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The rise of Dragon Empire of Asia? (Dragon Bloc Asian and Pacific Members only invited)

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Anthony Davis issued a telegram to President Landry of Melvin Republic, the King of Kochin, the leadership of the NPR, Nebu II of Neo Taiwan, the new leadership of Andonia, Rajavi Visakapratnam, King of Siam, Neo Olympia Corp, the leadership of Palintine, and even one to Kaiser Mikhail I of the Marscurian state of Pakistan.

It has been a long time in coming, but we have been evaluating the cultures of our states, our governments, and our level of co-operation. In the old days Dragonisia formed a group known as the Dragon Empire and it protected the South Pacific well in an era of mega-states and imperial diplomacy. In light of the new multi-facted hydra states that are now rising up around the world, we think it is time that we consider resurrecting the Asian Pacific Dragon, and re-assembling it to unify our collective might. Maelstrom has noted in his discussions with me on his vacation that at this point he as no intent on the new Empire being ruled by a single Emperor as in the old days, but by a triumvirate council with a legislative body composed of the rulers of the states in the Empire. Each state would retain its own constitution and operate in its traditional course of local governance.

We can discuss the details more later, when you are here. We are calling a conference. The Dragon Bloc membership of Asia has been invited to attend this unity conference. At the conference host of issues revolving around potential unity will be discussed. We are going to need someone with very strong organization skills to be the new chairman of this huge state if we are to succeed and who that leader should be will also be discussed. We cannot stress the level of responsibility it would engender to lead the Empire.. and we know that responsibility will have to be delegated among the membership. How that delegation of duties would occur will also be discussed at this conference.

Whether you are for or against this unity, we ask you to attend. Whether or not you become a part of this Empire, your opinion as a regional partner in progress is as always.. critically important to us.

Anthony Davis,

Temporary Chairman of Dragonisia

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The conference center is lavishly furnished as is appropriate for a delegation of closest allies. Nice leather seats and a circular table surrounded by projectors for presentations and concepts. As the delegations land, they would be escorted by motorcade under the highest respects to the conference centers.. or their hotels if they arrived early. It as a sunny spring day, a threat of rain, but otherwise somewhere comfortably in the lower 80s and a tad humid as is typical for India but it was expected to get in the nineties about mid-day. (27-31 C)

Once delegates were situated, about 2-3 pm local time, 14-1500 military time, they would be taken to the conference halls and to the prepared room. Anthony Davis sat quietly at one arc of the conference table in front of the Dragonisian national flag, notepad and important documents in front of him along with his laptop, PDA, and a cell phone with Maelstrom's Number in the hot list in case it was absolutely necessary to call him.

He waited quietly for each delegations arrival.

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The King of Cochin boarded his official jet along with his retinue of King's Guard soldiers. They were preceded by a MERAT with King's personal limousine. The flights landed at Dragonisia and the King and his retinue proceeded to the meeting place with Dragonisian escort.

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ooc: Just rp your entrances of your delegations as they arrive.


Seating is alphabetical arrangement showing no hierarchy or social preference to any particular state attending. A clear demonstration of the intent to express a feeling of peers and equity among the membership arriving.

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Anthony would stand as the King of Cochin was first to arrive.. most likely he'd be seated to the left of Anthony at the table given the alphabetical falling of his state's name, "Good to see you your Highness. Welcome to this conference hall and glad to see you have an interest in the proceedings here. If you want anything to drink or eat, please just let one of the attendants at the edge of the room know. We've just got to wait on the others to arrive and we'll try to begin promptly at the arranged time."

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After Mikhail's jet arrived, he went into the waiting car for the short drive to the conference. He walked into the room and greeted the other dignitaries there before finding his seat. Although he currently had no desire to join a unity government, he would listen to the discussions to see if he would change his mind.

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Ja'Hina will be attending this conference and will fly via helicopter to the roof of the conference building.

She walks out of the Helicopter and goes to the exit and into the building, She is escorted into the conference room and takes her seat in the 4th chair.

'Good day fellow allies'

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Wen Jiabao arrives. "Hello, esteemed delegates... I brought caviar! :awesome: "

Davis stated as he shook Mr. Jiabao's hand and said, "Damn pity Maelstrom isn't attending. His altered appetite craves fish. I personally have no taste for caviar sadly."

"It is okay, I can wait. Also it has been a long time since I was in Dragonisia last. So how is the Chairman? I did hope to see him at this meeting."

"Maelstrom's doing fine. He's out at the beaches getting some welcomed R&R. He was so stressed out his eyes were bloodshot." Davis noted. He walked over seeing the Kaiser had arrived from Pakistan, "Hello Highness Mikhail. I understand you're not likely to join the Empire, but it's good to see you here and that you have an open mind. I am not sure you are much aware of how it operated in the old days, but we have a bit of a different vision and agenda for it this time that we think everyone here can agree is critical and hope that you'll take those changes into consideration."

