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    Protectorate of Curland
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy New Year!!!! We have made it through one ear of our allaince as well, and we are going for a second one. King Vitauts, filled with X-mas cheer
  2. he, he... welcome back and Happy new year!
  3. Bumb. Almost at 200k and 9000 ave NS. Join us!! King Vitauts
  4. Here I am enjoying my newly enlarged nation. The B-day jump from 2600 infra to 3600 infra went without a hitch, and now tow of our nations are prepraing jumps as well. So I am frustrated my aid slots are full. The moment they get clear they get 3M each for their jump. Join Us! We take care of our own King Vitauts the Generous
  5. Buahahaha. Our economic revamping plan is right on schedule. We are tiny, but mighty (or at least try to be). Join us! Join the Protectorate of Curland!
  6. Hail comrade! So few understand us who battle in the recruitment pits. The endless, unfruitful and unrecompensed work, fraught with dismissal and rejection. I, a grown man victor of terrible battles, hug you and offer you comfort as a small tear falls from my eyes... Who is there to comfort us? sniff, sniff. Argh.. lets us collect ourselves.. lets us stand straight and hold our weapons, ready for unending battle... Let us all proclaim in unmistakable voice: JOIN US! WE ARE A COOL ALLINCE! King Vitauts... feeling for you.
  7. I know little about All Against All.. but the name sounds cool We currently need help expanding and growing our allaince, and you would be welcome. We are a small alliance with a long history, as we fought in GW3 and GW4. Currently MADP'd with NoV and OTS, ToA's with Fark and SoM, and a NAP with Goons If interested, PM me. King Vitauts the Great, Protectorate of Curland
  8. And another bump. B-day minus three days. Celebration preparations under way
  9. We are looking for warriors, but you would have to clear your wars with NpO first... If you get a pass from them you can join our alliance. Was the CGCN the same alliance Imperial Gashira was in? King Vitauts Protectorate of Curland
  10. You are welcome with us. We are a strange mix. We started from the ground up, and have few members (18) in that sense we are like a startup alliance. On the other hand we have been here for a long time (approaching our 1 year anniversary), have a few MADPS' a few TOA's and many friends.. in that sense we are a stable alliance. We, like all alliances did our stint raiding and warring.. we participated in GW3 and GW4. We are proud to have accepted surrender from GATO and SWF in GW3 and from EOTRS, BAPS, RnR in GW4.. we have fought GOONS and have a NAP with thwm, and are negotiating peace with LSF. I am the leader.. and its quite a bit of work, so any help will be appreciated. We are currently trying to get our tech farming going and getting all our top nations to 600 tech. Give us a try, King Vitauts the Great, Protectorate of Curland
  11. Darn! The Poosie Woopsies beat me to it. We Loove war. We try to war whenever we can. We fought in GW3, We fought against Goons, BAPS, EOTRS, RnR and LSF in GW4.. and a bunch of other conflicts in between. We have been here 11 months and even though small in size we are still standing.. while mighty allainces have fallen by the wayside. We are currently in a lull between battles.. preparing ourselves for the next big one. If you are small enough to find any targets, you can raid unaligneds and one man allainces. If you are bigger we will find a war for you soon. Join us! at the: Protectorate of Curland King Vitauts the barbarian.
  12. There they were... Allies cancelling treaties left and right Rumors flying about inminent war and destruction But Norden Verein stood its ground, weathered the storm and came out stronger. All Hail Norden Verein!!! and for those too sensitive, and over-politically correct: Ave Norden Verein! adn if that is still not good enough.. (who knows there may be some latin haters out there) Viva Norden Verein! King Vitauts
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