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Therapy – Who Needs It?


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Somewhere in a nondescript office Generalissimo is an hour into his first incredibly unproductive therapy secession.

Mr. Generalissimo, is that really your name?
"I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procintia!!! – who else would I be?"
What your designation before becoming Generalissimo of Procintia?
"I was Generalissimo of an expatriate remnant loyalist force following a Caribbean coup d’état, before we founded glorious Procintia."
And before that?
"I was Generalissimo of a small Caribbean nation in service of El Presidente."
facepalm: What were you before you were Generalissimo?
"Colonelissimo, obviously."
Right. . . care to talk about it?
"No, my time as Colonelissimo classified as a matter of Procintian security."
How about your childhood?
"Classified, Procintian state secret."
Is there anything you would like to talk about?
"I am Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procintia!!! Of course I am taking this seriously. Why wouldn’t I take a serious affair seriously? Not that I need to be here - I’m solid as steel, the rock in the foundation, the mountain on the plain, the elliptical orbit of a planet, the relative gravity of a Dirac sea. . . I am armed with the collective sanity of the Procintian peoples!!!"
I have been told you might be suffering the effects from your extended isolation.
"Extended Isolation? As long as the people of Procintia stand with me I am never really alone, with the strength of Procintia I overcame the Wasteland! Hahahahahahaha" Edited by Generalissimo
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I was also told about the possibility of paranoia.
"What paranoia? Who told you I was paranoid? Who told you I was paranoid?"
You spent the entirety of the Magnhild-Zamoyski marriage over a toxicology kit.
"Good thing I had had a portable a toxicology kit or Martens would have killed me."
Do you really believe Kaiser Martens would have killed you at a major international event, the wedding of his daughter no less? You were in Nordland, if Kaiser Martens wanted you dead I doubt just a toxicology kit would have saved you, I fairly sure Martens isn’t really out to get you.
“Why would you deny Martens’ treachery? Unless you’re working for Martens !!! Whatever happened to doctor-patient confidentiality? How much did he pay you to sell me out? You didn’t think I would figure it out? Martens is watching right now isn’t he? !!!!Martenssssssssssssssssssssss!!!! You didn’t think it would be so easy did you Martens? It doesn’t matter, I’m going to find another therapist, one who isn’t working for the Nordistas.” Generalissimo gets up and leaves the office making sure he slams the door on the way out. Edited by Generalissimo
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OOC: I lol'd hard
Somewhere out there someone was lol'ing hard, Generalissimo could feel it reverberating through his head, and the sensation was unnerving.

Medical information, especially medical information pertaining to a nation’s leader, was not nearly as private as most people have been led to believe – and this wasn’t the first incident. If he didn’t have enough problems already Generalissimo knew foreign intelligence agencies would soon forward reports of his alleged instability to leaders across the world. It wasn’t Generalissimo’s fault the world’s physiatrists and therapists (if not the entirety of the international medical community) were in a vast reaching international conspiracy covertly working against him.

Edited by Generalissimo
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OOC: And to think I suggested this to him.
This was all Leclerc's idea, and Generalissimo beginning to consider killing Leclerc. Leclerc’s psych-technobabble about inversing localized imbalances through conversational counseling and psychotherapeutical analysis was convincing enough, but Generalissimo was doubting the idea.

Maybe this would be easier if nearly the entirety of the world’s metal health profession wasn’t working for the adversary; but giving in now would be surrendering to Martens' treachery, Dark Hand manipulations, and the Republic of War's evil.

Putting a coin into a corner payphone Generalissimo made an appointment with another therapist for the next day.

Out of Character Stuff

sounds better than my therapist's, at least yours hasn't killed himself yet.
but your therapist isn’t a mercenary spy posing as a therapist while working for Nordland.
Excellent thread. Can I have Zarfef perhaps see your therapist... it might just do him some good.
Any time, but consider this isn’t the last therapist Generalissimo is going to approach. Edited by Generalissimo
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If this doesn’t work perhaps it’s time to try something different. . . Group Therapy? Anything was better than an intervention.

More Out of Character Stuff

OOC: I'll have to send more funds to pay for the treatments. Also, I could send a female therapist for you ;)
Just send put in you therapist’s profile and post your questions, and Generalissimo will give his responses ---> that goes for anyone here. . . Hurrah for nonlinear roleplaying. Edited by Generalissimo
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Mikhail will be willing to volunteer his resources as a therapist to a friend.
Generalissimo couldn’t recall actually ever meeting Mikhail, but Generalissimo never actually met most of the current generation of leaders face to face, the inevitable result of conducting most of Procinctia’s business on open international diplomatic frequencies. Even while attending large international events Generalissimo conversed with very few people, even in a crowd he was always alone. How could Mikhail consider them friends?

Punching in the Marscurian Pakistan frequency into his transmitter replied, “Therapy, who needs therapy? Definitely not this Generalissimo, anything you or anyone else may have heard to the contrary is lies told by lying liars. I’m solid as a stable molecular structure, or Lady Sarah’s marriage.”

Edited by Generalissimo
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Generalissimo couldn’t recall actually ever meeting Mikhail, but Generalissimo never actually met most of the current generation of leaders face to face, the inevitable result of conducting most of Procinctia’s business on open international diplomatic frequencies. Even while attending large international events Generalissimo conversed with very few people, even in a crowd he was always alone. How could Mikhail consider them friends?

Punching in the Marscurian Pakistan frequency into his transmitter replied, “Therapy, who needs therapy? Definitely not this Generalissimo, anything you or anyone else may have heard to the contrary is lies told by lying liars. I’m solid as a stable molecular structure, or Lady Sarah’s marriage.”

