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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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It's still hilarious to see that it took almost all of Bob to hit us as hard as we've been hit.

And we still didn't just roll over.

I'm actually kind of disappointed.

You act like that an accomplishment. Plenty of alliances have been hit hard and have held together.

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One of the points of cycling through Peace is to get out of nuclear Anarchy... if you can't manage a non-nuke Anarchy collection during the first five days you are in Peace, I do believe you may wish to speak to Admin because it's clear you have managed to bypass the game mechanics.

And if you actually care about your collection amount you can just chuck the GCs if it's that bad. So no.

A bit stupid to chuck the GCs no?

Yah you are right, get your choice of prize minus -5 happy or nuclear anarchy. How are we to blame if you guys (18 alliances) cant keep us from reaching peace mode, is that our fault? Sitting at 18k NS I had to wait 9 days between defensive wars, so if I went into peace, whos fault is that?

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Im not hiding

Maybe your not...but there are currently 266 of your comrades in Peace mode. If you look at the list of NPO nations, your top 54 nations are in Peace mode. Number 55 is in war mode and from there on, there are a FEW sporadic nations in war mode up till your 96th ranged nation where war mode becomes common. So, yea...you guys continue to hide behind that hippy shield, its done wonders for alliances in the past......

edit: spelling

Edited by James Wilson
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I thought that one "sides" stand was to end crap terms such as these? I am sure I have seen it waved around here more than a few times "NO MOAR E/P/ZI!!!!11111oneshift" "NO MORE HEGEMONY!!!!11111oneshift" "DOWN WIFF DA EBIL TERMS!!!!11111oneshift" Glad to see that it's just business as usual, merely a plight for revenge, though not very surprising.

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Maybe your not...but there are currently 266 of your comrades in Peace mode. If you look at the list of NPO nations, your top 54 nations are in Peace mode. Number 55 is in war mode and from there on, there are a FEW sporadic nations in war mode up till your 96th ranged nation where war mode becomes common. So, yea...you guys continue to hide behind that hippy shield, its done wonders for alliances in the past......

edit: spelling

You had our number 1 nation out of peace mode, what happened?

Also why are you the only person in IAA, that is in peace mode?

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A bit stupid to chuck the GCs no?

Depends on whether or not you want to have -40% on collection.

If your collection amount matters to you and/or you don't feel like coming out of Peace anytime soon I wouldn't advise keeping them around.

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By that logic.

A month out of war > A month in war

Wow. You understand basic math. Bravo. Now stop being dumb.

My point was that if the NPO does comply with the peace terms it may be able to do a good bit of damage because those 200 or so nations currently in peace mode should have had time to at least stabilize their nations.

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Turns out the two more facepalm worth quotes weren't too hard to find. Pg. 139

See, as a neutral party, the implication here is that since the NPO is on the sidelines then Invitca will be on the sidelines. It gives the impression (to at least three different people mind you,) that Invitca's sole care in the world of FA is the NPO.

and that's where the GGA cracks came from.

See, I fail to see how NPO is on the sidelines...considering they are the main target of this war...We however, are on the sidelines for this war...

Thats an awful lot to draw from such simple quotes, they're digging pretty hard.

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Wow. You understand basic math. Bravo. Now stop being dumb.

My point was that if the NPO does comply with the peace terms it may be able to do a good bit of damage because those 200 or so nations currently in peace mode should have had time to at least stabilize their nations.

So which alliance should we hit?

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The point of this whole war, and the terms respectively, is to make sure you won't be in a position to dictate the fate of other alliances in the future as you did countless times in the past. It's obvious you were unable to change while you were on top, so change is forced upon you. Call it what you will, this power needs to be taken from you, and it will be.

Hypocritical would be you getting off easy, and thus Karma defeating its goal of ending the tyranny by allowing you to bounce right back.

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I thought that one "sides" stand was to end crap terms such as these? I am sure I have seen it waved around here more than a few times "NO MOAR E/P/ZI!!!!11111oneshift" "NO MORE HEGEMONY!!!!11111oneshift" "DOWN WIFF DA EBIL TERMS!!!!11111oneshift" Glad to see that it's just business as usual, merely a plight for revenge, though not very surprising.

Who has Karma E/P/ZIed?

Who but the NPO has received harsh terms?

No one. That's who.

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You had our number 1 nation out of peace mode, what happened?

Also why are you the only person in IAA, that is in peace mode?

rogue attacks are a thing of beauty.

Edit: this is directed at the second statement.

Edited by TheListener
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I thought that one "sides" stand was to end crap terms such as these? I am sure I have seen it waved around here more than a few times "NO MOAR E/P/ZI!!!!11111oneshift" "NO MORE HEGEMONY!!!!11111oneshift" "DOWN WIFF DA EBIL TERMS!!!!11111oneshift" Glad to see that it's just business as usual, merely a plight for revenge, though not very surprising.

The terms offered are harsh but fair. Additionally they do not include E/P/ZI. If you think that these terms are business as usual then you are less bright than even your pathetic language skills seem to suggest. I'd advise you to tone down the 1's and make less use of the shift key if you want to be taken even the least bit seriously.

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Why, because someone has taken it upon themselves to spy my nukes away, that's why.
rogue attacks are a thing of beauty.

Um which is it? I will assume it is what James says since it is his nation. But let it show that you contradicted each other in a period of 2 min. Yet you expect us to remember everything that anyone has ever said.

Edited by Mr.AdmiralX
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See, I fail to see how NPO is on the sidelines...considering they are the main target of this war...We however, are on the sidelines for this war...

Thats an awful lot to draw from such simple quotes, they're digging pretty hard.

Did you know that little red arrow in the white box which appears in the quote bar can take you back to the quoted text?

I invite you go use that little arrow to go back to page 139 where the entire issue (of which you are not understanding based on your response,) takes place. The sum up is:

Haf: The game is gonna go on pause till the NPO rebuilds and that's gonna stink

See: No, there's a lot of drama brewing

Haf: Yeah, but the NPO will be on the sidelines for all that while it rebuilds, and so are their allies (implication on Invitca.)

See (and others): The heck are you talking about?! Is the NPO the ONLY treaty you care about?!?!

Haf: ...

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