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[quote name='Silhouette' date='16 April 2010 - 04:49 AM' timestamp='1271389752' post='2262210']
Requesting a spy odds roll to track the source of fizzydog's transmission.


1-10: Fail
11-100: WIN!

Roll: 74 (A winnar is u)


[quote name='Drakedeath' date='16 April 2010 - 04:51 AM' timestamp='1271389874' post='2262212']
Spy roll on Bio to sabotage airfields (airstrips, refueling stations, jet fuel dumps, etc.) 90% odds.


1-10: FAIL
11-100: WIN!

Roll: 94 (A winnar is u)


Edited by iamthey
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Requesting a GM ruling on Bio's post. He launched a ton of missiles, but is a third world nation, so I don't think that many missiles are feasible for a third world nation to launch at one time.

[quote name='Biohazard' date='15 April 2010 - 02:21 PM' timestamp='1271359278' post='2261579']
Just a few days after condemning the lives of hundreds of Puerto Rican airmen, committing them to the massive air battle that was taking place over Cuba, with casualty reports of the incident still flowing in, Francis was once more, attending a press conference within Puerto Rico. He had made sure that he as many international companies had reserved spots for his announcement, so that the whole world could see.
On the inside, Francis was a rolling wave of emotions, some forcing their turbulence upon his conscious, others slowly festering, as if it were an infection, seeping into his mind, filling every fiber of his being. No matter where he turned, no matter how hard he tried, he could not escape the feeling; the extreme resent, pity, and self-hate that he, Francis Solis Ferrer, had caused upon the communists of Puerto Rico. They had diligently followed him, invested their faith in them, and all he had done was backstab them, murder them, sent them to their deaths. The some hundred deaths that had occurred over Cuba still weighed heavily on his mind, no matter how hard he tried to rid himself of them. It was like a bad nightmare, and every time he ‘woke up’ from it, it only got worse, as he realized he was trapped there, with no one to help him and with nowhere to run. He was drowning, and no one was coming for him.

The bourgeoisie of the Coalition expected him to play along, to simply follow by, a lapdog without a brain. He would be no slave of theirs. He would choose his path, had chosen his path, and would not simply obey as they intended him to. He felt the feeling of backstabbing the Puerto Rican people, and let it course throughout him, as if it was carried by the blood pumping throughout his veins, letting it spread to every part of him. He would use that feeling, would allow it to give him strength, as he prepared to backstab the bourgeois that had attempted to make him an exploited, broken man.

The camera lights of the gathered news crews shone on him. He put up a façade, a wall, to bolster himself mentally, and to give light to the people of the world and Puerto Rico, an attempt to indicate that he was in the best possible state of mind. “Greetings, esteemed people of Puerto Rico, of the world. I have sat idly by as the lives of Puerto Rico have been torn away, the diligent, determined men of our Airforce, sacrificing themselves to ensure that the continued existence, our way of life, our entire being, is preserved. They have given their lives, so that you may have a life. In their quest to ensure the survival of our Isla, I have overlooked my own personal quest, to bring the glory and livelihood of the Puerto Rican people to the forefront of the world. Not only have I overlooked it, I have failed in it, and it has cut me open, to my very core, to do such an inconceivable thing.” He gestured towards a wall of stationary cameras, used by the Puerto Rican intelligence crews, to monitor the war and provide information to the front.

