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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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It's very late and I would like to save myself from reading a lot, so I'm going to assume this more or less summarizes everything:

  1. NSO attempts to recruit from the Neutral Menace.
  2. One faction of the Neutral Menace takes exception and comes here to demand three apologies from two people. (Yeah, I noticed that.)
  3. Apart from a large number of people parroting "Bad show, NSO" and a smaller group saying what amounts to "Do something about it"....nothing really happens.

Now, if this is a correct summary, then:

  1. Good God....why?
  2. LOL
  3. OK, then. I'm off to bed.

At this point someone is bound to say, "Well, how would you feel if Ivan Moldavi was trying to recruit people from Nordreich?"

I present, therefore, my pre-emptive response:

"Speaking as someone who trampled all over and spat upon a Doctrine bearing Ivan Moldavi's name, I now declare us even."

TDO has put themselves in an interesting position. They must now declare war on the NSO and hope that said alliance's allies refuse to intervene, or they must suffer the humiliation of having taken this public only to see their demands ignored and, perhaps, mocked.

The latter may represent some kind of moral victory, but that's hardly a substitute for the real thing.

TDO has a very real CB that will be recognized as such by 100% of the Cyberverse including, presumably, the NSO, but only if they actually use it.

Until then, it's a lot of chest-thumping....signifying nothing.

This post clearly wins the thread. Therefore kingzog wins.

Also Sith being all evil and poaching? Thats so unheard of. :P

Edited by Lord Akkarin
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The arguments behind this action are weak. By the same logic, I could begin recruiting from NSO simply on the grounds of me thinking it's a !@#$%* alliance (mind you, it's just an example.)

Umm, who is telling you that you can't?

The dilemma you run into at this point, even though I stated 10 pages ago that I wouldn't have any problem with it, is that any alliance that chooses to take this path that has been vocal here only proves themselves to be hypocrites.

Of course, I know that really isn't a problem for some of them. Speaking out from ivory towers only when convenient and being quiet when their necks might actually be on the line is par for the course for a great many so called "well connected" alliances.

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Umm, who is telling you that you can't?

The dilemma you run into at this point, even though I stated 10 pages ago that I wouldn't have any problem with it, is that any alliance that chooses to take this path that has been vocal here only proves themselves to be hypocrites.

Of course, I know that really isn't a problem for some of them. Speaking out from ivory towers only when convenient and being quiet when their necks might actually be on the line is par for the course for a great many so called "well connected" alliances.

Just because you don't care if someone recruits from your alliance doesn't mean all alliances think like you. If I'm in an alliance I don't want to receive a recruitment message.

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Umm, who is telling you that you can't?

The dilemma you run into at this point, even though I stated 10 pages ago that I wouldn't have any problem with it, is that any alliance that chooses to take this path that has been vocal here only proves themselves to be hypocrites.

Of course, I know that really isn't a problem for some of them. Speaking out from ivory towers only when convenient and being quiet when their necks might actually be on the line is par for the course for a great many so called "well connected" alliances.

To be fair I don't care at all about the "act itself", as far as I'm concerned we can all recruit from each other. It's the argument that somehow because they're neutral, it's OK to do it.

I'd be interested to see the NSO begin sending similar messages to "well connected" alliances.

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Just because you don't care if someone recruits from your alliance doesn't mean all alliances think like you. If I'm in an alliance I don't want to receive a recruitment message.

So what? how difficult is it to click the delete button? You don't even have to open the message

Edited by Angrator
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Maybe an NSO member can field this question as it has been eating at me. If recruiting from neutrals is no big and deal and you want to break free from the mold, be special, etc., then why was an apology given to the GOP? It seems odd that when it comes to the identical situation with TDO that you defend your actions but when approached by the GOP you apologized for your actions. That doesn't all seem to add up for me.

The only reason I can see for this disrespect (and let's be honest here, it is) towards TDO would be that you believe they didn't exhaust private channels before making this public. Given, that could be a good enough reason to be belligerent. Though on the other hand, you guys have repeatedly said in this thread that you want the "wild west" standard of gaming back and don't want to live by the hegemonic norms. Private channels are a large portion of those hegemonic norms and if anything is "wild west", calling you out in public is.

Does someone want to clarify the things above for me?

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There is a admin given right to send whatever message to whoever.

That may be, but when its a recruitment message to recruit from another alliance, that is called poaching and most alliances do not like poaching. Thus, that is why everyone is mad at you.

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That may be, but when its a recruitment message to recruit from another alliance, that is called poaching and most alliances do not like poaching. Thus, that is why everyone is mad at you.

There is no need for you to repeat this. This discussion really isn't an issue of confusion.

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There is a admin given right to send whatever message to whoever.

It's also an admin given right to get annoyed over the messages you receive. Point being that the NSO knows full well these messages will annoy people, hence why they only sent them to neutral alliances.

By all means, use your admin given right freely, just don't pick on the little kids because you think they can't punch you for it. It's not the hippies who need to grow some balls.

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Maybe an NSO member can field this question as it has been eating at me. If recruiting from neutrals is no big and deal and you want to break free from the mold, be special, etc., then why was an apology given to the GOP? It seems odd that when it comes to the identical situation with TDO that you defend your actions but when approached by the GOP you apologized for your actions. That doesn't all seem to add up for me.

The only reason I can see for this disrespect (and let's be honest here, it is) towards TDO would be that you believe they didn't exhaust private channels before making this public. Given, that could be a good enough reason to be belligerent. Though on the other hand, you guys have repeatedly said in this thread that you want the "wild west" standard of gaming back and don't want to live by the hegemonic norms. Private channels are a large portion of those hegemonic norms and if anything is "wild west", calling you out in public is.

Does someone want to clarify the things above for me?

I've been barking up that tree all day, mate. Everyone's been too busy rolling over and playing victim to answer I guess.

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It's clearly for lulz. I have found the situation entertaining, and I am certain many NSO members and many outsiders do as well.

Don't get so serious about it.

I'd like to throw in my hat to the "I think it's entertaining" crowd. The message was like a mini-roast. :P

To be fair I don't care at all about the "act itself", as far as I'm concerned we can all recruit from each other. It's the argument that somehow because they're neutral, it's OK to do it.

I'd be interested to see the NSO begin sending similar messages to "well connected" alliances.

I don't believe anyone's saying that it's "okay because they're neutral." I think it's "them being neutral gives us something to play off."

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