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Alaskan Deployments


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I will state on more time, and one more time only. The Tahoe Republic reserves the right to fish extensively in the Bering Sea. Any attempt to stop that will be considered an act of war. Your historical revisionism is not important. The issue is here and now, not anything in the past. Bringing the past up has no bearing on the state of current affairs, which is the question of whether Procinctia will recongnize Tahoan sovereignty over the islands of the Alaskan Coast.

If they will, then this discussion is over. If not, then there will be consequences.

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In response to recent Alaskan deployments demilitarization isn’t enough.

Having anticipated this escalation I have already taken the liberty of deploying the entire Procinctian military, all serves, on an extended all-financed four-month paid vacation to their choice of foreign luxury hotels and resorts.

Edited by Generalissimo
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I will state on more time, and one more time only. The Tahoe Republic reserves the right to fish extensively in the Bering Sea. Any attempt to stop that will be considered an act of war. Your historical revisionism is not important. The issue is here and now, not anything in the past. Bringing the past up has no bearing on the state of current affairs, which is the question of whether Procinctia will recongnize Tahoan sovereignty over the islands of the Alaskan Coast.

If they will, then this discussion is over. If not, then there will be consequences.

More Out of Character Stuff If Tahoe never roleplayed it, it never happed - simple as that.

OOC: Please pay attention to the bolded line, Mudd.

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I will state on more time, and one more time only. The Tahoe Republic reserves the right to fish extensively in the Bering Sea. Any attempt to stop that will be considered an act of war. Your historical revisionism is not important. The issue is here and now, not anything in the past. Bringing the past up has no bearing on the state of current affairs, which is the question of whether Procinctia will recongnize Tahoan sovereignty over the islands of the Alaskan Coast.

If they will, then this discussion is over. If not, then there will be consequences.

OOC: Dude, you are completely ignoring all past RP...unless you're willing to go out on a limb and state in an OOC manner that what you're saying is merely propaganda.

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In an emergency edict the government of Procinctia is reallocating all government finances.

$7,000,000,000 in accounts held by the Procinctian government are to be immediately redistributed to the 20,000 residents of the Bering Islands; each Bering Island resident is estimated to receive $350,000.

Out of Character: Monetary figures are equivalent to the modern American dollar

Edited by Generalissimo
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OOC: Mudd, stop being a...Ah, I won't say it. Won't help anyways.


"Bavaria hereby announces that it will gladly help Procinctia defend its territory with token forces, if deemed necessary.

We find these acts by Tahoe and Viniland despicable."

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They have an aggresive stance? Who was the first to say they had no right to the islands? Who deployed military first? Who took an aggresive stance?

Yacrania urges the world to shun Tahoe, and if Tahoe threatens Procinta more, then to take a stand. Tahoe is proving that it is they, not Procinta, that is flexing it's muscles to intimidate the other to surrender.

New England urges the world to respect Tahoe's sovereignty and jurisdiction over the islands, which is part of Tahoan Alaska. Tahoe is not 'flexing its muscles to intimidate Procinctia', it is merely defending its lands. That's what nations would do if their sovereignty over any part of their lands were threatened.

OOC: Mudd, stop being a...Ah, I won't say it. Won't help anyways.


"Bavaria hereby announces that it will gladly help Procinctia defend its territory with token forces, if deemed necessary.

We find these acts by Tahoe and Viniland despicable."

How is Tahoe's acts of defending its sovereignty and Viniland's acts of supporting its ally "despicable"?

Edited by JEDCJT
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Due to the increased risk of the possibility of Tahoe aggression (or outright invasion) now might be a great time to take a vacation and spend a few months out of Procinctia.

Have liquidated every stock, bond, commodity, and resource in the government’s possession, the government of Procinctia now able to finance a year’s stay in the foreign luxury hotel or and resort of choice to any Bering Islander (Procinctian otherwise) who is willing to accept.

Starting tomorrow every government agency and service is to be immediately withdrawn – anyone who chooses to stay is on their own.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

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How is Tahoe's acts of defending its sovereignty and Viniland's acts of supporting its ally "despicable"?

"They force their will onto a nation that has no means of defending itself, even when historic records prove without doubt that the islands in question have been Procinctian for ages and no part of Alaska."

Due to the increased risk of the possibility of Tahoe aggression (or outright invasion) now might be a great time to take a vacation and spend a few months out of Procinctia.

Have liquidated every stock, bond, commodity, and resource in the government’s possession, the government of Procinctia now able to finance a year’s stay in the foreign luxury hotel or and resort of choice to any Bering Islander (Procinctian otherwise) who is willing to accept.

