement but did respond to the news with this:

"Northern Italy may not have the best track record, but I still hold no definite opinion. The Northern Republic does provide a stabilizing force over an area that would have fallen into anarchy. It is of my opinion that this development should be watched very closely by the Rheinmark and other nations of Europe so that if the situation becomes dangerous, the people can be spared with swift action. However, as long as the people are satisfied, which at the moment they seem to be, they are welcome to accept whatever form of government they will."

Italian provinces South of the Rheinmark did not make statements, but public opinion seems to be on the positive side of neutral. Many common citizens view Italian reunification as a good thing, while they are still unsure about the government's policies.

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Despite the close proximity to the Rheinmark, in fact being almost the entire southern border, Kanzler Volker made no definite statement but did respond to the news with this:

"Northern Italy may not have the best track record, but I still hold no definite opinion. The Northern Republic does provide a stabilizing force over an area that would have fallen into anarchy. It is of my opinion that this development should be watched very closely by the Rheinmark and other nations of Europe so that if the situation becomes dangerous, the people can be spared with swift action. However, as long as the people are satisfied, which at the moment they seem to be, they are welcome to accept whatever form of government they will."

Italian provinces South of the Rheinmark did not make statements, but public opinion seems to be on the positive side of neutral. Many common citizens view Italian reunification as a good thing, while they are still unsure about the government's policies.

The Republican Military Government is pleased to see there are still civilized leaders who are open to discussion and diplomacy. Our goal differs from any other authoritarian state. Italian Fascism has proven itself as the best short and long term solution for anarchy and lawlessness which characterized Italy in the past yeras. We have managed to eliminate these threats trought law methods and sometimes yes, harsh measures. We are fully committed to build a stable, well-mannered, united society on the territory of the Italian Peninsula.

We admit the RMG is not democratic or liberal, discipline and order are our values. When people enjoy too much freedom, someone else's freedom is violated and we cannot accept that, thats why the Republican Military Government was put in charge to monitor the situation and guide our society down the right path. On key values such as human rights, religion and racial discrimination, we have always been committed to defend ethnic and religious minorities from discrimination and abuses. Sometimes hard situations require harsh measures.

Edited by Junio Borghese
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“Buryatia recognizes the government of the Italian Republic and its leader General Borghese as the legitimate government of the now united Italy. We offer our sincerest congratulations on the reunification of Italy. May the future of your nation be bright and may Italy prosper.”- General Zelin

A case of vintage Buryatian wine is sent to Italy.

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"I think what needs to be said here is there are some very conservative societies. Some societies trust and prefer authoritarian power. Only when the people disagree is an authoritarian state not a good thing. Of course, that goes for any government."

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Michael Saviri sat in his office as he saw the news flash on his television screen.

"Heh, that Junio Borghese has outlasted them all. I'm sure father would be happy to see that one continues to forward the legacy of fascism."

Edited by Malatose
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Curristan President Polly Richards said this about the Italian Reunification:

"Even though i have never been a fan of fascism in any of its forms, i think Junio Borghese has acted in the right way in restoring order. I will be soon contacting the Italian leader personally to see what sort of person he is. I think everybody should get a chance whoever they are. My government will recognize the new Italian Government and will be soon having some sort of diplomatic relations with them. I wish to have no animosity."

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