He then quietly strolled over to President Landry, perhaps it was the slight fidgeting nature or sweat that gave away her nerves, "Oh don't worry Miss Landry, I'm sure this will go fairly well and I think your people will find the results of this conference will favor them as it will us all." The well mannered host Davis was continued to welcome folks as they arrived. He was dressed in a simple black and white suit, black tie, very conservatively dressed. A few well placed, highly regarded imperial medals adorned his right chest being the commander of his nation's army as well as its temporary leader.

He smiled to Ja'Hina as she entered and pulled her seat for her, "Good to have you here. I suppose Nebu II is his typical busy self. Probably working on doing something else to beat us in the fields of technology. All the same, what is good for him is good for all here. Thank you for attending."

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"Alright folks, it appears everyone is here who is going to get here.. so we'll start." Mr. Davis stated. "If others arrive we'll just have to bring them up to speed."

"What we are proposing is a full erasure of national boundaries, reverting them to state Boundaries, and the formation of a centralized federal government founded on the basis of representative democracy. Each state would keep its local sovereignty over its own people, but national sovereignty would be handed to the federal body to execute. The reasons we believe that this is a noble endeavor centers around numerous points.

1. Economy of scale.

2. The benefits of shared resources.

3. The benefits of co-operation in general.

4. The safety of a unified army under a single set of common doctrines.

5. Overwhelming political strength in our unity.

6. Our peoples are very similar and have enjoyed the co-operation shared over the recent years as part of or as friends of the membership of the Dragon Bloc.

7. I think we all find the burden of office heavy, if we unify our governments those burdens can be shared and we can specialize in our roles as leaders of the newly formed nation.

This model was proven.. and extremely efficient.. by the First Dragon Empire that was situated in the South Pacific and lead Dragonisia to become the power that it is today.. and the existence of which, preserved many of its smaller members. I think that Nebu II if he were here would credit the old Dragon Empire with having saved his nation from almost certain destruction, not to mention I think that if Megan Fox were still around, she'd be delighted to see what we have done with India in its unification post-empire period.

The fact is, it works.. it works very well.. and I don't think there are many arguments against the concept which couldn't be resolved. That said, I leave the floor open to discussion. What do the rest of you think of this concept? Do you have any concerns? What do you think our roadblocks are to making this work?

We think the best layout, is an executive Trium, appointed by the legislative council.. which would basically be everyone in this room if we all joined. The Trium would act on the laws and measures enacted by the council.

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Cochin is acceptable to the idea of a collegial decision making as far as international policies are concerned. However we do wish to raise the issue that not all of us may have same policies on various issues. How do we sort them out? For example my Kingdom is totally opposed to Communism taking root in our nation. Any move to promote Communism or Fascism will be cause severe anguish in my nation.

Another fact is that may nation as of now does not look favorably at offensive military operations, indeed our whole military is geared up on a self defense and allied defense model. How much will those stances be affected in the formation of a DEA?

And may I also enquire as to what exactly this unified military means? Does this mean all our military resources are pooled under a single commander or will they retain their current organization and military actions are decided by a council of our chiefs of staff?

Forgive these questions if they seem naive, but Cochin does not have experience with such a far reaching alliance.

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Cochin is acceptable to the idea of a collegial decision making as far as international policies are concerned. However we do wish to raise the issue that not all of us may have same policies on various issues. How do we sort them out? For example my Kingdom is totally opposed to Communism taking root in our nation. Any move to promote Communism or Fascism will be cause severe anguish in my nation.

Another fact is that may nation as of now does not look favorably at offensive military operations, indeed our whole military is geared up on a self defense and allied defense model. How much will those stances be affected in the formation of a DEA?

And may I also enquire as to what exactly this unified military means? Does this mean all our military resources are pooled under a single commander or will they retain their current organization and military actions are decided by a council of our chiefs of staff?

Forgive these questions if they seem naive, but Cochin does not have experience with such a far reaching alliance.

"Not at all, we understand that you aren't and that you will have these concerns, that is why I came prepared to answer in experience with the Unified State we had in the past. Dragonisia is pro socialism, not communism, however, the states would not have a right ot interfere with each other's function. No national law would be allowed to alter the internal workings of another state and we would not be, as a group, seeking to alter each other. Such measures are if anything divisive and against the spirit of unity. So you don't have to worry about the promotion of Facism or Communism in your state.. internally you might not even notice a difference except for increased prosperity."

"Your military stances will also be protected. The Dragon Empire I envision is a regional state united for our protection, co-operation, and prosperity. We will keep an offensive force for when we determine we MUST intervene, but war will always be our last choice. It's just not productive to war, not when you could be building. Sometimes the only way to defend yourself is to attack your enemy.. that is the kind of situation in which we would have no choice but to react.. if our hand is forced."

