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The Phoenix Federation Announcement


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Have you already forgotten that TORN pulled out because NPO tried to leave them out to dry? NPO stabbed them in the back. I see no reason for TORN to continue to fight for them.

That was spoonfed to you, even though it tastes sweet and you're enjoying the tickling sensation on your tongue. That sensation will pass quickly and hopefully you'll figure out that maybe, just maybe I might know more than you. :P

Edited by DrunkMonkey
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Have you already forgotten that TORN pulled out because NPO tried to leave them out to dry? NPO stabbed them in the back. I see no reason for TORN to continue to fight for them.

Hopefully you will learn more about that as the time goes on

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So sad. This reminds me of when my parents got divorced. It was terrible. Until I discovered I could get away with almost anything. :ehm:

Edit: Did we secure rights to visit the panic button on the weekends?

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Have you already forgotten that TORN pulled out because NPO tried to leave them out to dry? NPO stabbed them in the back. I see no reason for TORN to continue to fight for them.

Even if that was the case, it doesn't address the later failings of the treaty between TPF and TORN.

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Just to note,

TORN only got out of the war after talking with all of her MDP+ allies in duckroll and TPF* and every single one of them told her to get out. TORN didn't want to surrender if her allies were going to get sucked in, but were told that they would be fine.

*Mhawk was not online and torn was speaking with slayer, mhawk was not due back until TORNs deadline was up.

Every TORN member was pissed when bigwoody posted a thread stating "NPO is trying to screw us" with some logs of what was going on. **

Every TORN member said screw NPO, and get out IF our allies wouldn't get rolled.

Every TORN member was under the impression that our allies would not be getting in the mix

TORN then accepted surrender terms...and 2 days later watched ally after ally jump into the fight after TORN could do nothing about it.

** just to note, In a post a few minutes later in same thread bigwoody was telling membership that we had yet to here NPOs side and TORN would hold off official judgement until TORN had heard NPOs side

EDIT: Added the ** to better reflect what actually went on.

Edited by Kung Fu Geeks
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Just to note,

TORN only got out of the war after talking with all of her MDP+ allies in duckroll and TPF* and every single one of them told her to get out. TORN didn't want to surrender if her allies were going to get sucked in, but were told that they would be fine.

*Mhawk was not online and torn was speaking with slayer, mhawk was not due back until TORNs deadline was up.

Every TORN member was pissed when bigwoody posted a thread stating "NPO is trying to screw us" with some logs of what was going on. **

Every TORN member said screw NPO, and get out IF our allies wouldn't get rolled.

Every TORN member was under the impression that our allies would not be getting in the mix

TORN then accepted surrender terms...and 2 days later watched ally after ally jump into the fight after TORN could do nothing about it.

** just to note, In a post a few minutes later in same thread bigwoody was telling membership that we had yet to here NPOs side and TORN would hold off official judgement until TORN had heard NPOs side

EDIT: Added the ** to better reflect what actually went on.

I personally don't hold any of those actions against TORN, it's general membership or any of it's government. Sometimes decision are made that appear obvious at the time, but in reflection look differently. All I care about is being able to visit the button.


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Just to note,

TORN only got out of the war after talking with all of her MDP+ allies in duckroll and TPF* and every single one of them told her to get out. TORN didn't want to surrender if her allies were going to get sucked in, but were told that they would be fine.

*Mhawk was not online and torn was speaking with slayer, mhawk was not due back until TORNs deadline was up.

Every TORN member was pissed when bigwoody posted a thread stating "NPO is trying to screw us" with some logs of what was going on. **

Every TORN member said screw NPO, and get out IF our allies wouldn't get rolled.

Every TORN member was under the impression that our allies would not be getting in the mix

TORN then accepted surrender terms...and 2 days later watched ally after ally jump into the fight after TORN could do nothing about it.

** just to note, In a post a few minutes later in same thread bigwoody was telling membership that we had yet to here NPOs side and TORN would hold off official judgement until TORN had heard NPOs side

EDIT: Added the ** to better reflect what actually went on.

Here's a tl;dr

"We thought NPO was going to do the dishonorable thing and screw us, so we decided to be clever and pre-empted their dishonor with our own cowardice, and in the process screwed over all our allies and got their nations blown to hell in a war we started."


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Here's a tl;dr

"We thought NPO was going to do the dishonorable thing and screw us, so we decided to be clever and pre-empted their dishonor with our own cowardice, and in the process screwed over all our allies and got their nations blown to hell in a war we started."


as it was TORNs allies that told them to get out, it was hardly TORN screwing over her allies. You have a distinct lack of information on what happened internally between TORN and her allies and therefor are talking out your $@!.

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If your not willing to honor MADPs above all other treaties and fight them out don't sign them at all. IMO thats why the Harmlin accords and CnG are the only worthwhile MADPs as in my opinion these are the only guys going to bat no matter what for each other otherwise stick to your MDoAP (although often its really a MoDoAP) so good to see the cancellation of a treaty that really wasn't appropriate. :P

Some have mentioned Superfriends. I will mention AZTEC as an exception to this rule. You just over look us because we're not made up of giant alliances, but NV, The Lodge, and 1TF will always ride together.

