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Sargun II

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"In effect. I haven't heard it specified so thoroughly, but it is the antithesis of creation. The primordial universe was completely suffuse with Darkness, as there was nothing. And, in the end it will return to the Dark once Entropy finishes off everything."

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"Further answers will not be supplied unless you wish to engage me. You already know enough."

"The same to you. Further answers will not be supplied."

With this, Doom turned and accelerated towards the city, using the immensely energy-consuming gravity-manipulating drive of his.

Still feeling a twinge that could be called curiosity, and not seeing any rational way he could help any of the inhabitants of the city, he resumed following, uncaring of the debris, and simply shifting anything he could not immediately walk over.

When he heard the voice of the Dark being, he remained out of sight around one corner of the still-standing building, but within hearing distance to his own enhanced senses.

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"In effect. I haven't heard it specified so thoroughly, but it is the antithesis of creation. The primordial universe was completely suffuse with Darkness, as there was nothing. And, in the end it will return to the Dark once Entropy finishes off everything."

"The only thing remaining will be radiation. Only matter decays over time, radiation, however, does not.

Thus, there will be no absolute and perfect nothingness in the universe, because there will always be radiation of various kinds. In...effect, the Big Bang could be explained rather easily through this. Darkness seeks to consume the Universe, but is incapable of stopping radiation from existing. Thus, it moves to "pile"all radiation into an as small as possible spot, concentrating immense powers in something that could possibly be smaller than my fingernail. This, in turn triggers the Big Bang and boom, you've got a reality again.

To balance things out, the "Period of Darkness", in which the radiation is 'gathered', would likely last as long as it would take all matter and even black holes to decay.

The theory of creation, in a completely new light. Interesting."

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Kevin blinked. The robot was obviously far more creative than any terrestrial version. "In effect, yes. It's a cycle that has repeated forever as far as I know. Unfortunately the forces of both Light and Darkness never seek to end the battle, preferring to joust and spar for all eternity. I'm your designated Denizen of Darkness."

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Kevin blinked. The robot was obviously far more creative than any terrestrial version. "In effect, yes. It's a cycle that has repeated forever as far as I know. Unfortunately the forces of both Light and Darkness never seek to end the battle, preferring to joust and spar for all eternity. I'm your designated Denizen of Darkness."

"It appears that you are suprised by the amount of creativity displayed by me.

Let it be known that I am not constructed by any terran entity, with technological capabilities that would make any country green with envy. As example, my method of propulsion is the direct manipulation of gravity itself.

One wonders why Light and Dark never work together. They could create a paradise if they just wanted, but as it seems, both forces merely seek to destroy the other, one way or another. However, there apparently is no 'state' between them...Such as liquid being between gaseous and solid. However, research into this could potentially prove to be incredibly advantageous, especially if both representatives of Light and Dark are analyzed and researched.

Could you perchance tell me who the token champion of Light is?"

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"I am not one to be your guinea pig. And I rather doubt that Miss Tintagyl will care to be experimented on either." Kevin began to grow wary of the robot; research on his form was not something he looked forward to, especially if someone attempted to force his hand.

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Gundran hears a thundering sound and looks up, seeing the mountain turn into a volcano. Grabbing his "keys", he activates the bike and makes it hover towards him. Unsuccessful with the laptop, he stuffs it in his infinity backsack and jumps in his hoverbike.

The he sees Maelstrom. Gundran falls off the bike in sudden fright as it sped towards his location.

Gundran gets back up and sees the "Dragon" speaks with two other figures. He waits and watches, listening to the conversation while scanning them. After they leave, he gets back on his bike and rides it back to the dropship.

* * * * * * * *

Pete also saw and felt the new-volcanothunder and shake. "All troops, return to ship immedietly!" Commanded Pete via commlink. The systems reactivated, solar panels retracked, the engines reactivated, and the troops rushed back. The ramp retracted once the men were on-board, leaving Gundran outside...

* * * * * * * *

When the greyfist was cut in two, the remaing proportion slammed into the Starfleet vessel; but moments before the collision , Commander Vargi escaped into a telewarp escape capsule. But in mid-warp the capsule caught onto the telewarp "stream" from the front half of the Grey Fist, sending it to Earth as well...

"What the hell is going on? Thought Vargi. Outside, just like the Grey Fist's front half crew saw, he saw several galaxies "fly" on by and slowed down at Earth's galaxy.. Then he appeared above Earth's atmosphere, attempting to triangulate his location, drifiting in orbit.

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"I am not one to be your guinea pig. And I rather doubt that Miss Tintagyl will care to be experimented on either." Kevin began to grow wary of the robot; research on his form was not something he looked forward to, especially if someone attempted to force his hand.

"Ah, Sarah Tintagyl is the chose of Light? Thank you for that bit of information.

Regarding the research...It will not actually require you to do anything but, well, 'give' me part of this darkness. Somehow.

Perhaps we can trap it in a jar?"