“On this wall, we have scheduled hundreds of thousands of soldiers to prepare for an invasion of the Tahoean-held Cuba. On another monitor, you can see the one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers that we have shipped out to assist in North Carolina. These men are Vanguards, Vanguards of the Proletariat, and they have served in the Vanguard in order to ensure that our children, families, every person within Puerto Rico, has a place to live, a place to work, a place to grow old in. In my own feeble attempt to believe the bourgeois will change, something I should have seen from the start, I have made their lives worth nothing. I have stripped them of any honor they may have had, any ties to their families. I have made them dead men walking, and tonight, I give them a chance to redeem themselves,” said Francis. He pressed a button on his desk, which was connected to his Terminal, which issued a Vanguard-wide edict throughout the entire military force, for a new order to come out. The order was as followed:



A chorus of gasps rang out from the gathered assembly as they realized what was happening. While Francis was showcasing the order, he knew that around the Caribbean, the four-hundred fighters that had remained from the Cuban air battle, were turning on the Distopyan and other Coalition-assembled fighters in the air. Tahoe and FSA targets were completely ignored, as the rest of the air force took off from Puerto Rico. The 5 Squadrons of fighters that were left and a single squadron of bombers, (sixty [60] fighters), took off towards the direction of the NTR invasion to Cuba. They strafed the invasion craft, with the singular squadron of bombers unloading on the assembled naval craft. Any aircraft stationed on the Isla, which were foreign, were immediately under attack from armed airmen and infantry at the bases. The 150,000 infantry that had been shipped towards North Carolina got the order through their CNI, and within an hour, began to turn on their former-Northern Republic and Coalition comrades, with firefights breaking out. The last 19 squadrons of bombers that the Isla had at its disposal were sent towards Louisiana, unloading their payload on the unsuspecting military targets. Every missile silo on the Isla began the operations necessary to shoot, as Satellites pinpointed targets around the Northern Republic and Louisiana. Every missile that the Isla had, including those that were being used for defense for the SDI, were fired. Twenty of the missiles were equipped with payloads that would ignite into fire upon impact, and were sent towards the Louisianan capital. The remaining of the one-hundred eighty missiles were divided up. Eighty missiles would be fired at Louisianan assets within their country, and another eighty would be fired at Northern Republic assets in their nation. The last twenty, would be used to attack the NTR, with the main target being the capitol building itself. The assets were primarily hospitals, important buildings linked to the government, and air bases.

The missile streaked across the sky towards their targets, while Francis sat in his office chair, pointing at the monitors and laughing hysterically. The news people were too stunned or didn’t dare say anything, as it appeared to them that Francis had gone insane. He had laughed himself so hard, tears were coming from his eyes, and he had peed on himself. He paused, still chuckling as he tried to regain his composure. He took a deep breath and a gulp of his water, before he began again, still chuckling to himself. “As you can see, the bourgeoisie of the coalition have sorely underestimated the worth of their Communist ‘ally’. They have abused us in the past, and now, it is our turn to repay the favor. I hope you all burn in hell, because I’ll be there to laugh at you some more,” laughed Francis, as he began laughing once more. He excused himself out of the office, stating that he would eventually be back to make a second announcement, as he went to go and change his underpants.

OOC: The hallucinations thing was a different thing...

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='16 April 2010 - 07:10 AM' timestamp='1271398208' post='2262454']
Requesting a GM ruling on Bio's post. He launched a ton of missiles, but is a third world nation, so I don't think that many missiles are feasible for a third world nation to launch at one time.

I'll defer to lynneth, but 180 missiles (may have mis-added) isn't THAT unreasonable (albeit they do seem to be ICBM's). Just my opinion.

Edited by iamthey
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>>hundreds of thousands of soldiers to prepare for an invasion of the Tahoean-held Cuba. On another monitor, you can see the one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers that we have shipped out to assist in North Carolina.
>>The 150,000 infantry that had been shipped towards North Carolina got the order through their CNI,

According to Bio having only 150 infra, 1465 supporters (including 211 military), he is capable of fielding merely 10,032 or so men.
1465 -211 = 1254 * 0.8 = 1003.2 * 10 = 10032

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[quote name='Lynneth' date='16 April 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1271413312' post='2262675']
>>hundreds of thousands of soldiers to prepare for an invasion of the Tahoean-held Cuba. On another monitor, you can see the one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers that we have shipped out to assist in North Carolina.
>>The 150,000 infantry that had been shipped towards North Carolina got the order through their CNI,

According to Bio having only 150 infra, 1465 supporters (including 211 military), he is capable of fielding merely 10,032 or so men.
1465 -211 = 1254 * 0.8 = 1003.2 * 10 = 10032
Lynneth, I don't intend my men to make it that far. I was going to RP a massive plague/suicide type of thing, in order to reflect my reroll. I was under the impression that I could use my pre-roll stats, so long as I didn't stay in them too long, and had some sort of RP event to knock me down?

