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Nuke for hire


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19:53 zigbigadorlou: and I wasn't involved. I just wanted tech

19:53 PeteM: sileath is a rogue attacker

19:53 PeteM: his nation deserves destruction more than mine does

19:53 zigbigadorlou: and I'm a greedy extortionist

19:54 zigbigadorlou: who doesn't care what people "deserve

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It sure looks like you are. :P

Zig, you got kicked out of PE after one day? Anyway, go nuke RV instead. You'd get more money for it.

yes, it took one day. Zoom^3 didn't realize who I was or what I do. or something

in any case, I'd be nuking RV as well if he wasn't so small. he's like half my NS.

he told BTA that he would not launch any attacks or peace out unless he was paid. I do believe that is slot filling.

I'm getting paid. Warslot unfilled.

hell, I'd love if a mod came in here and set this straight

report me if you want.

Then he'd be lying about it being a raid, correct?

Yes, I said I would only attack if I got paid. I also said I was peacing out if I got paid. I also said I'd peace out right then. I also said I'd nuke without getting paid. I also said I was a merc, an extortionist, a raider. What I didn't tell you is I'm also a spy. And a poacher. and a multi.

I also didn't tell you that I fed you all a bunch of stories to see how you'd react. I have stated my true cause and effect as of now. Don't think that what I tell you first is exactly my goals.

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yes, it took one day. Zoom^3 didn't realize who I was or what I do. or something

in any case, I'd be nuking RV as well if he wasn't so small. he's like half my NS.

I'm getting paid. Warslot unfilled.

hell, I'd love if a mod came in here and set this straight

report me if you want.

Yes, I said I would only attack if I got paid. I also said I was peacing out if I got paid. I also said I'd peace out right then. I also said I'd nuke without getting paid. I also said I was a merc, an extortionist, a raider. What I didn't tell you is I'm also a spy. And a poacher. and a multi.

I also didn't tell you that I fed you all a bunch of stories to see how you'd react. I have stated my true cause and effect as of now. Don't think that what I tell you first is exactly my goals.

objection your honor :psyduck:

zig will do what he wants, and appropriate action will be taken for this person who appears to enjoy roleplaying a less horny version of charles manson

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19:53 zigbigadorlou: and I wasn't involved. I just wanted tech

19:53 PeteM: sileath is a rogue attacker

19:53 PeteM: his nation deserves destruction more than mine does

19:53 zigbigadorlou: and I'm a greedy extortionist

19:54 zigbigadorlou: who doesn't care what people "deserve

No where in that excerpt does Zig say he wouldn't be attacking.

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It sure looks like you are. :P

Zig, you got kicked out of PE after one day? Anyway, go nuke RV instead. You'd get more money for it.

Yeah Zig, why don't you sell some infra and come down around RV's NS. Please. Come down right around his NS.

I don't have a warchest in the bank for nothing, kiddo. Please come down around RV's NS because then you'd be in range. :) Go ahead. I'm waiting.


Thanks for the extortion thing, by the way. These antics sure make you look great. :)

Edited by JayOvfEnnay
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Extortion isn't cool. It never will be.

I hope this is sarcasm... extortion is second only to robbery in coolness.

Anyway, this is a pretty amusing situation. Perhaps if you nuke him, Sileath will grow more arms and then he can be like Deadeye Duck from Bucky O'Hare (if you don't know what I am talking about ... pity).


Here's hoping... somebody pay this man!

Edited by Drostan
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objection your honor :psyduck:

zig will do what he wants, and appropriate action will be taken for this person who appears to enjoy roleplaying a less horny version of charles manson

Oh god, I love this thread, please never let it stop. The lulz are too epic.

^I do what I do for a reason

Yeah Zig, why don't you sell some infra and come down around RV's NS. Please. Come down right around his NS.

I don't have a warchest in the bank for nothing, kiddo. Please come down around RV's NS because then you'd be in range. :) Go ahead. I'm waiting.


Thanks for the extortion thing, by the way. These antics sure make you look great. :)

k thx bye

so nuking someone is ok, but giving them a way out of it is terrible?

this makes perfect sense.

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^I do what I do for a reason

k thx bye

so nuking someone is ok, but giving them a way out of it is terrible?

this makes perfect sense.

Um, yeah.

Don't declare war unless you're willing to use the tools at your disposal.

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To: Sileath From: zigbigadorlou Date: 7/8/2009 2:14:45 PM

Subject: Nuclear Attack

Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons by zigbigadorlou. You lost 21137 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 155.930 miles of land, 17.116 technology, 155.930 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.

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like declaring war means I want to nuke him.

cause you ALWAYS nuke on a tech raid

If you run a tech raid on someone you called a friend, it makes no sense. Not to mention that you could be attacked for screwing up war targets.

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Personally, what you did is completely fair, a tech raid is legal. Just because you didn't know BTA was declaring war on Sileath doesn't mean you are illegally filling his war slots. Continue to attack if you want, and don't nuke if you don't want to (though I'd love it if you did nuke him).

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Personally, what you did is completely fair, a tech raid is legal. Just because you didn't know BTA was declaring war on Sileath doesn't mean you are illegally filling his war slots. Continue to attack if you want, and don't nuke if you don't want to (though I'd love it if you did nuke him).

Actually, he attacked 9 hours after Sileath declared war on BTA, and RV acknowledged it.

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