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What are players looking for in an alliance?

Captain B Bear

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What I am seeking is the answer to this question, What are players looking for in an alliance?

I have founded an alliance and I want to know what other players are looing for, what will draw them to an alliance?

Sending out recruitment messages gets some responses, some good, some bad, but it also has alot that get ignored, is there anything that can help improve the response?

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A friendly community and an alliance that seems to go in the same direction as my beliefs. Those two things will usually get me interested in an alliance. That's mostly all, I want to join an alliance that will make this game fun, I want active forums and I want people to talk with about stuff while being protected and knowing that the alliance I am in is in a way compatible with my beliefs. There isn't much else that can gain my attention, aid packages are not exactly my type.

Edited by Farore
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Actually for activity, many forums give you the stats on how many post are made a day and stuff but quite frankly who would take the time to put that in their recruitment message? I doubt it would make more people join since many alliances have alot of spam sections that are active.

Edited by Farore
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Actually for activity, many forums give you the stats on how many post are made a day and stuff but quite frankly who would take the time to put that in their recruitment message? I doubt it would make more people join since many alliances have alot of spam sections that are active.
We have an activity meter, but it's not something you'd want to put in a message if you actually plan on recruiting someone. If you know what I mean. -_-
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No, but in this case it is the larger nations threatening permanent war on the smaller nation. Your example is flawed.

By the way, thank you for the compliment.

yeah totally ^_^ like i stated, i doubt it would first of all interest that many people to know those kind of stats. Many new nations are more interested in aid packages since they are starting and want to grow their nations.

Edited by Farore
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My alliance has an aid package, and I have posted that on the forum here and in recruitment messages. not much luck.

not much luck here. need some recruits also. i have got nice forums with everything set up, just need members and government to run the joint.

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What I looked for in an alliance and found in the New Polar Order.

1: Economic Strength

If I want to grow to be a economically strong nation it is logical to ask for the advice of a nation with a strong economy.

2: Startup aid programs

To help me grow past the difficult start-up steps and get me on the way to buying wonders.

3: Advancement opportunities within the alliance

I have no wish to be a nameless unappreciated serf, I want to develop my skills and take part in all the aspects of the game.

4: A solid knowledge base

A wide selection of expertly written guides is always a large advantage and will accelerate the development of newer players.

5: Protection from rogues

This is pretty much a given for any established alliance.

6: A nice community of pleasant people

Why hang out with people you can't stand?

7: Events

Fancy avatar dress parties, Seasonal forum themes, Games & Compertitions as well as other things add to the CN experience and take it to a whole new level. It need not be mindless collect taxes, pay bills, buy stuff, with a good alliance CN can really come alive.

8: Solid organization

A well organized alliance is a successful alliance.

9: Well made forums

I like to see something more than a simple free forum with no decorations, a well made forum adds a touch of professionalism that inspires confidence.

10: Political stability

Political stability is a must have, an unstable alliance is an alliance that is marching towards its doom.

I have found all these things and more in the New Polar Order and I consider them to be essentials for a person looking for an alliance.

I wish you the best of luck with your new alliance.

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New players? Easy sign up and a theme that isn't lame. Nobody wants to jump through a thousand hoops just to join the United Rulers of Fisherman and Golfers alliance.

Old players? Friends. They don't feel like working their asses off to show someone who has played the game less than them that they deserve to have a higher position.

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