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Ultimatum to the Family

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Ahh so you support this new position that a nation should have more then one official affiliation. I personally do not recognize your affiliation with FAIL because you profit from the protection of the NSO which happens to be an ally of ours. I for one would not offer up my nation in your defense should you become embroiled in this battle because I think having multiple official affiliations is a much worse then to support then this attack upon RV.

I have the common decency not to try and take advantage of the legal quandaries of my situation.

I am a tool, sir, but an honorable tool.

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I do believe that if FAIL was an alliance, they'd have taken it to private channels.

FAIL is an alliance, that you refuse to acknowledge that due to your own draconian narrow-mindedness is really of no relevance, and simply stunning in its display of ignorance.

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FAIL is an alliance, that you refuse to acknowledge that due to your own draconian narrow-mindedness is really of no relevance, and simply stunning in its display of ignorance.

I'll acknowledge them as an alliance when they reach 5 members and actually begin handling their foreign problems the proper way, in private channels, instead of posting an ultimatum to BAWWW every time someone does something they don't like. A tech raid isn't the business of the international community.

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Ask STA and heinousone about condemning an entire alliance over the actions of one. It's routine practice for them, so.. I guess it's become acceptable for everyone else now? But airme did the same to me, so he might be the authority on it, so.. yeah, lemme know what he says to you.

I see he hasn't really answered your question at all.. keep pressing him for more info.

I'd be interested to see an STA announcement stating what you claim here. I can dig up an MA statement along those lines though, if you like.

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I'll acknowledge them as an alliance when they reach 5 members and actually begin handling their foreign problems the proper way, in private channels, instead of posting an ultimatum to BAWWW every time someone does something they don't like. A tech raid isn't the business of the international community.

FAIL does use private channels when it suits them.

See the Sileath situation.

On the other hand, airing a grievance in public tends to work quite effectively for the alliance, so there's no reason why using the same effective tactic should no longer qualify. Moreover, as ive already said, FAIL/RLMMO has more than five members.

So, now that once again FAIL/RLMMO has met your criteria, you fail.

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FAIL does use private channels when it suits them.

See the Sileath situation.

On the other hand, airing a grievance in public tends to work quite effectively for the alliance, so there's no reason why using the same effective tactic should no longer qualify. Moreover, as ive already said, FAIL/RLMMO has more than five members.

So, now that once again FAIL/RLMMO has met your criteria, you fail.

FAIL is the "alliance" in question. As far as I know, RLMMO is a different alliance, and therefore is not counted. On the AA 'Federated Allied Independence League', only two nations stand.

RV should have contacted tF and handled this in private. An ultimatum is not necessary for every single offense.

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FAIL is the "alliance" in question. As far as I know, RLMMO is a different alliance, and therefore is not counted. On the AA 'Federated Allied Independence League', only two nations stand.

RV should have contacted tF and handled this in private. An ultimatum is not necessary for every single offense.

Perhaps RV felt that private channels would get nothing done? Moreover, you are defining an alliance by its in-game AA? I guess you feel that ghosts are legitimate members of alliances, whereas legitimate members who didnt use the proper AA are not.

What foolishness is that.

Moreover; Look at his previous diplomatic efforts with Sparta, they never went anywhere. And Sileath went back on his word, after surrendering. Clearly RV has reason to believe private channels dont work.

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Oh boy, where to begin. I guess I'll go chronological here:

I would hope not. Like I said, all actions have consequences. If their treaty partners retaliate, IF they have any, the Family will have to defend against them, and the attackers will have to defend against tF's allies.
I'm not setting any precedent. IF FAIL calls on its allies to defend her (him? both of them?) and they DO, then the Family has a just cause to respond. If tF calls upon her treaty partners to do likewise then we shall see a similar course of action. Hands up those who remember how to play the alliance politics game on Bob - anyone?

Let me get this straight, if RV/FAIL's treaty partners come to defend RV against an attack by a member of the Family, the Family would bring in its allies to destroy them? Why? This line of thinking basically demands, under the threat of force, that a tech raided target (assuming true for a minute Sorun's backpedaling that it's a tech raid) sit there and take it. They can't defend themselves and if try to by calling up their friends, then the attacker's friends will come and crush them all. Oh, and don't forget that Sorun started the war in the first place! Might makes right indeed.

