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Instrument of Surrender for the New Pacific Order


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So why are you trying to do just that? How can these be the harshest terms in game when you've nothing to compare them to by your logic.

As I said, it's my belief, it doesn't need to be yours. I never mixed the karma war terms with another one.

Look it doesn't need to be your thinking, every one has their own.

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As I said, it's my belief, it doesn't need to be yours. I never mixed the karma war terms with another one.

Look it doesn't need to be your thinking, every one has their own.

If you aren't comparing the Karma terms to another one how can you say that these terms are the harshest ever? You do realize that that statement is a comparison don't you?

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Seems I missed the party. I must say that I am glad to see the conclusion of this war. I am proud of the VE for our defense of our ally, OV, and of our allies that stood by us in the face of incredible odds. While negotiation over surrender terms seemed to drag on, I feel it was important to come to an agreement on both sides. Now to see what will shape the future of Planet Bob.

Edit: OOC: Guess it's time to change my sig back to its previous state.

Edited by Cornelius
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If you aren't comparing the Karma terms to another one how can you say that these terms are the harshest ever? You do realize that that statement is a comparison don't you?

I've never once mentioned another war's terms until somebody brought it up.

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As I said, it's my belief, it doesn't need to be yours. I never mixed the karma war terms with another one.

Look it doesn't need to be your thinking, every one has their own.

Oh, I see what you mean now. You think that because we're picking terms from different wars it's making them seem worse. You see though, each of the terms brought up stands on their own as worse than anything you've received here. Indefinite viceroys, decomming wonders. All things you have been spared from, despite your willingness to carry out those actions in the past.

I believe at one point when FAN approached NPO for surrender terms they were told to 'go die' in response. Do you find these terms harsher than that?

I know you have your own opinion, I'm just trying to change it, because I believe you're wrong.

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Oh for pete's sake, can the bickering end already. Our government accepted these terms, and while no I don't like all of them especially the tech reps restrictions that are simply the war phase 2, surprise surprise, we've agreed to them and will honour them. The only worry I have is the alliances that were fighting us cooking up an excuse to redeclare on NPO any time they like, and no, I don't trust any of them. Will be an interesting 6 months.

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He is just as entertaining as some of the other yahoos running around these forums. LOL

He's a younger nation (200 days old) and just joined the forums today, give him a break. <_<

London - look up the history of Pacifica and their peace terms then come back and make a more informed opinion.

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Oh, I see what you mean now. You think that because we're picking terms from different wars it's making them seem worse. You see though, each of the terms brought up stands on their own as worse than anything you've received here. Indefinite viceroys, decomming wonders. All things you have been spared from, despite your willingness to carry out those actions in the past.

I believe at one point when FAN approached NPO for surrender terms they were told to 'go die' in response. Do you find these terms harsher than that?

I know you have your own opinion, I'm just trying to change it, because I believe you're wrong.

I respect your beliefs. Thanks for understanding though.

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As I said, it's my belief, it doesn't need to be yours. I never mixed the karma war terms with another one.

Look it doesn't need to be your thinking, every one has their own.

Well, yeah, these are the harshest terms given out during this war. Nobody is going to duspit that. It's not like that's hard to accomplish considering this has, on average, been the absolute easiest war in terms of peace we've seen in years.

NPO was both the alliance that declared the initial war that started the whole thing and the perceived ringleader of the entire side. Obviously they're going to get harsher terms than everyone else that's gotten peace so far in this war. I'm not sure what your point is.

Edited by Delta1212
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Oh for pete's sake, can the bickering end already. Our government accepted these terms, and while no I don't like all of them especially the tech reps restrictions that are simply the war phase 2, surprise surprise, we've agreed to them and will honour them. The only worry I have is the alliances that were fighting us cooking up an excuse to redeclare on NPO any time they like, and no, I don't trust any of them. Will be an interesting 6 months.

Interesting. So you fear becoming the next FAN?

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London, I believe if you spent some time reading up past NPO wars and surrender terms (OOC: on the Cyber Nations wikipedia) you'd come to realise these terms are not as harsh as you think. There's a lot that went on before you came to rule your nation, and some of it may open your eyes further.

So I'm really at a loss as to why the figures wouldn't be released since it's been asked 100 times as you said yourself, and clearly none of the alliances have anything to be ashamed of by the figures, as again you said yourself.

Anyway. Sort of got distracted from what my actual point was right up there. Still at a loss.

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I've never once mentioned another war's terms until somebody brought it up.

You brought it up.

like what? Please tell me what terms that the NPO has offered that is worse?


Now obviously, if the only terms you ever acknowledge are the ones from the Karma war (which in itself is a baffling stance) then yes, these terms are worse than any the NPO has ever handed out. Because the NPO has not been able to hand out any terms in the Karma war :psyduck:

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As I said, it's my belief, it doesn't need to be yours. I never mixed the karma war terms with another one.

Look it doesn't need to be your thinking, every one has their own.

doublethink at its finest! certainly you will become a great pacifican.

Then you do the smart thing and ignore me.

i like the attitude. people who are used to being ingored find it weird when they can actually discuss and form independent opinions, huh?

Interesting. So you fear becoming the next FAN?

when you've done something you're always expecting that the others will do it to you just as easily.

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Peace at last! Now to rebuilding.

Thanks to all those that tossed some nukes my way, I have mutant people and 4 legged chickens now. Now if only people will realise that we just fought a war to pay for our past, and allow us to try and prove ourselves in the future.


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:blink: ok so what are you using to form your opinion that these are the harshest terms ever?

My own judgement. I'll admit that i kind of compared it with terms that the NPO has given. However, as i said, it is my own belief.

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