Starting tomorrow every government agency and service is to be immediately withdrawn – anyone who chooses to stay is on their own.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

"The government of Procinctia and its people will be welcomes in Bavaria, should they choose to come here."

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I will state on more time, and one more time only. The Tahoe Republic reserves the right to fish extensively in the Bering Sea. Any attempt to stop that will be considered an act of war. Your historical revisionism is not important. The issue is here and now, not anything in the past. Bringing the past up has no bearing on the state of current affairs, which is the question of whether Procinctia will recongnize Tahoan sovereignty over the islands of the Alaskan Coast.

If they will, then this discussion is over. If not, then there will be consequences.

The world already knows your distortion of fact, but you choose not to care.

I would prefer resolve this without slaughter, but Tahoe is not known for mercy.

Procinctia might be willing to acknowledge your de facto control, but will not recognize Tahoe’s domination.

I’ve been here before, the same game with different players. . . I already know how it ends.

Procinctia does not yield, not even in the face of armageddon.

OOC: I hope this isn't you quitting?
Out of Character Response: I’m not giving up, I’m battling unconventionally – the art of fighting without fighting.

Sarah’s attempt to place refugees has only created more refugees :-(

Edited by Generalissimo
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"Quite honestly, as we review the situation, this seems to be a storm in a teacup. We're not even sure anymore what the main issue is here, so we invite both Tahoe and Procinctia to settle the dispute in Anchorage.

Viniland has recalled its troops from the Alaskan coast, but will maintain a force of 2,000 men and women belonging to the East Alaskan militia along the area."

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It seems the issue has gone beyond a minor uninhabited island to Tahoe fishing in an area that represents Procintia's only economic means. Basically out right economic theft due to Tahoe's sudden claim of the Bering sea.

Dranagg was unaware that freshly annexed protectorates gave someone the right to retroactively claim full ownership of masses of water larger than their annexation.

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We are not committing any offensive action against Procinctia and their government playing the victim is only distracting from the real issue: the sovereignty of the islands along the Alaskan Coast, all of which belong to Tahoe with the sole exception of the Aleutian Chain. The despicible acts of cowardice shown by the Procinctian government are nothing more than trying to cover up their illegitimate claims that started this dispute. Their characterization as Tahoe as the agressor here is patently false as we have taken no offensive action against Procinctia and instead are merely sending forces to demonstrate that the people of Alaska will not be oppressed by a foreign power.

As a token of our goodwill, we invite Procinctia to talks hosted by Viniland in Anchorage.

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The World Congress is not an interested party here. Tahoe, Viniland and Procinctia are the local powers and will discuss the issues at hand among themselves without internationalist leaders meddling in American affairs. We will not turn this into a show trial.

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The World Congress is not an interested party here. Tahoe, Viniland and Procinctia are the local powers and will discuss the issues at hand among themselves without internationalist leaders meddling in American affairs. We will not turn this into a show trial.
It concerns our allies and treaty partners, doesn’t it?

Procinctia doesn't deal in the backrooms anymore because we have nothing to hide.

Televising it keeps everyone honest - Procinctia apparently values free press more than Tahoe.

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Generalissimo and his people are welcome at any time within the Aether Empire. It is apparent from these events that while Tahoe may have the bigger army, Generalissimo is the bigger man.

We have a large segment in the north and if need be, the location is certainly large enough for a permanent city for Procintia and we would happily allot it to their usage. Furthermore, if the international community ever finds Proccintia in the wrong as others have noted (even though such things are nonsense) Generalissimo would still be welcome as a new evil villain planning to take over the world. That will probably never happen, but it would be convenient to have the master of the inverse law of conservation of ninjitsu working with Aether to take over the world.

Edited by Zarfef
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Private to Procinctia (or over 103.9 if there are no private channels): As Generalissimo is officially Procinctia's ambassador to Arctica, he could stay in the embassy for free along with anyone he wants to name his embassy staff. The embassy is a small enclave of sovereign Procinctian territory consisting of a large house and backyard, and is inside Arctica's capital.

OOC: Yay, 1,000 posts.

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The Procinctian government and citizens are welcome to take refuge in the Malvinas islands until the issues between Tahoe, Viniland and Procinctia are resolved.

The malvinas are a neutral island but our relgious beliefs push us out to offer our land to those who need refuge or respite from theyre own nations.

However, if the Procintian government is found in the wrong, they will be flown back to their homeland for the continuation of the diplomatic procedings.

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"The hypothetical negotiation in Anchorage could be televised, no problems. Although we'd prefer that only Tahoe and Procintian participated, a wholly neutral party (ergo, not ourselves or the World Congress due to obvious conflict of alignments) would be acceptable to mediate the talks - Viniland would merely provide the grounds and security, which happen to be near the zone of tension."

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