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How much of your RL persona makes up your CN character?


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In real life I'm an average suburban white kid with a few social issues. I prefer the back of the class room because I usually poop myself whenever a girl talks to me. I like to revel in the fact that I have a slightly higher than normal IQ and my ability to eloquently word my opinions and express them totally makes up for the fact that I don't really stand out in anything. I am pretty much a wall flower virgin with nothing in particular going on in life at the moment. I play this game with no pants on and I wear a death metal band T-shirt with dress socks when it gets a little cold. I like to puff up my chest on the internet because it's one of the few chances I get to voice my teenage rebellion and angst without getting smacked by someone bigger than me. Or getting grounded from using the internet by my parents. I enjoy my escape from the cold harsh reality that I am just a small blade of grass in the huge forest and I don't really contribute much to the world. Here in CN I am the center of an entire nation who's very existence relies on how much e-peen I can shove in someone's face or how witty I can mix up some numbers and push some buttons....

This is my reality ... I am not alone ...

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In real life I'm an average suburban white kid with a few social issues. I prefer the back of the class room because I usually poop myself whenever a girl talks to me. I like to revel in the fact that I have a slightly higher than normal IQ and my ability to eloquently word my opinions and express them totally makes up for the fact that I don't really stand out in anything. I am pretty much a wall flower virgin with nothing in particular going on in life at the moment. I play this game with no pants on and I wear a death metal band T-shirt with dress socks when it gets a little cold. I like to puff up my chest on the internet because it's one of the few chances I get to voice my teenage rebellion and angst without getting smacked by someone bigger than me. Or getting grounded from using the internet by my parents. I enjoy my escape from the cold harsh reality that I am just a small blade of grass in the huge forest and I don't really contribute much to the world. Here in CN I am the center of an entire nation who's very existence relies on how much e-peen I can shove in someone's face or how witty I can mix up some numbers and push some buttons....

This is my reality ... I am not alone ...

:wub: that was beautiful

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I've got a RP reputation, but a lot of my IC and OOC characteristics are crossovers.

My nation is Schloss Eggenberg. Schloss Eggenberg is a brewery in Austria that produces my favorite beer IRL. (http://www.schloss-eggenberg.at/en/index.html).

My rulername is Schattenmann. My RL nickname among some people is Shadowman, so when I made a german nation, I just germanized my nickname.

My RP tends to basically be a CyberNations-izing of my RL persona. Schattenmann is sarcastic and caustic because I'm sarcastic and caustic. Schattenmann is basically the Shadowman persona that is the DOS that my Windows 3.x is running on top of, if that makes sense. I live in my head and all that is Shadowman while what makes it out of my mouth in real life is filtered and refined. I don't give a damn about any of you, so you get the full Shadowman. Vengeful, sarcastic, manipulative, vainglorious.

Schattenmann lives in a small castle on top of a secluded mountain overlooking a pass; is near-omniscient; and impossibly ancient because when no one is looking I am brooding and dark and dig into the knowledge that people hide.

In terms of posting, when I'm just reading a thread and replying I'm don't bother with getting into "RP." When I am writing an OP I put a lot of work into it. I write a draft, I proofread it, I may send a copy to a friend for feedback. But my attitude is consistent across both situations.

I'm psychotic.

Edited by Schattenmann
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In real life I'm an average suburban white kid with a few social issues. I prefer the back of the class room because I usually poop myself whenever a girl talks to me. I like to revel in the fact that I have a slightly higher than normal IQ and my ability to eloquently word my opinions and express them totally makes up for the fact that I don't really stand out in anything. I am pretty much a wall flower virgin with nothing in particular going on in life at the moment. I play this game with no pants on and I wear a death metal band T-shirt with dress socks when it gets a little cold. I like to puff up my chest on the internet because it's one of the few chances I get to voice my teenage rebellion and angst without getting smacked by someone bigger than me. Or getting grounded from using the internet by my parents. I enjoy my escape from the cold harsh reality that I am just a small blade of grass in the huge forest and I don't really contribute much to the world. Here in CN I am the center of an entire nation who's very existence relies on how much e-peen I can shove in someone's face or how witty I can mix up some numbers and push some buttons....

This is my reality ... I am not alone ...

I'm sorry but I have to LOL one this one. I LOLed when you said you pooped yourself whenever a girl talks to ya. lolol that was also a little to much info there too..... :mellow:

Edited by Ivan III
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To be honest, I think if you know me here on CN/IRC, you've got me down in RL about 90%. The same goes for my political views, morality, and friendship - to clarify. You'll also find that how I act on the CN political scene is pretty much identical to how I would act if it were something more serious in RL. I think I'm proud of that too.... :D

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I am a different person outside of CN. Well sorta, I started as a different person but as embarrassing as it may seem I became part of my CN character in RL. I took some of things about my in game persona and applied it to life unintentionally. I guess people tend to create and play as characters that they would like to be in real life but they feel they can't in real life. The one thing I noticed about myself was that I wasn't so shy anymore and that I put up with a lot less crap from people. I find it funny when my RL friends call me Lefty because of CN.

@GearHead: lol your name where I live is what we call someone who does a lot of Coke.

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Actually to spur a bit off topic I would say I've learned some thing that I once didn't believe which is sticking by those that you can consider to be your true friends.

But I think my IC persona is totally align with my OOC persona when it comes to the game itself. My spiel is that I'm the worst player in CN trying to grind my way to the top, and I had sort of picked up that mentality the second semester of my college experience. Which is why Aaron Rowand has been all my avatars with CN related things since I made this nation. He's basically the sole grinder because he was so bad in center field by playing out of position that he had to make a lot of diving/jumping catches. It is rumored that he has the fire and the passion, heavy emphasis on passion, to be so grindy that he can be the top baseball player in major league baseball.

However, that is strictly in game so I don't know how well that could be included in the role-playing aspect of alliance politics unless I started out being a newb and then eventually became smarter. That IC persona would have probably annoyed people on the forums so I take the forums as a different IC approach more so then the game so that I wouldn't entirely annoy users.

Edited by Fireandthepassion
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