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The rise of Dragon Empire of Asia? (Dragon Bloc Asian and Pacific Members only invited)

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President Landry pondered the ramnifications of this. She would remain silent for the moment. Maybe a referendum should be called, maybe she should just make the decision. The economic consequences would seem almost certainly positive...

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ooc: He did absolutely nothing to harm the Dragon Empire the last time he was a member. We know you two have disagreements, but those do happen.


We suggest that division level command may not be devolved to this Federal Joint Staff. Cochin suggests that each nation retains its military organization as they alone are best knowledgeable about their strengths and weaknesses. Strategic decisions could be made at Federal level but tactical decisions and deployments should be decided at the nation level. Cochin is agreeable to the idea that we have an attempt at standardization of our equipments, production and operations. We must have parity in battlefield technology and interoperability.

Another thing Cochin could like to know is in the matter of diplomacy. Are the member states permitted to conduct their own diplomacy? Can we host our own embassies express opinions in international fora and such? We require a clarification on that matter.

As Anthony listened to everyone he nodded.. he was in agreement with them. "That is basically, in fact, the structure I had envisioned good King. You perhaps worded it better than I. And you can even keep your title. We believe titles to be a cultural aspect of a state. Your state could be run and operated as a monarchy still. It all depends upon you and your people how you handle your internal affairs save for what we do on the federal level to improve integration and economics. As for foreign relations, it would be our objective that all members come together in the council when a major foreign decision is to be made and we try to establish a uniform opinion on the issue. The goal would be consensus. We would need to act in unity based on what is best for all of us. This means you would still represent your individual states in diplomatic action, but you would be encouraged to adopt the position of the bloc and its triumvirate leadership. If we were to weaken representation of the states to blocs, it may actually weaken the diplomatic strength of the bloc in our alliances by diminishing vote counts."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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ooc: He did absolutely nothing to harm the Dragon Empire the last time he was a member. We know you two have disagreements, but those do happen.

OOC: Logistically, I mean. Unless you annex all of China, it'll be taxing to try to incorporate him :P

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ooc: He did absolutely nothing to harm the Dragon Empire the last time he was a member. We know you two have disagreements, but those do happen.


As Anthony listened to everyone he nodded.. he was in agreement with them. "That is basically, in fact, the structure I had envisioned good King. You perhaps worded it better than I. And you can even keep your title. We believe titles to be a cultural aspect of a state. Your state could be run and operated as a monarchy still. It all depends upon you and your people how you handle your internal affairs save for what we do on the federal level to improve integration and economics. As for foreign relations, it would be our objective that all members come together in the council when a major foreign decision is to be made and we try to establish a uniform opinion on the issue. The goal would be consensus. We would need to act in unity based on what is best for all of us. This means you would still represent your individual states in diplomatic action, but you would be encouraged to adopt the position of the bloc and its triumvirate leadership. If we were to weaken representation of the states to blocs, it may actually weaken the diplomatic strength of the bloc in our alliances by diminishing vote counts."

Then the Kingdom of Cochin agrees to be part of the Dragon Empire of Asia.

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Well, that is two of us. Any one else have questions or wish to declare their intent? We'll also include a clause in the constitution. That if the Empire ever disbands the states will have right to the land they originally claimed and to which their state borders are drawn. That way no one has to fear what happens if we ever do need to separate again.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Ja'Hina gets up from her seatg and walks over to Anthoy and pulls him away from the table for a minute.

She wispers to him. 'We do not like the nations of Yamato and Palintine, We do not like Palintine in this bloc and we would not like to have any relations to them in any way. We ask that we could have a vote to expell them from the bloc.'

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President Landry got up from her seat,

"The Melvin Republic agrees to join this organization, and urges that other Dragon Bloc members accept this. Remember, you will have the right to secede.

That said, I nominate myself and the head of the Dragonisian state for the triumvir position."

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The Northeast People's Republic may join, but requests provision for home rule and the right to secede.

"Those have already been outlined as part of the proposal and there's no reason it cannot be included in the constitution. However, unlike normal treaties.. due to the integration, secession time frames need to be larger than normal.. like at least a month to a year to secede completely."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Ja'Hina gets up from her seatg and walks over to Anthoy and pulls him away from the table for a minute.