OOC: The irony... :lol1:

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In another nondescript office Generalissimo is 30 minutes into his third therapy secession of the day.

In researching some your more controversial actions I have come across an interesting irregularity, in several international peacekeeping efforts Procinctia’s contribution consisted of a single soldier. Care to explain why you would send a single soldier, and not even a particularly elite soldier, out by himself to international efforts?
Law of Conservation of Ninjutsu, a single well-narrated individual is better than a thousand soldiers treated as statistics. Of course Procinctia’s support was never limited to international expeditionary forces, the bulk of the assistance was in equipment and finances rather than manpower.
That doesn’t make sense on so many levels, I’m afraid my suspension of disbelief only extends so far, I don’t think anyone would consider that a valid reason.
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Punching in the Marscurian Pakistan frequency into his transmitter replied, “Therapy, who needs therapy? Definitely not this Generalissimo, anything you or anyone else may have heard to the contrary is lies told by lying liars. I’m solid as a stable molecular structure, or Lady Sarah’s marriage.”
There was a massive "ZING" emanating from the United States, although it is unknown why.

The sound of laughter coming from the United States as well as some intense shouting from the northern islands near Alaska crept slowly southward. Past Japan, past Borneo, through Australia and into the windows of Solidor Manor. First it tickled her ears and then with the force of a train lunged inside her head as the Lady Protector sprung up in the bed with a tired look on her face. Slowly she moved over and checked the clock, three in the morning and then the strong sound of snoring filled her ears as she looked over at the lump laying next to her in the bed. She sighed and scowled at the figure before laying back down in her bed. She couldn't think of why she was hearing laughter.

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Ok then, how about Kiska Atka’s Seven Hundred Million dollar bounty? Seven Hundred Million is a significant sum, she must be really important to you. Why else would you offering a sum equaling the current reconstruction budget of your country?
“Kiska Atka has been constantly successful as Minister of Foreign Affairs, right now Procinctia’s international standing is as vital as reconstruction. I’m a military man, not a diplomat, how am I supposed to handle these things? What’s a few million compared to Procinctia’s successful international relations?”
That’s rather excessive for a single government official, even a one of her position and skill. For Seven Hundred Million you could rebuilt your diplomatic service several times over, or even hired an army of armed diplomats, and I think you already know that. Is there a more personal reason? If her last know location was Helsinki and she still hasn’t turned up, in all probability Ms. Atka did not survive. . . but you’re not willing to give up her.
“Of course not, they never found the body
That’s not logical, it’s an ATOMIC BLAST, they’re not going to find the body. It would be healthier to admit your obvious relationship with Kiska, whatever that relationship might have been, than live with this delusion.
”Kaiser Martens survived a point blank thermonuclear blast; care to explain the logic in that? By all accounts Kaiser Martens should be dead, but apparently blocking a thermonuclear weapon with your face is entirely viable these days. How many times have people like Generalissimo, Martens, and Uberstein have apparently come back from death?” Edited by Generalissimo
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... I’m solid as a stable molecular structure, or Lady Sarah’s marriage.”
There was a massive "ZING" emanating from the United States, although it is unknown why.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SNAP" echoed from the soldiers in Alvonia, although not one knew why.
The sound of laughter coming from the United States as well as some intense shouting from the northern islands near Alaska crept slowly southward. Past Japan, past Borneo, through Australia and into the windows of Solidor Manor. First it tickled her ears and then with the force of a train lunged inside her head as the Lady Protector sprung up in the bed with a tired look on her face. Slowly she moved over and checked the clock, three in the morning and then the strong sound of snoring filled her ears as she looked over at the lump laying next to her in the bed. She sighed and scowled at the figure before laying back down in her bed. She couldn't think of why she was hearing laughter.
Generalissimo wouldn’t believe the tabloid trash for a minute (if Generalissimo had an access to information equivalent of tabloids); Larsa and Sarah were supposed to be his friends, if there was a problem especially a divorce they would mentioned it, right? They would have phoned, transmitted, or telegraphed this; at the very least sent a card, candy gram, diplomatic messenger bag, letter, e-mail, foreign service intern, or voice-mail.

Once again Generalissimo has no idea what’s going on because no one told him about it directly.

Punching in the Marscurian Pakistan frequency into his transmitter replied, “Therapy, who needs therapy? Definitely not this Generalissimo, anything you or anyone else may have heard to the contrary is lies told by lying liars. I’m solid as a stable molecular structure, or Lady Sarah’s marriage.”
“Why not, it’s not like I have anything better to do.” Generalissimo flipped his transmitter back on and reentered the Marscurian Pakistan frequency, “If you ever just want talk you know my channel, but remember it’s not therapy because I don’t need therapy.”
Dr. Julius from Kotka Military Hospital laughs when he sees the report of the Procinta Leader. He gives a call to the man, having already Treated the Tsar for instabilties and curing him...
Generalissimo doesn’t own a phone, fortunately all calls are rerouted through his transmitter “Dr. Julius you say? I have nothing in my schedule for. . . wait, I don’t keep a schedule. I’m available for an appointment whenever most convenient for you; just ignore anything you might have heard from Antokolsky, Abasıyanık, Akhyaliyyah, Barditshever, Carducci, Gutiérrez, Hellaakoski, Humbridge, Iwahara, Jarlaskáld, Kingston, Quental, Smith, Varma, Von Frankfurt, or Wyk – they’re all Nordland spies." Edited by Generalissimo
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