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about the old boards


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They offer a service to transfer stuff over, but you have to pay an amount of money for it depending on the size of your forum.

So we'd probably all have to chip in a hefty bit of change to help the Admin out if we wanted all that transferred ;)

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The cost to move a board as large as ours off IF is extreme and there is no gurantee that it will work after an IPB conversion. With the way the database is still acting up over there (they still haven't fixed the problem BTW) and the fact that we're already over here and getting settled makes the idea of paying to move the old boards over here really not worth it. We haven't made a final decision as to which boards we are going to stay on, that really depends on IF and if/when they correct the database issue. If we do stay here then the IF boards will be placed as a read-only archive.

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The cost to move a board as large as ours off IF is extreme and there is no gurantee that it will work after an IPB conversion. With the way the database is still acting up over there (they still haven't fixed the problem BTW) and the fact that we're already over here and getting settled makes the idea of paying to move the old boards over here really not worth it. We haven't made a final decision as to which boards we are going to stay on, that really depends on IF and if/when they correct the database issue. If we do stay here then the IF boards will be placed as a read-only archive.

when did this happen? and how?

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Can some selected topics be transferred?

I am thinking of Treaties. We only have drafts of our treaties in our forums, the real treaties were posted onthe CN forums and we linked to them in our forums.

Fortunately we did not have that many..


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I think it would be a great shame if the content wasn't carried over, if it was integrated with the new forums it would be fantastic, and i'm sure it's possible. Hopefully it will be back up soon as I used to use it's search to find answers to questions I have.

Edited by Kingdom of Royalty
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