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wing ruler

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Everything posted by wing ruler

  1. Resource list: - Aluminum - Cattle - Fish - Iron - Lumber - Marble - Pigs - Spices - Sugar - Uranium:wing ruler - Water:wing ruler - Wheat Economic effect: Income: +$7.5 Citizens: +30.56% Happiness: +8.5 Infra cost: -28.99% Land cost: -14.5% Land bonus: +8% Environment: +1 Bill effect: Infra UpK: -19.68% Soldier UpK: -$0.5 Tank UpK: -5% Nuke UpK: -50% Navy UpK: -5% Military effect: Soldier eff.: +38% Soldier cost: -$3 Navy Cost: -5% Aircraft Cost: -8% Aircraft Limit: +10 to join just leave a message here with your resources and a link
  2. hope you guys grow and have fun!
  3. damn we look sexy in this announcement
  4. I have a question with the whole NPO sig saying proud NPO warrior that sentence makes no sence to me what warrior hides in peace mode ?
  5. oh ok thought you stoped but is it ok if I stay gray ? since I joining gray council you would only lose 1 happy
  6. set 2 circle d water uranium http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=332403 also I can move to maroon but if everyone is ok with it I would prefer gray just the trade partners choice
  7. yes I am 90% sure it will (I have been napping during the merger talks)
  8. haha its been fun now into the a new journey we move on yay poor grammar
  9. im in Nation Link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=332403 Resources:water uranium Are you changing spheres?sure already on aqua
  10. NoR is preaty cool and there future is filled brightness (lets hope its not a train)
  11. Hey I am joining any good trade circle. I have water uranium and am willing to change my color . If interested just reply here or pm me at http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=332403
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