Edited by Lynneth
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"Darkness is almost bestial in its' natural form; it seeks to consume people and replicate within. I am an exception for some reason, which is why I'm chosen as the Avatar of Darkness." Kevin snapped his fingers and a murky puddle of darkness appeared in front of him. Out of this rose a Neoshadow, which looked at him with what would be construed in any other form of life as puppy eyes.

"This is the ultimate fate of meddlers in Darkness; their bodies and souls consumed and reborn as denizens of the dark realm. I would seriously advise against any tests on Darkness. Some things are better left untouched."

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Smoke from the devastating eruption filling up in the atmosphere.

As the massive volcano erupted, plumes of smoke miles high filled the air above it, spewing more into the atmosphere than humanity has ever done. Smoke and ash and rock and lava filled the atmosphere and slowly spread across the Earth. As the hours go by, the entire earth dims a little, blocking out sunlight as the dusk takes on an unearthly reddish glow. Solar panels across the world start to receive diminished signals, and satellite communications are blocked out in several areas. The temperature drops by an entire three degrees celsius within the coming days.


Massive amounts of pyroclastic flow prepare to descend on the countryside outside of Hong Kong. The entire city was destroyed in the eruption almost instantly.

Pyroclastic flow spread north, south, east and west. Across the ocean, the pyroclastic flow floated over superheated steam. It would eventually land on Taiwan, in the Phillipines and even in Indochina. Millions would die as the superheated volcanic material hundreds of meters high destroyed entire cities, islands and towns. Many people were boiled alive by the sheer heat as it passed over their boats: one particularly unlucky tanker had its inhabitants turned directly into carbon. Dozens of millions of people living on the chinese countryside lose their hearing in the explosion, and the force of the eruption causes earthquakes registered on a 7.4 scale for thousands of miles in every direction. An earthquake in Italy registers on an 8.2.


Small tsunami wave before a wave three times as high hitting the West Coast of North America.

Small tsunamis immediately formed across the Pacific ocean, hitting the entire west coast of North America. Entire cities were knocked out by the small waves, which were soon followed by a large wave over five hundred feet in height. Hundreds of millions are killed.


Small tsunami wave before a wave three times as high hitting the shores of a small pacific island.

Small Pacific islands are entirely wiped out by the massive tsunamis.

Edited by Sargun
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(OOC: One Martens Sized God Mod, COMING UP! j/k Martens, I <3 you)

Katrina holds Kane by the arm as they fly away from Hong Kong. They Laugh as reports of Temple Prime being Destroyed come in and Hong Kong and the world are being torn apart.

"One Vision, One Purpose" They say in unison as they fly off in search of N17.

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"Perhaps.. N-17 serves me in a way I have yet to understand. With humanity diminishing due to his malign ways, my influence grows. My systems can restore themselves.. expand.. even into the soils and materials of the earth itself. The less they are.. the more we become..." Deep in his mind something whispers...

The time approaches... the sun turns to sackcloth.. the moon to blood.. watch the ash...

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The shockwave of the exploding supervolcano slammed the fist off course, and it impacted the ground a couple of yards away from N-17. The pyroclastic flow was giving it more trouble though, as it brought down visibility to near zero, and whatever tracking ability it seemed to have did not seem to apply on robots. It started feeling on the ground for the large robot, trying to find it so its vengeance could be enacted.

Though the heat was starting to affect the mass of clouds it was created from, the influx of new souls from the dead of the eruption managed to counter it effectively as it gained enough power to form a protective aura around itself. Furthermore, its rage was fueled by this destruction and it roared in a massive throatless voice that was low enough to make the ground rumble before redoubling its efforts.

Valdis on the other hand was doing less well. Though she had assumed a larger safety buffer after the supervolcano started smoking, and had managed to avoid the pyroclastic cloud, she ended up getting caught in a spray of rock at the edge of a pyroclastic surge, sending several shards of rock through her small form. She coughed, spitting up blood as she tried to reform her right lung, and as the cloud golem screamed in rage and agony she focused her attention back to the ground, trying to catch a glimpse of N-17 as well in the broiling mass below.

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"Darkness is almost bestial in its' natural form; it seeks to consume people and replicate within. I am an exception for some reason, which is why I'm chosen as the Avatar of Darkness." Kevin snapped his fingers and a murky puddle of darkness appeared in front of him. Out of this rose a Neoshadow, which looked at him with what would be construed in any other form of life as puppy eyes.

"This is the ultimate fate of meddlers in Darkness; their bodies and souls consumed and reborn as denizens of the dark realm. I would seriously advise against any tests on Darkness. Some things are better left untouched."

"I have no soul that can be consumed, no real body that can be taken. It cannot harm me."

-Impossible snip-

As the pyroclastic cloud closed in, Doom created several gravitational fields around him, ensuring that the cloud would pass by him. However, the heat would still reach him, something that was suboptimal.

He made his way upwards, above the hundreds of kelvin hot clouds to avoid them.

