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A storm that has raged for 1 year

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Tempest has gone through high times and many a low times. For those who don't know, we used to be known as Holy Order. We switched our name due to bad PR (religious association lol). I proudly came up with the name Tempest beating the next best (Apache) by one vote. Anyways....

I am here to proudly announce that Tempest is now one year old and that us young whipper snappers are still here and kicking like a ferocious storm.

I would also like to take a moment to thank our friends and allies in Purple <3 , especially Valhalla and Kry for their work to help us out in our darkest hour. I would also like to thank Dera and Jacapo and Tsukasa and Frozenflame and Cavefox and Fenrisulr and Kamui and all my other members who stuck with it through it all, even in the face of certain failure.


^The leading edge of Tempest. Doppler radar has it growing rapidly these days. Forecasters suggest something big is about to happen to it as it continues to grow.

We have had an interesting and lively last year of growth, decay, stagnation, budding, and other fun wild activities (talk to Stetson and Adificio about those >_> ) inside that cloud front.

Our MoIA Tsukasa made the following video commemorating this moment:

Video Link

Please take the moment to watch it.

As we like to say in Tempest (or at least me!)

We shall know no fear, for we are fear incarnate!

Who knows what the future will hold for us (We do ;) )!

Thank you all,

ligolski, Autarch of Tempest

PS: Look up! I managed to secure a fly over from the air reserve wing that flies within Tempest!

Flyover link!

Edited by ligolski
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Awesome guys!

The day I left was one of the hardest I've experienced in this game, but I knew that if you kept your core together you'd be successful. Not only have you done that, but you've picked up some new great members!

Keep up the great work.

Here's to Tempest!!!!

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My own experience with Tempest began back in late October/Early November when I first started the game. I've seen the downs, I'm now seeing the ups, but overall, I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had in Tempest for anything :)

Thank you to all of our allies who've helped us along the way, especially Kry!

o/ purple

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Man being in Tempest is the greatest experience a new person can ask for. People that never quite, people who are friendly, and all of them wraped in a nice storm, Congrats fellows we made it.

o/ Purple

o/ Tempest

Edited by cavefox
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A pox o' your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!

No wait...

What, what did I? I did nothing! I'll go farther off.

No... Third time's a charm?

How many goodly creatures are there here!

How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

That has such people in't!

There it is. Happy birthday Tempest and many happy returns!

o/ Tempest

o/ Purple loving

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