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Kronos Question and Answer Session


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Jebbie- No there mine, you cant have em, but we can share

Poobah- Why hasnt Argent merged with Kronos yet? I expect to see a vote of merger infront of the council by update tonight. Bring an offering of babies to the alter of time.

LB- Kronos has many people from diff alliances that all left for their own reasons. I personally didn't feel like I fit in as a newer member of Gremlins. Every member has a different reason why they joined Kronos. Feel free to stop by #kronos and ask around.

Dr Dan- The fighting we did, we consider a massive success. We accomplished our "headshot" on GGA perfectly. Our engagement of Vahlalla was met with stiff resistance, as we were countered by Olympus 3 days after our blitz. But with the help of our brothers over at Umbrella we defeated Olympus in less than a week then went on to defeat Vahlalla a week and a half later. So I am very pleased with our invlovement of the war. As for your second question, me personally, ive always been partial to Argent even if Poobah is annoying.

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... Whoa... Someone else knows who Plumb is. Fantastic. ^^d *cues it up on his PSP playlist*

They're one of my favorite bands, and Chaotic Resolve brought them back to the edgy stuff that was on their first album. I prefer 'Good Behavior' and 'Motion', though. ;)

I didn't think anyone knew who Plumb was. Thank you CN forums. I am not alone anymore.

Actually I'd never heard of them. I just randomly looked for the strangest definition of "Better" I could find. The fact that they scored high in the "christian charts" makes me not want to listen to them, though.

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I don't know what Kronos mean, care to enlighten me? ( I really don't know >_< )

As I understand it, we're operating under several meanings for the word, depending on how you want to look at it:

-In mythological terms, Kronos was the father of the Olympian gods (Zeus, Ares, Hera, etc.)

-Sorta related to time

-The name of a quartet of string musicians, but I don't think that has anything to do with the naming of the alliance.

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Once a pun a time, NinjaPirate tried to be funny but instead people just couldn't handle the punishment... boy they really wanted to punch him.

Like my second hand jokes?!

Holler if you're hungry four seconds!!

Edited by NinjaPirate
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Actually I'd never heard of them. I just randomly looked for the strangest definition of "Better" I could find. The fact that they scored high in the "christian charts" makes me not want to listen to them, though.

I know where you're coming from on that, honestly... But Plumb's good stuff. They're not 'bash-you-over-the-head-with-a-bible' christian music, and they even have love songs that aren't so vague that they could be referring to Christ. :P

Go have a listen to 'Good Behavior'. You might be surprised.

Edited by Vanadrin Failing
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I found your recent war record, especially for a very new Alliance, quite admirable. Who was your inhouse 'General' that was responsible for strategeries and suchlike? Or was it that you just had an experienced, dedicated cadre of fighters who knew the ropes?

Also, what time is it?

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- Is it MDoAP or MoADP?

MDoAP as the Defense is mutual and the Aggression is optional - unless of course someone signed an Optional Defense/Aggression treaty, which would just be oDAP or oDoAP - therefore it's always MDoAP.

Kronos is mostly made up of ex-Gremlins, correct? What made you all decide to leave?

We each had our own reasons that were shared in private - there wasn't a faction or splinter that happened within the alliance that caused us to leave.

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I found your recent war record, especially for a very new Alliance, quite admirable. Who was your inhouse 'General' that was responsible for strategeries and suchlike? Or was it that you just had an experienced, dedicated cadre of fighters who knew the ropes?

Also, what time is it?

We owe Alden Peterson a great deal of credit for our recent war effort as our MoD during the Karma war - he was a god amongst men and we were grateful for his services. The rest of the credit goes to the alliance as a whole as our philosophy is activity > everything and during the war we tended to have 20+ of our 23 members on during peak times which wasn't easy with the spread of timezones we had (NZ, Euro, US, etc).

It's hammer time!

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I found your recent war record, especially for a very new Alliance, quite admirable. Who was your inhouse 'General' that was responsible for strategeries and suchlike? Or was it that you just had an experienced, dedicated cadre of fighters who knew the ropes?

Also, what time is it?

Our alliance was pretty split, half had a wealth of war experience and half had little to known. Overall I would give props to Ender for helping bring our members up to speed. I believe our avg member was engaged in 5 wars for 2 cycles. Our coordination was well thought out and we executed our plans flawlessly. Yet again I have to thank our allies Athens and Umbrella. It was our first test as an alliance and we passed with flying colors.

and its 6:41 in houston

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We are free to speak our minds. We do not have official policies per say, other than those documents in our public library - located here

How much do his posts represent the opinions of others in Kronos, do they tend to agree or disagree with him?

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How much do his posts represent the opinions of others in Kronos, do they tend to agree or disagree with him?

As stated in our charter our members are allowed to speak their mind. So unless its an offical thread from Kronos then its a personal oppinion from a member. If your asking if Kronos as a whole Respects him the answer is yes. Im not quite sure what your asking. If I didnt answer it try to rephrase your question

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We are free to speak our minds. We do not have official policies per say, other than those documents in our public library - located here

I might end up with more than three, but:






Rebel Virginia

misr/the Aut

Most of those people have pissed me off enough that I do not want to have to work with them in any official capacity (aka same alliance).

It was my pleasure. :lol1:

Edited by Roadie
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