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What are players looking for in an alliance?

Captain B Bear

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How is this for a recruitment mesage?

I am Captain B. Bear, and I have started a new alliance in Cyber Nations, Hellcats.

My goal is to put together a group of people who want to grow and develop strong nations, and work in the realm of Tech Deals. I have found that developing nations that get into tech deals advance faster than just purchasing small amounts of Infra at a time or switching back forth between improvements.

The average Tech deal goes 100 tech for 3 Million. The individuals selling the Tech usually profit around 1.3mill.-1.8mill.

Now the Tech Deal aspect is just one area that this alliance functions in, The Other areas are developing a Strong Military force that can protect the Members of the alliance, and the last aspect is to establish Bank Nations to provide Financial assistance growth funds.

The Hellcats have a standing monthly stimulus program for all nations under 10,000NS; this package is 3mill and is sent on the first of each month.

It is my goal to gather together those who would like to be apart of an alliance that will help them grow and establish themselves in CN

Thank you

Captain B. Bear

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Good for a draft, I would recommend that you try to not make it sound like all the other messages going around. Add some originality, don't go overboard though and don't do the yo and shiz and stuff... thats a downturn for many in my opinion... (you didn't do it, i am just stating to not do it when making your post original and a bit less like everyone else.)

Edited by Farore
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Your message is a good start however it needs to be made different! I'm sure the people who are in no alliance get 20+ of those messages so it needs to be developed into offering something else. If anything you go into too much detail about tech deals to people who don't actually know what they are! Also, where is the forum link??

Also, put a space between paragraphs. The aesthetics of a message may improve it's chances of success.

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A friendly community, high forum activity, leaders who are decent people and willing to listen to the ideas and opinions of members, a history of honouring agreements and MDPs.

And who play the game to enjoy it rather than 'win' it.

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What I looked for in an alliance and found in the New Polar Order.



Very good things for the average player obviously but not really working that well for me personally.

1-3: I really do not care about those things.

4: nice, of course.

5: well... OK then, some times.

6: the one thing that counts for me.

7: oh god, those things would just make me sick.

8: good.

9: meh; since I lost my old pass words I have been too lazy to sign up again for the old forums that I used to be in, and I have never been that much of a forum person any way, so not really important to me.

10: not so stable it sucks all the fun out I hope :P

I am happy that you find all these things and like your home, but for me the most (almost only) important things are fun and interesting people :) Plus Black Team of course.

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I think the biggest thing is to define your own alliance and not just a theme, which is nice and will help set your alliance apart from others. You, or whoever is running an alliance, needs to have a very clear view of just what is the ultimate goal of your alliance, the reason for it's existence. It can be as simple as "we want to exist in peace and grow," "we want to get strong and get into war," all the way to "we want to be a halfway house for the CN old farts to take a break from politics for a while." It doesn't really matter what an alliance sets as it's ultimate objective, just as long as it has one that's clearly defined and understandable. Assuming you've got that, the next thing is come up with all the different things (official policy, aid programs, etc,) to start working toward that goal.

Really and truthfully, at the end of the day you don't really want to have everyone and their brother in your alliance. What you really want is to find people that want to do the same things you want to do and bring them on board. Recruitment PM's mostly look all the same with different names attached. If you want to get noticed and get the kind of members you really want you gotta catch their eye. When I started playing the PM's I paid attention to were the ones that clearly told me who they were, what they existed for, and what I could offer to them as well as what they could offer to me.

Short version: Decide who you are and tailor your recruiting PM's to tell people that.

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It seems the answer is growth funds. My alliance DoE'd July 17th and sent out hundreds of recruitment messages without any response.

In deals that I have put together, it has allowed me to have funds flowing into my nation. I thought well...why not ask my deal partners to aid new recruits? Sacrifice my growth in order to get some recruits.

So, I began including aid in my recruitment messages. Not just joining aid, but aid to help their nation grow to 3,999.99 infra which is the recommended turning point from tech seller to tech buyer. That level will also soon with enough tech get level 9 aircraft, nukes, and enough daily surplus to begin buying wonders.

The response still hasn't seen a flood of new recruits, but we have gained 2 and received responses which before we got none. The responses from people interested is that it sounds awesome, but they wonder if we can actually deliver on the steady flow of aid with our small alliance. The answer is yes, but how do I get them past the just looking at us phase and get them in?

The priority of my alliance is recruitment, but also right even with that is to get 5 nations at 3,999.99 infra with all open aid slots to do 3 cycles of aid. 5 nations flowing aid to one at $3million per cycle, 3 cycles...$45million to aid a new member...that gets them close enough to 3,999.99 plus their nation will be making more money so they should be able to get there. Going from 0 infra to 3,999.99 infra according to the calculator costs around $88mil with the right resources, 5 factories, and an initial infra cost reducing government. So, the program I am implementing in my alliance is doable.

Only thing is, how do you convince people to believe it?

Captain B Bear, does your alliance have an IRC Channel?

Edited by Fernando12
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We do have an IRC channel, its #hellcats

but I hardly use it since I'm not on IRC much.

Thanks to everyone who has given their input. Its really helpful and is giving me some good ideas to help my alliance move forward.

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