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The Birth of a State


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The Dominion hereby declares its existence on the Kerguelen Islands, and Mcdonald's Islands formerly belonging to the Alliance. Operations will continue as they were.

Ordinance of Order


Article I: The Oligarchy

Article II: The Executive


It is with a collective will and collective intent that the Dominion is hereby established. The political realm is determined by a single thing and that is the strength of those participating within it. While many kings and princes of time have attempted to dominate the political realm's of their own nation's they operate under the delusion that there's is the most powerful force. In reality there is no more powerful force than the will of the Collective, and it is with the greatest interest in mind that the state shall serve.

Article I: The Oligarchy

Section 1: Sovereignty

Clause 1: The state shall be directed and governed by a single governing collective from which all power shall be distributed and stem. The title of this group shall be the Oligarchy. Said Collective shall be sovereign and in the legal case infallible.

Section 2: Powers of the Oligarchy

Clause 1: The Oligarchy may issue Ordinance's which may restrict or mandate any action or behavior, and which serve as the highest level of law in the Dominion.

Clause 2: The Oligarchy may define the state under it in any fashion that is deemed to be fitting.

Clause 5: The Oligarchy may delegate the responsibilities of the state to any individual or group of individuals who may act as proxies to it.

Clause 3: The Oligarchy may pass judgment on any subject, legal dispute, or legal case and therefore is the supreme judicial authority.

Clause 4: The Oligarchy may act as commander in chief over the military, and command it in any way seen to be fitting.

Clause 5: The Oligarchy is immune from all law.

Clause 6 The Oligarchy is responsible for choosing its own members.

Clause 7: The Oligarchy as a collective may become passive or active (eg activate or suspend article II of the Ordinance of Order).

Section 3: Privileges and Duties of an Oligarch

Clause 1: An Oligarchy is answerable only to the Oligarchy.

Clause 2: An Oligarch is entitled to the resources of the state in his or her own personal life in so far as use of said resources does not conflict with the interest of the collective.

Clause 3: An Oligarch may serve a life term until removal by his or her fellow peers.

Clause 4: An Oligarchy may call for an internal vote on any subject during times of an active Oligarchy, or may call for a vote of suspension during a time of a Passive Oligarchy.

Article I: The Executive

Section 1: Description

Clause 1: In order to ensure that the Dominion has direction as a nation a single individual shall be selected among the Oligarchy to serve as the leading figure. This individual shall be termed the Imperial Regent. This individual shall serve in the place of the Oligarchy while it is passive. The Oligarchy shall at this time become "The Committee", and shall serve as advisors and officials within the Regent's government. These individuals while serving the Regent still retain their privileges as Oligarchs.

Section 2: Powers of the Regent

Clause 1: The Regent may issue Administrative laws which may mandate or Restrict behavior.

Clause 2: The Regent may structure the state bureaucracy to serve the needs of his or her administration.

Clause 3: The Regent may dismiss or hire any individual into his or her service with the exception of committee level officials.

Clause 4: The Regent is not responsible to any lower legal authority.

Clause 5: The Regent may act as the commander in chief of the military.

Clause 6: The Regent is imbued with the full power and scope of the Oligarchy with the exception of violating the Oligarchy's previously established Ordinances.

Section 3: Powers of the Committee

Clause 1: The Committee may advise the Regent.

Clause 2: The Committee is protected from the dismissing powers of the Regent.

Clause 3: Each member of the Committee is responsible for the operations and internal policies of their respective Ministries.

Clause 4: Each member of the Committee may dismiss or hire any individual within their own Ministry.



Oligarchy of the Dominion

Thomas Devereaux (Regent)

Mathew Kaine (Minister of Intelligence)

James Patterson (Minister of Internal Security)

Marc Stephens (Minister of Defense)

James Avers (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Ryn Vars (Minister of Internal Affairs)

Michael Devereaux (Minister of Science)

Lawrence Xavier (Minister of Finance)

Edited by iamthey
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Greater Croatia welcomes the Dominion to the world.
Kingdom of Cochin welcomes Dominion to the world.

Thank you for your warm regards, we hope to have a positive relationship in the future.

"Zargathia welcomes the Dominion. May your future be long and prosperous."

We also thank you for your warm welcome, and we wish for you the same.

New England officially recognizes and welcomes the Dominion to the world. We wish them luck.

Thank you for recognizing us, and for your welcome. Good luck to you as well.

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"This effectively is a successor state to the Alliance, with much of the previous command structure being the same, is that right?

If so, why did you abandon your swiss brothers?

Regardless, welcome...Or welcome back, whatever you may deem appropriate."

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"This effectively is a successor state to the Alliance, with much of the previous command structure being the same, is that right?

If so, why did you abandon your swiss brothers?

Regardless, welcome...Or welcome back, whatever you may deem appropriate."

