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A PPF declaration of war

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Even when its not funny? :huh:

I find it funny. Obviously I am going to protest when other people are trying to discourage an element of CN life that I enjoy (especially when they do so by branding them a 'laughing stock' for trying to have a bit of fun; ridiculous).

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your uninteresting topic is my interesting topic. we all have different tastes, just because some do not like it does not mean others do not love it.
And normally I would be willing to sit back in apathy and let you enjoy your fun. The fact that Opeithan chose Polar to act as PPF's foil in this little staged incident, however, has made this fairly annoying for me :P
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It is a sad day when the PPF is disrespected as it has been in this thread. Regardless of any humor, sarcasm, or lack of feasible conflict this DoW arouses valid concern over the treatment of small alliances.

God Speed to the Monger of Lulz & the Bill Lock Expert.

o/ Pittsburghistan

o/ PPF ftw!

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The New Polar Order always supported and respectfully treated the PPF, even in a state of war. I, as Regent, even offered to rebuild your nation multiple times. So you repay them by declaring a war-in-name-only against the entire alliance due to a joke OOC thread in which multiple members of Polar gov stated they opposed?

You must be getting bored. Still, this made me sad. RV can do this as he has burned every bridge already. When you do it, it's just sad, as many of us respect you as a normally rational leader. This is very disappointing to me.

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Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organisation of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

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Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organisation of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

NpO didn't get intimidated and said they weren't taking any of OP's !@#$. So OP decided that the whole NpO is guilty then.

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The New Polar Order always supported and respectfully treated the PPF, even in a state of war. I, as Regent, even offered to rebuild your nation multiple times. So you repay them by declaring a war-in-name-only against the entire alliance due to a joke OOC thread in which multiple members of Polar gov stated they opposed?

You must be getting bored. Still, this made me sad. RV can do this as he has burned every bridge already. When you do it, it's just sad, as many of us respect you as a normally rational leader. This is very disappointing to me.

I assure you I have no desire to war with the NpO. My enemy is shahman.

The circumstances are unfortunate.

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Opethian has been doing this much longer then RV, you really shouldn't accuse the original of being a knock off.

PPF has my moral support throughout this conflict!

OOC @ Heinousone; Opethian also posted this in an OOC forum it just happened to get moved here.

It is interesting that you would support a war based on absolutely zero evidence and no casus belli. Such a fine upstanding Jedi you are. Our friends over in brown are surely smiling.

OOC: This is a war declaration, it belongs in an IC forum and its still made on the grounds of taking an OOC statement and trying to turn it IC.

Opethian, a proud lulz merchant since ... for ever (I forgot how his signature put it).

I guess it is time for me to form my own Alliance and so help the Cause in a more effective way.

Please do if you feel it is necessary. Go ahead and join the movement of Anti Casus Belli. There, I just gave you a name for your little movement.

Not even the vaunted hippie shield can save the cowards now!

Sorry, had to get that out of my system. :blush: Anyway, Be it RV, Opethian, whatever, love it all, this stuff is pure humour gold. ;) As Srqt said, everyone's got different tastes, and one man's trash is another man's treasure.

It is not humorous to watch a nation's leader seemingly lose all sense of rational thought. Attacking without a Casus Belli? If that is your brand of humor then perhaps you should join with their little ACB movement.

It is a sad day when the PPF is disrespected as it has been in this thread. Regardless of any humor, sarcasm, or lack of feasible conflict this DoW arouses valid concern over the treatment of small alliances.

God Speed to the Monger of Lulz & the Bill Lock Expert.

o/ Pittsburghistan

o/ PPF ftw!

The PPF is only disrespected due to his irrational behavior. The only harsh treatment being dealt to a small alliance here is that towards a small alliance that declared war upon NpO. If you wish to join in with their little movement to do away with Casus Belli then by all means do so.

Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organisation of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

All these statements about Mr. Shahman but yet you have zero proof. As far as I am concerned this slander of yours is worthy of a CB against you. I will leave that to my Polar brothers though.

I assure you I have no desire to war with the NpO. My enemy is shahman.

The circumstances are unfortunate.

You sling around false slander, you have no proof behind anything you state. You....the leader of the ACB. I do hope you taste ZI for trying to bring the state of the world to such chaos.

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Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organization of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

If Polar is anything like any self respecting alliance, an attack on one of them is an attack on them all. And just so I clarify this point, this isn't a rogue attack but an alliance DoW against a member based on a joke thread which Grub and the other Polar Govt members have already released a statement on.

Also Private Channels for the Win...

/me gets out the :popcorn:

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Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organisation of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

You read the OP correctly, however, a declaration of war on one of us is a declaration of war on all of us.

We're not agreeing with his point of view in any way, but we also recognize his right to an opinion. He is still a member of Polaris and we will defend him if need be.

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Its so refreshing to be in a world where one can state one's opinion without being attacked. However, here on Planet Bob, this appears not to be the case. Wasn't this sort of thing meant to have gone out with the NPO hegemony? Or was I the only one not to have received the memo?

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Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organisation of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

You are mistaken, yes. When you attack one member of an alliance, you attack the alliance as a whole. That is the base function of an alliance, and without it they would have no purpose. Attack one Polar, one Drunk, one Sith, you've attacked them all.

I assure you I have no desire to war with the NpO. My enemy is shahman.

The circumstances are unfortunate.

If you wish to avoid warring with an alliance it's best to avoid declaring war on it. The circumstances are indeed unfortunate, yet they are entirely of your making.

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Dear Mr Interrupt,

I must have misread some thing because I believe the only war that was declared was against the Alliancecide-to-be, mr shahman of Mesopotamia, rather than the whole, and very respectable, organisation of the NpO?

Or am I mistaken in my reading of the OP?

I'd liek to thank you, profusely, for remembering my name starts with a lowercase letter!

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the question that ultimately arises is, does a symbolic dog have a bite? and i think the answer is a couple friendly tech deals and some diplomacy is far more potent then a dog that has been neutered and tamed

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Its so refreshing to be in a world where one can state one's opinion without being attacked. However, here on Planet Bob, this appears not to be the case. Wasn't this sort of thing meant to have gone out with the NPO hegemony? Or was I the only one not to have received the memo?

"I don't like small alliances" is an opinion. "I think we should destroy small alliances" is a threat.

This was the latter.

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I, Rebel Virginia, as God Emperor of the Federated Allied Independence League, hereby declare the alliance's unconditional moral, financial, political, and military for the Prism Protection Front. Additionally, we also now recognize a state of war with the New Polar Order in general and the nation of Mesopotamia in particular. Thank you. That will be all.

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"I think we should destroy small alliances" is an opinion. "I am going to destroy small alliances" is a threat.

what he actually said was.

We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

That sounds more like a plan he was trying to garner support for, which PPF saw as a threat to its sovereignty.

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you sir know absolutely nothing about me so your accusing me of posturing is like me giving you a lecture on quantum physics

and yes this entire thread has been done .... much better by rv we don't need 5 or more "posers" making copies every time they think they can get away with it

your absolutely right i would under most circumstances ignored this pathetic attempted at imitating RV

however it seems that these amateur topics are on the rise and so i put forth my distaste

Do you have any idea who Opethian is? Believe me, he's no poser. He was doing it before me actually, back when I was in the NPO doing my thing there, Opethian was leading the sharks. Just because you don't hear much from him doesn't mean he's not there.

You know, I miss the good old days. When people had respect for the PPF. Now a day's y'all just take yourselves way too seriously. Someone doesn't do things your way, you'll cry bloody murder and demand their heads. Ridiculous really.

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