If you tech raid someone, you've instigated a war of aggression on them. You are the aggressor. The guy you're raiding has every right to defend themselves and call upon his friends if he needs assistance in doing so. If your alliance then comes and backs you up when you're being attacked for your tech raid, which is a war of aggression that YOU started, then your alliance is pathetic.

I don't understand how you don't see that ATTACKING A NATION IN AN ALLIANCE IS A DOW ON THAT ALLIANCE! If I decide to tech raid a member of MHA can I get away with it because it's only a tech raid and I didn't declare war on the alliance?

You can call it whatever you bloody well want, it's still a war of aggression on RV and by extension a DOW on his alliance, whether you recognize his alliance as legitimate or not. And if RV et al start attacking Sorum in his defense, the Family will, from what I'm gathering from this thread, strike them back because "hey, it was just a tech raid". Pathetic.

Which means calling in his allies? Right? And if they do, tF can respond in kind? Are we ... agreeing on something here?

The Family could do that, sure. I suppose they can call in their allies to help support a member that launched a war of aggression on another member and who was counter attacked in defense. But they'd be pathetic if they did.

I'm tired of pointing out that this is a tech raid.

Prove it isn't a tech raid.

It isn't a tech raid because Sorum isn't doing it to actually gain tech. If you want to pretend like anybody is buying your utterly ridiculous spin, then that's your choice but yeah... it's not a tech raid.

Perhaps it could be a tech raid since Sorum expects to profit off of this conflict.

Perhaps it could be a non-tech raid since Rebel Virginia disrespected The Family and needed to be put down.

Regardless, I support my Consigliere fully.

aww, was the Family disrespected? Were your feelings hurt? Do you guys want a blankie?

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Did we ask for your sympathy? Did we make a thread crying about what happened? No, one of our guys took action, and surprise - the rest of us support him.

Right, but if you're attacking because of being disrespected, the least I could offer you would be my sympathy and a few blankets. Being disrespected hurts, you know?

P.S. I'm here for you guys if need a hug too.

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Right, but if you're attacking because of being disrespected, the least I could offer you would be my sympathy and a few blankets. Being disrespected hurts, you know?

P.S. I'm here for you guys if need a hug too.

Being disrespected does indeed hurt.

Thanks Jyrinx. You always need to get what huggles you can get for comfort.

Oh and of course the blankies.

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Being disrespected does indeed hurt.

I get disrespected all the time, but you don't see me attacking people for it.

Also, as further proof that this is not a tech raid, Sorum is not in my range. He is nearly double my strength, meaning that he spent a load of cash in order to increase his strength so that he could damage me more. People who tech raid simply do not do that. There is much more to this.

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I get disrespected all the time, but you don't see me attacking people for it.

Also, as further proof that this is not a tech raid, Sorum is not in my range. He is nearly double my strength, meaning that he spent a load of cash in order to increase his strength so that he could damage me more. People who tech raid simply do not do that. There is much more to this.

Looks like someone else needs a hug and a blankie as well.

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FAIL is the "alliance" in question. As far as I know, RLMMO is a different alliance, and therefore is not counted. On the AA 'Federated Allied Independence League', only two nations stand.

RV should have contacted tF and handled this in private. An ultimatum is not necessary for every single offense.

Seeing as Sorum is basically telling him "Deal with it", I'm not sure what the point of private channels would be in this situation.


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Oh let him speak for himself. This is a serious matter we're discussing. Hugs and blankies. Absolutely irresistible.

I'm not the one whining to the world about how I'm mean to people. I mean, if I threw I little fit (which is exactly what Sorum is doing) every time I got insulted, would people be able to take me seriously? I don't think so.

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I'm not the one whining to the world about how I'm mean to people. I mean, if I threw I little fit (which is exactly what Sorum is doing) every time I got insulted, would people be able to take me seriously? I don't think so.

Don't worry, they don't. For the most part.

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I'm not the one whining to the world about how I'm mean to people. I mean, if I threw I little fit (which is exactly what Sorum is doing) every time I got insulted, would people be able to take me seriously? I don't think so.

I really hope you're being sarcastic.


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I attacked you because I don't like you. Live with it.

God I love this quote. I for one look forward to the "golden age of CN" :rolleyes:

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Well, I have made my counterattacks in case there was any doubt among you that I would follow through with my word. And for the amusement of you all, I present you with Sorum's war chest. A grand total of $128,902. Probably less now considering I took some in my attacks.

But yes, diplomacy is out the window it seems. I tried being reasonable and give the Family room to reconsider, but it seems they really want this.

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