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Moon Hotspot


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On 1/1/2022 at 12:56 PM, Wilcroft said:

January 2022 (Happy New Year!):


Moon Lat Moon Lon Probability
-70.99999999 67 98.61144% +++
-70.99999999 66 1.38856%


URL segment: &lat=-70.99999999&lon=67

Confirmed 100%.  Happy New Year!

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  • 5 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Lollerobot said:

The 100% is &lat=82&lon=32, rip my moon base.

If it makes you feel any better, when I was trying to determine the Mars coordinates this month I had a ~50%, ~40%, and ~10% as my three options (before making any moves) - I'll let you guess which one it turned out to be ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Updated for March 2022:

Moon & Mars Hotspot Finder


Note this is the exact same link as last time, so if you're using the spreadsheet directly (i.e. you didn't make a copy), it's already updated. If you're using a copy, click the link above and make a copy so you're using the updated version.


It's been a while! 22 months since the last update, 22 new months of data, 13 brand new locations which were never observed before, 1 mars longitude anomaly.


The number of possible hotspots has been reduced from 1252 to 1218 thanks to the new data.


Probabilities have been updated based on the new data.



On 2/2/2022 at 5:57 PM, Wilcroft said:

If it makes you feel any better, when I was trying to determine the Mars coordinates this month I had a ~50%, ~40%, and ~10% as my three options (before making any moves) - I'll let you guess which one it turned out to be ;)


If it makes you feel even better, it's low probability points like this that eliminate possible hotspots. It was this exact month's hotspots (Feb 2022) that are responsible for reducing the number of possible hotspots to 1218. So while those low probability points may suck short term, they are helping long term, by narrowing down the search in future months.

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5 hours ago, Wilcroft said:

Thanks Luna!

April 2022 location (from Mars):

Moon Lat Moon Lon Probability Observed In
-74 61 91.88877% 12/2018
-73 61 6.01895%  
-73 62 2.09228%  


URL segment: &lat=-74&lon=61


Thank you Luna, and well done Wilcroft. Confirmed.

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  • 1 month later...
Moon Lat Moon Lon Probability
-53 104 88.05791%
-53 105 11.94209%
-54 104 0.00000%


added the confirmed mars location to narrow thing down.





Edited by AgentMK
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  • 4 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Wilcroft said:

June 2022 Moon options (from Mars location):


Moon Lat Moon Lon Probability
58 -18 73.66394%
59 -17 17.17201%
59 -18 9.16379%
58 -17 0.00026%


Confirmed 100% at &lat=58&lon=-18

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  • 5 weeks later...

July 2022:


Moon Lat Moon Lon Probability Observed In
19 -101 97.89824% 08/2014
20 -100 1.32604%  
19 -100 0.76624%  
20 -101 0.00948%  


First option lines up with the Mars location (based on past observation)


URL Segment: &lat=19&lon=-101

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