"Looks like someone made some good fireworks.."

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: This goes to show you...you make one rule..."don't blow up the world"...and its tested in the second week. Good grief.

OOC: Yeah, Sargun was a bit overzealous here.

Especially if we consider that the tsunami would have never reached the americas due to loads of islands.

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The radio crackled with chaos, but Generalissimo dispassionately sat on the rooftop of the same now shattered small office building scrutinizing the destruction, it was everything he anticipated.

N-17, however, made one crucial mistake. It was still standing in the middle of what was once Hong Kong, as if waiting for someone to challenge it.

Generalissimo leisurely repelled down the side of the building and upon reaching what would have been street level began walking calmly towards the devastation's perpetrator, mere volcanic material and effects wouldn’t slow him down.

The Grey Fist detonated . . . From both the space ship's destructive shockwave and N-17's superweapon the city of Hong Kong was destroyed, suprisingly without casualties from Generalissimo's soilders (other than a cut from some flying glass on one man's pinky). . .
Admit the carnage and ruin a Procinctian Lieutenant wondered why his unit wasn’t caught in the pyroclastic cloud, pyroclastic surge, earthquake, pillar of light, impact from an object from space, or sheer volcanic mass. . . there’s no way they should have survived it.

By all accounts this should have been unsurvivable.

Radioing Generalissimo would only mean another suicidal charge at the machine, Hong Kong was lost, it was time to escape while they still could.

All surviving units fall back, it’s time to leave.
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Molakian Red Zone

Kotka, Molakia

The few surviving people in Kotka Air Force Base can only watch and wait. With a super volcano going off, they can only pray that they have enough fuel, snowblowers and vodka to survive the coming Winter...

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Gundran saw the destruction, and looked through his magnetic binoculars at his dropship. Damn you Pete! He saw the doors closing, and he wouldn't make it in time. He needed somewhere to hide.

He sees the unaffected shadow building , and decided it was his best chance of survival. Its an alien planet, but primitive. How bad can it be?

* * * * * * * * * *

Vargi's only success was finding the lone dropship near a now-exploding volcano. He would die if he went into there to find them, so he moved in orbit above "Volcano Hong Kong" in hope the dropship will escape and pick him up.

His sensors found a large object nearby; his scans found the planet primitive, so he was suprised there was this massive object. He guessed it was a destroyed dropship, going closer to investigate.

* * * * * * * * * *

The dropship finished retracting itself, begining its launch sequence. ITs engines howled and glowed a bright white glow. Then the ship lifted off, at first hovering and wreaking the ground below it but soon lifting off with massive thrust. It would be another thirty seconds untill it reached space, thundering through the ash...

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OOC: This goes to show you...you make one rule..."don't blow up the world"...and its tested in the second week. Good grief.

OOC: I'm not blowing up the world. :wub: I even told you ahead of time what I'd do.

OOC: Yeah, Sargun was a bit overzealous here.

Especially if we consider that the tsunami would have never reached the americas due to loads of islands.

OOC: The Krakatoa eruption caused large waves in the English Channel. :v:

edit: by the way, N-17 left. I'm getting a bit tired of ten people trying to kill him at once, he's going to be defeated soon anyway

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OOC: The Krakatoa eruption caused large waves in the English Channel. :v:

edit: by the way, N-17 left. I'm getting a bit tired of ten people trying to kill him at once, he's going to be defeated soon anyway

OOC: Small waves.

>>Smaller waves were recorded on tidal gauges as far away as the English Channel.[8] These occurred too soon to be remnants of the initial tsunamis, and may have been caused by concussive air waves from the eruption. These air waves circled the globe several times and were still detectable using barographs five days later.<<

Also, Supervolcanos are overkill.

>>Although there are only a handful of supervolcanoes, super volcanic eruptions typically cover huge areas with lava and volcanic ash and cause a long-lasting change to weather (such as the triggering of a small ice age) sufficient to threaten the extinction of species.<<

Such as mankind.

Fun Fact: The Krakatoa was much smaller than the explosion of a supervolcano would be, on the order of one to two magnitudes. Which means it ejected ten to a hundred times less material.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supervolcano <- Go read up properly on them !@#$%*es, Sargun. Any supervolcanic eruption is pure overkill for earth's life in the long run.

La Garita was the most powerful supervolcano ever, approximately 10^5 or 100,000 times stronger than the explosion of the Tsar Bomba. These things are insane.

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The fury of a thousand suns, Sargun.


Dr. Doom decided that whatever had caused a completely insane and impossible eruption of a supervolcano where no caldera had been recorded ever before, it probably was capable of more than that.

He returned to his shuttle - which, by a stroke of luck, had survived the eruiption somehow - and made his way to return to the moon. Once it left the upper atmosphere, the information he had gathered was transmitted.

Leclerc was completely flabbergasted when he heard about the eruption and came oh so very close to just saying '$%&@ this planet' and plan to leave for Alpha Centauri.

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