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With him apparently going down anyways, I would say it's not too unreasonable that the nation managed to mobilize its last missile reserves. There's of course missile defense systems you can RP, but hell no I won't roll for those :V

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[quote name='freakwars' date='16 April 2010 - 03:07 PM' timestamp='1271455660' post='2263277']
Would it be okay if I gave up my territory and RPed as a nomadic fleet, with the current location of the fleet in my sig?
There's no rule or guideline against it.

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[quote name='freakwars' date='17 April 2010 - 12:07 AM' timestamp='1271455660' post='2263277']
Would it be okay if I gave up my territory and RPed as a nomadic fleet, with the current location of the fleet in my sig?
Well, anyone could shoot your ships and sink them, but if you want to, I won't stop you.

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[quote name='freakwars' date='16 April 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1271455660' post='2263277']
Would it be okay if I gave up my territory and RPed as a nomadic fleet, with the current location of the fleet in my sig?

Yeah there are people who RP as corporations, or groups with no tie to a particular area. If you want to be a fleet that just moves around that would be fine; but you'd need to get permission before docking in other people's countries and yeah there would be nothing to stop someone from attacking you ect.

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[quote name='Karl Martin' date='17 April 2010 - 08:25 AM' timestamp='1271489130' post='2263722']

This RP seems like real fantasy. Do we have to accept this as part of the real RP, or a spin-off that has no affect on regular RP?

Well it has no effect on anyone's RP anyway... it was internal story. However, yeah its probably non-cannon. The way Sarah RP'd that was really not that abusive, and personally i'd love to have stuff like that in RP, but there is a fine line between responsible subtle enhancement and 'LOLCLASHOFTHETITANS'. That being said, people need to calm down :P.

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[quote name='iamthey' date='17 April 2010 - 10:33 AM' timestamp='1271493162' post='2263739']
Well it has no effect on anyone's RP anyway... it was internal story. However, yeah its probably non-cannon. The way Sarah RP'd that was really not that abusive, and personally i'd love to have stuff like that in RP, but there is a fine line between responsible subtle enhancement and 'LOLCLASHOFTHETITANS'. That being said, people need to calm down :P.
100% what this man said.
(Except "non-canon", because cannons shoot stuff.)

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[quote name='Executive Minister' date='17 April 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1271516297' post='2263884']
For a war of this magnitude, surely people can wait a little longer? I'd hate to see this conflict end due to a technicality.

It wouldn't end, everyone would just move forward a move and RP tahoe's casualties. I'll PM him.

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[quote name='iamthey' date='17 April 2010 - 01:33 AM' timestamp='1271493162' post='2263739']
Well it has no effect on anyone's RP anyway... it was internal story. However, yeah its probably non-cannon. The way Sarah RP'd that was really not that abusive, and personally i'd love to have stuff like that in RP, but there is a fine line between responsible [color="#ff0000"][b][color="#ff0000"][b]subtle[/b] [/color][/b][/color]enhancement and 'LOLCLASHOFTHETITANS'. That being said, people need to calm down [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img].
Did I hear my name? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/emot-v.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='17 April 2010 - 04:36 PM' timestamp='1271540159' post='2264238']
Did I hear my name? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/emot-v.gif[/img]
I thought of the exact same thing when I heard that. :lol1:

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='17 April 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1271540294' post='2264239']
I thought of the exact same thing when I heard that. :lol1:

You 'heard' it :o?

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