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Walt Schmidt

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Everything posted by Walt Schmidt

  1. ...Curious. Will game time-periods, say wars, be extended 24+ hours?
  2. SO AS IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED, SO THEN LET IT BE KNOWN! Pacifica and All that we Partnered with...
  3. [b][i]"So as it is written, so will it then be done!"[/i][/b]
  4. Join NPO, meet The F.O.G.[img]http://www.waltsdorsai.net/FOGbbNeg.png[/img]
  5. With our Reps being what they are, and our various restrictions, slow is the word for our re-build. Seeing a little about the latest par-tay, it seems an un-expected turn occurred -- more later. Also, an update as to who we are coming this weekend -- a long in coming update -- sorry folks.
  6. And we have done this how;examples please.
  7. Following some of what was written above, I feel compelled to quote (for some perhaps remind, for others perhaps provide for the first time): Shai Dorsai!
  8. Understood. At 62, this is (as those before it over the decades were also) 'fun' with enough details to allow me to delve into the details when the spirit moves me. Going through message after message of 'They are... no they're not... yes they are' is not fun. p.s. Lurk Mode I also understand [ smile ]
  9. Any and all. My premise (so far 'proved' true) is we (ex)military, many who have seen real-life combat, can discuss CN (IC or OOC) with a little less hysterical unsupportable BS than finds its way into other Forum areas. As such, any topic is germane. My hope (so far falling short) is for enough traffic so that when asked, Admin gives us our own Forum Section. In any event, about Red Dawn... [ smile ]
  10. 1 - Planet Bob continues to evolve. 2 - Roles change. 3 - What unfortunately appears not to change are those who deny 1 & 2 above. For the rest of us let's sit back, so to speak, and enjoy...
  11. We 'in the trenches grunts' understand two points: - We must follow what is required by the TOS we entered into some three-plus weeks ago - Notwithstanding that, we still can provide a service when called upon and allowed Shai Dorsai! o/ Red Dawn Update in italics
  12. Something new to talk about... A New Day Approaches, Joint TDP - COJ - TMF - CG - Monolith- NPO Announcement Red Dawn - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65853 Forums: http://reddawn.pacificorder.net/ IRC: #Red
  13. I'm not sure if we'll even get to a second year. We our paying out quite a bit. We are being told... who gets what. What we aren't being told, understandably, is how 'who gets what' is being determined or who is making this determination. That determination could become a hot issue.
  14. I'm not MilCom; I question the 'real' benefit in battle that tech passed a certain point plays. Anyone? Three attackers, two battles per day, 1mil loss per battle equals 6mil per day, OR, a 'defeat alert' which means they will automatically be placed into Anarchy, up to 5 defending spies may be killed, 5% or up to 10 technology levels, 20% or up to 40 infrastructure levels, and 5% or up to $5 million in money may be destroyed (not stolen). Again, I'm not MilCom... anyone?
  15. I presume most of you know the war is over. Terms Can we discuss them?
  16. ...I, too, believe many feel that way. Consider though... CN, 'permits' those who 'organize' to reap the benefits of such organization. This is how it is, and how it should be structured... it is a war game after all. While RISK has a multitude of variants, I don't believe there is one where all the players do is build their respective countries. You build, you war, you attempt to take over the world. NPO had been a top-dog -- we are no longer. The rest of the CN players have achieved that. We're going on 90 days of warfare. I suggest the timbre of CN is presently being affected in a way that is not so healthy for CN taken as a whole... one reason I started this thread.
  17. While I could post the full terms, I don't think it's my place to do so. Iin several other threads I've asked Karma to post them without any response. For us NPO grunts it is not arrogance. Rather, it is a very strong "Esprit de corps." If you've 'been there' in RL... you understand. In Viet Nam nobody, .n.o.b.o.d.y., f----d with my RivRon mates PERIOD!!! In CN, many of us Pacificans feel the same way about NPO. Yes, to others it will appear as arrogance. To us it is the intangible belief in ourselves regardless of the 'stress' or controversy of the moment. Shai Dorsai!
  18. If I got it wrong, or missed entirely, let me know... Alfred von Tirpitz Served Atomsk Strife Army BarbulaM1 Navy BayEagle Unk Binuru Navy bobjhonny Civilian Buds The Man Served Captain B Bob Army ChairmanHal Army Commander John Army Corinan Army Darknight6 Navy der_ko Served Dr hairy Ballz Army Ebony Wings Navy ender land Unk FinsterBaby Army Fort Pitt Civilian General Vengeance Army gstills22Fuhrer Army hawk_11 Civilian Heyman Civilian In Spades Army juanveldez Army Kilkenny Army Kryievla Navy Lance Navy Lord Strider Marine Lycurgus Rex Navy Margrave Marine Merrie Melodies Army nc1701 Civilian Peggy_Sue Civilian phillip110 Army Poobar Air Force President Kuse Army Ryan Greenberg Civilian Sandwich Controversy Army Shep309 Navy Sileath Navy Solace19k Army TBRaiders Army Terminator Army The AUT Army The Mongol-Swedes Army Thorgrum Army USMC123 Marine Virillus Army Voxamerica Army Walt Schmidt Navy Walking Dead Marine wolfprince Army Yggdrazil Army youiwish959 Civilian Yubyubsan Unk Zombie Glaucon Civilian Air Force 1 Army 26 Civilian 9 Marine 4 Navy 10 Served 3 Unk 3 Total 56
  19. Seeing how I mentioned these a few messages back, and seeing how some of us might be curious, here's what RL Combat gets one. -- Army Combat Action Badge - CAB -- Army Combat Infantry Badge - CIB -- Air force Combat Action Medal - CAM -- Navy & Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon - CAR I have my CAR
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