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I would really like to tell the whole story about this but I don't know if I can or allowed

Personally I would love to here TPFs side. I only got to hear TORNs side and I am sure there is information and things that happened that I did not hear about. Who knows, maybe you'd be able to change my mind. As far as permissions....well you gotta ask your bosses about that.

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Here's a tl;dr

"We thought NPO was going to do the dishonorable thing and screw us, so we decided to be clever and pre-empted their dishonor with our own cowardice, and in the process screwed over all our allies and got their nations blown to hell in a war we started."


I would tl;dr it differently. In a more complimentary manner.

TORN was so much more efficient than her allies that she was able to get in a DoW, war and surrender before any of the others could even declare.

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There were many mistakes made that night by many and throughout the war. This and some other treaty situations are the end results of the sum of those, however an end to a treaty isn't an end to a history or a future. To our guys, remember in the chaotic fog of war, crap happens. We'll just keep soldiering on to the finish line.

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!@#$ happens guys. TPF, and TORN, and NPO had a good run.

It sucks it has to end with this but it happens sometime. I remember TORN being great allies when I was at TPF. I'm sure they will make great allies in the future to whoever will have them. Best of luck guys.

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I would tl;dr it differently. In a more complimentary manner.

TORN was so much more efficient than her allies that she was able to get in a DoW, war and surrender before any of the others could even declare.

Well, none of her allies could really declare until TORN or NPO was declared on. And the time limit on TORNs terms was set prior to any of the counter attacks began.

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There were many mistakes made that night by many and throughout the war. This and some other treaty situations are the end results of the sum of those, however an end to a treaty isn't an end to a history or a future. To our guys, remember in the chaotic fog of war, crap happens. We'll just keep soldiering on to the finish line.

In my few short months in the cyberverse, I have never seen a more honorable and stoic leader, unwavering in class and dignity in the face of enormous odds against him.

I salute you mhawk o7

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About that......
That was spoonfed to you, even though it tastes sweet and you're enjoying the tickling sensation on your tongue. That sensation will pass quickly and hopefully you'll figure out that maybe, just maybe I might know more than you. :P
Hopefully you will learn more about that as the time goes on
Even if that was the case, it doesn't address the later failings of the treaty between TPF and TORN.
Here's a tl;dr

"We thought NPO was going to do the dishonorable thing and screw us, so we decided to be clever and pre-empted their dishonor with our own cowardice, and in the process screwed over all our allies and got their nations blown to hell in a war we started."


I would really like to tell the whole story about this but I don't know if I can or allowed

Just wanted to quote a few posts for those whom were earlier trying to pry such from me. As I said then, it was not my place to bring such forward.

There were many mistakes made that night by many and throughout the war. This and some other treaty situations are the end results of the sum of those, however an end to a treaty isn't an end to a history or a future. To our guys, remember in the chaotic fog of war, crap happens. We'll just keep soldiering on to the finish line.

Kind of late now Mhawk, your guys are standing there waiting, wanting to say their side of the story. Torn has tried to push forth their view of what happened, obviously you do not agree with that.

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Kind of late now Mhawk, your guys are standing there waiting, wanting to say their side of the story. Torn has tried to push forth their view of what happened, obviously you do not agree with that.

Actually, it's really not much drama. What little it might provide here in the OWF isn't worth it. We've been fortunate enough to shed our drama llamas prior to this war and would prefer to keep it that way. We're just trying to balance fun and the undramatic

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Actually, it's really not much drama. What little it might provide here in the OWF isn't worth it. We've been fortunate enough to shed our drama llamas prior to this war and would prefer to keep it that way. We're just trying to balance fun and the undramatic

I would beg to differ on the amount of drama it contains but it is the choice of you guys whether to pursue it. It just seemed like some of the others I quoted seemed to have a bit more of an itch then you do.

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Kind of late now Mhawk, your guys are standing there waiting, wanting to say their side of the story. Torn has tried to push forth their view of what happened, obviously you do not agree with that.

Actually, former TORN was... I haven't heard much from TORN other than "you wont get drama" and I am doing my best to put forth the facts that I know in order to squash inaccuracies. Admittedly I am no longer TORN and everything didn't stop when i left so there are things that may have happened i don't know about.

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Actually, it's really not much drama. What little it might provide here in the OWF isn't worth it. We've been fortunate enough to shed our drama llamas prior to this war and would prefer to keep it that way. We're just trying to balance fun and the undramatic


Are you saying there isn't enough drama under the surface here to make a 200 page thread?

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Of course!! Everyone loves mhawk :P

Which is beginning to worry me. That guys like some kind of cult figure or something. <_<

Next thing I know there's gonna be a comet and a bunch of dead bodies wearing new sneakers.

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