She wispers to him. 'We do not like the nations of Yamato and Palintine, We do not like Palintine in this bloc and we would not like to have any relations to them in any way. We ask that we could have a vote to expell them from the bloc.'

"Palintine and Yamato are not block members. We invited them because they were regional partners who might have interest in these talks and in being part of the Empire. We can bury the hatchet with nations that are willing to co-operate if they want to become part of this cultural merger. Since our lands would be shared, there would be no more need for struggling over various territorial claims which would become historic artificats. That is why they were invited, to see if they had an interest. Unfortunately, thus far, both parties have declined participation."

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"Thus far, we have the Melvin Republic, the NPR, Dragonisia, and Kochin who are willing to join the Empire. This is sufficient to begin organizational work. Nominations made for the Triumvir will be made once the constitution is drafted. I am going to write the constitution based on what has been said here. It will be a bit of time. This conference will reconvene sometime within 48 hours, please have your pagers on, to allow me to make the necessary changes to the draft article we have already began assembling.. based on the feedback in this conference. It will also outline the responsibilities of the Triumvir. We will have a secretary, an executor, and a chief adviser to the executor. The secretary will have a very critical job in maintaining alliance records. The executor will be responsible for making diplomatic decisions and actions. The Adviser will work on the development of internal intra-imperial projects. All three will be responsible for communications with each other and reaching consensus on major decisions. I am going to go ahead and leave the conference to begin work. The rest of you may sit here and discuss various issues and concerns at your leisure. If anything comes up that we may need to modify or address.. email me, I'll have my blackberry with me."

With that; Anthony rose, saluted everyone, and then left out a side door to begin working on the Imperial constitution.

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Anthony notes Andonia's will to join also.. which will be taken care of once the draft is complete because everyone will need to sign the constitution anyhow. He raises an eyebrow at the email from Nebu II and fires off a diplomatic message to Madame Unicorn inviting her or a delegation from her Annihilation to attend the conference.

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Before Mikhail leaves, he talks to Anthony. "My friend, it is amazing what you have done here today. I know your positions, and I appreciate the freedoms that you are allowing in this empire. However, I feel that joining the Dragon Empire is not in our best intrests at the moment. I do wish for closer relations with the new country, and I am willing to sign a mutual defense pact as a sign of friendship. This is a big step, as it is the first time that I have even considered allowing our nation to be influenced this much by outside forces. I wish you the best of luck, and I know that with your determination, this magnificent project will succeed."

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"We understand Kaiser Mikhail. We invited you simply to have the opportunity, not to force you or your people into anything you don't want. If you rather ally to us then we'll get that done once the new state forms.. right now you have no one to really sign the alliance with." Anthony chuckles. At the time he was being addressed he was in the side room working with his assistants on drafting the constitution.

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Anthony came out and paged everyone to return to the meeting. When they returned, they had a copy of the draft upon the table...

The Dragon Empire Constitution

(This IS a merger. All parties are required to act independently in the event of war although organized under the structure and guidance of the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.)

1. Signatories of this document agree to represent themselves in the Imperial Government. They give up all national sovereignty in favor of state sovereignty as a member state of the Dragon Empire. States of the Dragon Empire have the right to secede with a 1 week (real time) secession period if they fall out of the desire to remain part of the Empire. When they secede they will have the right to the original territory of their nation and full national soveriegnty once more. All secesions will be done peacefully. Acts of violence during the secession period could result in civil war and a denied secession.

2. The signatories of this document agree to pay taxes from their budget to the Empire's central government in order to fund its activities.

3. The signatories of this document retain state and culturla sovereignty within their state borders, but grant the Executor of the Triumvirate full authority to negotiate foreign affairs on their behalf, and on behalf of the Empire. The signatories may continue to participate in alliances in which they are already members, but they MUST conform their decisions to the doctrines established by the Executor of the Triumvirate so that the face of Unity is always presented on behalf of the Empire.

4. Signatories of this document will be given a seat on the Legislative Council and each Governor will be assigned a role related to document activities. Heads of state will retain their official titles for their leadership roles within their own states, but they will also be considered a state Governor, and will represent their state on the Legislative Council.