*Private to Bavarian Government*

Aside from a few leading figures most of the government has changed; however we were forced to leave due to the threat of civil war. Originally the group of individuals leading the Alliance came from a conglomerate formed during the time of the Imperium. Each individual came from a wealthy background and held significant extra-governmental power including personal paramilitary forces and loyal factions. After the Imperium fell we formed the Alliance which had an authoritarian command structure rather than an oligarchical; I inherited this when my predecessor Mr. Othran died and ever sense there has been internal tension and jealousy from the rest of the original Oligarchy. They were pushing for more political reforms and I was attempting to hold things as they were. Obviously they wanted their own power back, but if they couldn't have that, then they just wanted to dilute my own. Eventually they got fed up with my undermining of their perceived authority and illegally called for my removal.

The choice was rather simple. I could face their own paramilitary forces, a propaganda campaign that would rile up the people against me, and eventually a civil war which would force me to be an enemy to my own people; or I could simply dissolve the Alliance altogether give the local command structures the reigns, and simply return to the Islands that were originally mine to begin with. The real threat of Domestic war, and eventual execution left me with one option. As your own nation has a system of nobility, and regal authority surely you can understand the political environment it creates and the extremes to which it can go. Anyway thank you for the greeting.

OOC: Unfortunately I was rather bored with my present FA policy and with Europe in general and wanted to try something new. Moreover my nation was so spread out I felt like I couldn't really do anything as if I ever entered a war I could be attacked simultaneously on many fronts. I figured i'd start over.

Edited by iamthey
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*Private to Bavarian Government*

Aside from a few leading figures most of the government has changed; however we were forced to leave due to the threat of civil war. Originally the group of individuals leading the Alliance came from a conglomerate formed during the time of the Imperium. Each individual came from a wealthy background and held significant extra-governmental power including personal paramilitary forces and loyal factions. After the Imperium fell we formed the Alliance which had an authoritarian command structure rather than an oligarchical; I inherited this when my predecessor Mr. Othran died and ever sense there has been internal tension and jealousy from the rest of the original Oligarchy. They were pushing for more political reforms and I was attempting to hold things as they were. Obviously they wanted their own power back, but if they couldn't have that, then they just wanted to dilute my own. Eventually they got fed up with my undermining of their perceived authority and illegally called for my removal.

The choice was rather simple. I could face their own paramilitary forces, a propaganda campaign that would rile up the people against me, and eventually a civil war which would force me to be an enemy to my own people; or I could simply dissolve the Alliance altogether give the local command structures the reigns, and simply return to the Islands that were originally mine to begin with. The real threat of Domestic war, and eventual execution left me with one option. As your own nation has a system of nobility, and regal authority surely you can understand the political environment it creates and the extremes to which it can go. Anyway thank you for the greeting.

OOC: Unfortunately I was rather bored with my present FA policy and with Europe in general and wanted to try something new. Moreover my nation was so spread out I felt like I couldn't really do anything as if I ever entered a war I could be attacked simultaneously on many fronts. I figured i'd start over.

*Private Response to the Dominion*

I see, I see. Your reasons are sound, and the choice a good one.

I thank you for explaining the circumstances with more detail, and wish you good luck with the new leadership and nation.



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Promised Land formally recognizes the Dominion as a sovereign nation.

We thank the promised land for its recognition and look forward to working with your nation in the future.

The Slavorussian people would like to thank Thomas Devereaux and his government for returning Nenetsia to us. We would like to repay the kindness you showed us, so if there’s anything we can do please let us know.

It was the least we could do given the situation. We do hope that our two nations may enjoy a future of good relations and mutual trade.

The Nation of Selenarctos recognizes and welcomes The Dominion.
Arctica recognizes the sovereignty of the Dominion and wishes it luck in its endeavors.

We also thank both Arctica, and Selenarctos for their recognition and warm regards.

*Private Response to the Dominion*

I see, I see. Your reasons are sound, and the choice a good one.

I thank you for explaining the circumstances with more detail, and wish you good luck with the new leadership and nation.




We are grateful for your understanding.

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***Private to Dominion***

Is our treaty still in effect or will it need to be re-signed?


Unfortunately our treaty is no longer applicable, an envoy will be sent shortly to negotiate a new treaty or resign the existing one.

We recognize this new nation.

We thank you for your recognition.

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As per accordance with previous affairs, the Chimairan government hereby recognizes the existence of the Dominion.

We also invite them, in the future, if they wish, to tour one another's nations, and such.

We thank you for your recognition and would be happy to tour your nation at some point; however it has been a long standing policy that foreigners are not allowed on the main island. We would however be happy to host one of your envoy's on McDonald's island our diplomatic and international business center.

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Welcome, Dominion. The Kingdom shall recognize the Dominion in its proposed form.


We feel it would be appropriate to open formal relations with you. Perhaps you might send someone to Prague and we can discuss things further?

We thank you for your recognition and welcome.


Certainly someone shall be sent at once.

Edited by iamthey
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