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RL Military Vets or Current Service Members...

Walt Schmidt

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none the less still a cadet = civilian. the worst cadets are always the ones that want the enlisted to treat them like LT's never works out well for them. In fact I recently had a cadet put on my Infantry fire team and the first thing he told me was that he was just a joe. at that minute he earned my respect and was called sir if I didnt respect him it would of been cadet.

LOL you were lucky. In Basic we had 2 cadets come in. One thought he was hot !@#$ and got off by demoralizing the trainees. I had always hoped i would run in to him at a later date but alas it never happened. Im sure he would be a frag target if he ever treated his own men that way once he completed West Point.

I'm not sure how a cadet can even say something like that with a straight face, the whole "treat me like an LT" thing. We're bottom wrung, and they clearly didn't pay attention to the class where we had that hammered home.

If i remember corectly a Cadet is equivelent to an E5 actually but still most dont know !@#$ and need to keep there mouths shut and learn from the NCOs and senior enlisted around. When and if they do that they will go far. Matter of fact a good friend who was a noob LT back in the day just got promoted to LT Col he was one of the best damn leaders I ever had the priveledge to serve under and should he call me today and need a gunner I would throw some crisco on my waste and squeeze back in to a tank for him. To bad he had to go back to Iraq again to get pinned I would have drove wherever to see him promoted again.

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Glad I was able to find this thread. I'm not a RL military vet but I am currently enlisted in the national guard. Compared to the rest of you after reading through this thread, I'm a noob. In September I get sent off to boot camp for two months and I won't be back until November. Then after that, I go for advanced training as an electrician.

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I am Brit(Scot)/German, a vet of 16 years service, in Military Intelligence. but not a REMF. Did a number of tours in N.Ireland, fought in the Falkland, former Yugoslavia and 1st Gulf (the ones worth remembering, or rather, that I can mention :lol1: ).

Came across this thread by accident, having read through it I am glad I did.

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I am Brit(Scot)/German, a vet of 16 years service, in Military Intelligence. but not a REMF. Did a number of tours in N.Ireland, fought in the Falkland, former Yugoslavia and 1st Gulf (the ones worth remembering, or rather, that I can mention :lol1: ).

Came across this thread by accident, having read through it I am glad I did.

Military Intelligence the biggest Oxy Moron of All :P

Falklands as well that was mid 80s so we have another old person to add to the 35+ club

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Military Intelligence the biggest Oxy Moron of All :P

Falklands as well that was mid 80s so we have another old person to add to the 35+ club

Yep, 35+ is right, I am now 49 and my son serves in the German Army, he also plays CN

BTW, the Falklands was in the start of the 80s.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey all. I'm currently enlisted as an 11B.

Oh my another grunt :P.

Balder while IC i may not say many nice things OOC I appreciate you and all you do.

Hiya Walt how goes the rebuild. It looks like we have another party going on here one that appears is going to be more fun than the last one. It seems there is much less hate and more laughs and fun than I HATE YOU DIE attitude.

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Hiya Walt how goes the rebuild. It looks like we have another party going on here one that appears is going to be more fun than the last one. It seems there is much less hate and more laughs and fun than I HATE YOU DIE attitude.

With our Reps being what they are, and our various restrictions, slow is the word for our re-build.

Seeing a little about the latest par-tay, it seems an un-expected turn occurred -- more later.

Also, an update as to who we are coming this weekend -- a long in coming update -- sorry folks.

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I'm in Afghanistan right now, under daily rocket attack in KAF. I must admit, it makes me feel a bit better to be able to throw rockets back out at Planet Bob rather than just sit and take them! I have not read through all the pages of this thread, so I will just try and point out a difference I have noticed lately. In RL war, when negotiations are mooted, both opposing sides start pushing really hard to negotiate from a position of strength (Paris talks for Vietnam, the IRA in the 90's and here, now). On Planet Bob however, you tend to find that the opening of a potential settlement to a conflict has a de-escalating influence as most nations seek to limit the losses incurred near the end of a conflict. Thanks however to our complete r-tard of a Prime Minister negotiating with terrorists (again), we are now getting bombed more than ever. Cheers Labour! How long until the Taliban are in parliament with the IRASinn Fein mob?

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With our Reps being what they are, and our various restrictions, slow is the word for our re-build.

Seeing a little about the latest par-tay, it seems an un-expected turn occurred -- more later.

Also, an update as to who we are coming this weekend -- a long in coming update -- sorry folks.

What do you think about Pacifica doing the whole neutral thing?

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Current serving military for 14 years now...4 tours in the ME.

Been a citizen of Digiterra since 2007.

I have used RL military doctrine and strategy and applied it to CN on many occasions. There are direct parallels and some not so direct.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' date='07 July 2009 - 01:53 PM' timestamp='1246996399' post='1674059']
Either branch is great putting all things aside. Marines have a rich tradition and are some of the most diciplined SOBs ive ever met. My father did 30 years in the corps. I do however believe the Army has better offers. I took the college fund + GI bill and was receiving 1200 a month back in early 2000 to go to school. It was great only having to have a part time job and be able to pay all of my bills. Either way service to your country no matter which branch is an admirable thing.
Damn, that was a long time ago. I decided to go Army Reserve while I go to college and do ROTC (maybe not, depending how much of a joke it is). 68W is my MOS. I made out well too, because I signed up at the fiscal year. 30k student repayment loans, 14k sign bonus, and $100 kicker on the GI bill.

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[quote name='ender land' date='17 June 2009 - 03:42 PM' timestamp='1245271357' post='1625007']
The strategy that exists in this game is incredibly basic. Plenty of people have mastered it. It's essentially impossible for a numerically inferior force to have a chance in this game against a much larger force (note: this war was NOT this situation, the NPO/IRON/Valhalla side just chose to have no strategy at all but that's a different point).

Once numerically outnumbered (perhaps 2 or 3 to 1) there is almost nothing that can be done short of rolling over.

In real life you can constantly change strategies, there is not necessarily an ideal strategy to follow. Here, there is an optimal strategy based on the game constraints.

It means you can master the war system in a way you cannot do in real life - there are always new things that you can develop, strategies to be created, etc. Here, there is nothing of that sort.

Ah but combat in this game is so much more than the hitting your targets, its coordination with allies, planning, target lists, diplomatic maneuvering, distributing monetary resources, and maintaining alliance morale.

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[quote name='Balder' date='30 January 2010 - 08:00 AM' timestamp='1264834832' post='2144191']What do you think about Pacifica doing the whole neutral thing?[/quote]
It was a joke. Actually, it was a joke thread but stayed opened, for shushz and giggles. People took it way too seriously.

/as a recruited but never serving member (student obligations, then compulsory service got terminated) of my army I exit now,...

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Branimir' date='05 February 2010 - 09:45 PM' timestamp='1265424341' post='2162651']
It was a joke. Actually, it was a joke thread but stayed opened, for shushz and giggles. People took it way too seriously.

/as a recruited but never serving member (student obligations, then compulsory service got terminated) of my army I exit now,...

Yeah, I realized that maybe ten minutes after the post.

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I'll be hitting my 18 year mark in the U.S. Navy this March. I initially joined in '89, was in until '94, was out until '97 and have been in ever since. Been on 3 different ships, an aegis crusier out of Yokosuka, Japan ('92-'94; 2 mid-east deployments), an aegis destroyer out of Pearl Harbor, HI ('97-'01; 2 mid-east deployments) and another aegis destroyer out of Norfolk, VA ('05-'08; 1 Med/NATO cruise and 1 mid-east deployment). Currently in Groton, CT at the sub base in the calibration lab until I retire in APR '12. B-)

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