5. Signatories of this document give full military authority to the Imperial Joint Chiefs of Staff, primarly, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Military of the Empire will be divided into 5 sections at the federal level. 1. Navy 2. Airforce 3. Marines 4. National Guard, 5. Army. The National Guard and Navy will have joint control over the coast guard. They will co-ordinate with the states and their militarys based on the decisions made at the federal level to maximize the effectiveness of the Imperial Armys.

6. Signatories of this document will share technology amongst themselves. (Using the appropriate tech sharing rules.)

7. The Triumvirate will be consistant of 3 seats; the Adviser, the Exectuor, and the Secreatary. Each is equally important in making exectuive decisions and each has more specific roles assigned to them. The Adviser helps the other two seats with their tasks, but also is responsible for intelligence roles and interal affairs of the state. The Executor is responsible for foreign affairs. The Secretary is responsible for documenting the minutes of official meetings of the Triumvirate as well as all documentation work for the Empire.

8. All intelligence agencies of the Signatories of the document will be united under the control and full authority of the Adviser of the Triumvirate.

9. Signatories will unify infrastructure development and economic control activities via activities in the Legislature.

10. Signatories will ALWAYS participate in wars of aggression or defense when it is chosen by the Legislature by 2/3rds or more vote. The Triumvirate may over-ride a move to war by a 2/3rds vote. The Triumvirate has all authority over Nuclear weapons and may only release them with a unanimous vote. If the state is nuked by an enemy nation, only a 2/3rds vote of the Trium is required to launch.

11. Signatories will unify their defensive networks, including all sensory nets and unify them under guidance of the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

12. An attack on one signatory is interpreted as an attack on all regardless as to its nature or method of occurrence.

13. A signatory may leave the document with a week's notice, but if it is done during a period of war, would be considered an act of desertion and may sustain severe penalties enacted by the Legislature

14. Inter membership conflicts will be mediated by the Legislature.. all of its decisions will be final.

15. Decisions by the legislature are always done by basic 2/3rds majority for approval.

16. Filibusters are not permitted on the legislature. Failure to vote within a 72 hour period on a particular issue results in an automatic abstain vote.

17. All members grant free trade, freedom of movement of military, freedom of air transit, freedom of ground transit, freedom of naval transit under their respective local laws to the other signatories of this document as we are a unified nation.

18. The Triumvirate may delegate roles out to the members of the Legislature as is needed in order to ease the burden of their position. This requires a 2/3rds vote of the triumvirate to approve a selected member of legislature in a new role.

19. All other powers not assigned in this document are to be assumed to be possessed by the Triumvirate until illustrated and outlined otherwise by new revisions to this constitution through the Legislature.

20. All existing treaties held by the states may still be observed by those states, however, the Triumvirate reserves the right to ask the signatory to renegotiate or disband a particular treaty if it appears in conflict with Imperial interests.

21. All signatories who are memberships of other alliances and documents should ask the Triumvirate Executor how they should vote within their respective alliances prior to placing their votes to ensure the manifestation of Imperial Unity on the matter of Global Affairs. If the will of the Signatory is at contrast to the document, at the worst the Signatory should abstain from voting.

22. The admission of new members to the document will be considered by the Legislative Council. Majority approval is required.

23. Signatories will never war with existing signatories.

24. Anyone violating these articles may be immediately ejected from the document by the Triumvirate and/or 2/3ds voting majority of the Legislative Council. In the event of a conflict of opinion of the Triumvirate/Council, the Council's ruling is upheld.

25. Imperial funding may be used for any purpose the Legislative Council deems fitting by majority vote.

26. Military activity by member states will not be done without the consent of the Triumvirate and Legislative Council, especially when it comes to WMD or spying. Any entity doing so is subject to automatic expulsion from the Empire.

27. The Legislative Council and the Triumvirate will endeavour not to make rules or laws that will interfere with the internal cultural workings of a specific member state as it is a form of discrimination. What is good for one shall be good for all.

28. In a time of war, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be active in co-ordinating the activity of the Imperial Military, but each state shall maintain its own military command which will execute the instructions given by the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"Please let me know if there's anything we want to address in this document."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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