"Our military, our industry, will all be set to operating on the same industrial standards.. we will co-operate in decisions on equipment, production, to maximize the efficiencies our states in this unified body can give to its defense. We will operate under a unified command which will provide orders/instructions to each state's military departments to co-operate in the defense of their land and in order to hinder our enemies. So there will be a federal level joint chiefs of staff and a state level chiefs of staff as part of our normal military which will receive instructions when federal decisions are made; in order for those instructions to be executed. It is our opinion every state should have a say in any foreign conflict so acts of war will only be declared by the Council and the executive will be required to follow up on the declaration." (ooc: Sound familiar? :-P)

Adding to the differences, the cultures of our nations are very different. There are enormous differences between a Dragonisian, a Marscurian and a People's Republican. Big empires like Greater Nordland work because the people are all so similar.

"Nordland relies on intolerance and a similar cultural. Well, maybe not intolerance... cultural policing? It's hard to describe it without it sounding badly, but all the same it is what it is; a sort of enforced uniformity. We will rely on the innovation of cultural diversity and the foundations of tolerance. Just because you're different doesn't mean your citizen's cultures can't be respected. If it were true that culture is a barrier to regional co-operation.. then we'd never get anything done between our states. But just the opposite has happened, despite our difference Marscurian relations have flourished and will likely to continue to do so as trade and joint-projects continue. Our peoples have no reason at all to be upset at each other, if not to appreciate each other. Forming a union of states does not require a loss of the identity of the people which constitute the new nation. And each state may maintain its identiy as a state in the union."

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"Nordland relies on intolerance and a similar cultural. We will rely on the innovation of cultural diversity and the foundations of tolerance. Just because you're different doesn't mean your citizen's cultures can't be respected. If it were true that culture is a barrier to regional co-operation.. then we'd never get anything done between our states. But just the opposite has happened, despite our difference Marscurian relations have flourished and will likely to continue to do so as trade and joint-projects continue. Our peoples have no reason at all to be upset at each other, if not to appreciate each other. Forming a union of states does not require a loss of the identity of the people which constitute the new nation. And each state may maintain its identiy as a state in the union."

But I am not worried about culture such as religion or ethnicity, but things like language. Marscurian Pakistan alone has three national languages. Also, the nationalism ingrained in the citizenry needs to be taken into consideration. Imagine how the citizens of all the other countries would feel if they suddenly were required to pledge allegience to the new government in Marscury, which was formerly a foreign city.

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But I am not worried about culture such as religion or ethnicity, but things like language. Marscurian Pakistan alone has three national languages. Also, the nationalism ingrained in the citizenry needs to be taken into consideration. Imagine how the citizens of all the other countries would feel if they suddenly were required to pledge allegience to the new government in Marscury, which was formerly a foreign city.

Push this as a national effort with your people, as it is. You have as much say in whether or not you become part of the Empire as anyone here. Our people have endured under the Dragon Empire.. and yes, it was lead by us at the time so it was an easier decision to make, but this time we're not necessarily wanting to lead it. The Trium could be any one of the people here today.. or the leaders of the states they represent.

Language is not a huge barrier.. some of your languages are ours. We could see which language is used the most broadly and adopt it as the primary language to do business while maintaining the others in our culture as secondary languages as is done in most states. I mean, if language is such a barrier, by your sayings, your own nation would fall apart. But it doesn't, language can be worked with and around.

The Dragon Empire is not Dragonisia.. the average Dragonisian would also be pledging allegiance to a foreign and domestic government. It would be Dragonisia, yet it would not be.. it'd be faintly different, it'd be a scale above Dragonisia. Yet there is no reason for us not to take pride in it, for we would.. as all citizens here.. be part of the grand effort. So the Dragon Empire wouldn't be Foreign at all.. it exists in your land, my land, Landry's land, everyone here would be part of the Empire.. everyone here.. would be able to take pride in what it achieves and I guarantee you it can and will achieve things greater than any one country here could do on its own.

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"Not at all, we understand that you aren't and that you will have these concerns, that is why I came prepared to answer in experience with the Unified State we had in the past. Dragonisia is pro socialism, not communism, however, the states would not have a right ot interfere with each other's function. No national law would be allowed to alter the internal workings of another state and we would not be, as a group, seeking to alter each other. Such measures are if anything divisive and against the spirit of unity. So you don't have to worry about the promotion of Facism or Communism in your state.. internally you might not even notice a difference except for increased prosperity."

Cochin is agreeable to those terms.

"Your military stances will also be protected. The Dragon Empire I envision is a regional state united for our protection, co-operation, and prosperity. We will keep an offensive force for when we determine we MUST intervene, but war will always be our last choice. It's just not productive to war, not when you could be building. Sometimes the only way to defend yourself is to attack your enemy.. that is the kind of situation in which we would have no choice but to react.. if our hand is forced."

"As a military officer and a student of military history I had been fascinated by the teachings of Sun Tzu, "Offense is better than Defense." When all options fail we are willing to act offensively but that decision must be made collegially.

"Our military, our industry, will all be set to operating on the same industrial standards.. we will co-operate in decisions on equipment, production, to maximize the efficiencies our states in this unified body can give to its defense. We will operate under a unified command which will provide orders/instructions to each state's military departments to co-operate in the defense of their land and in order to hinder our enemies. So there will be a federal level joint chiefs of staff and a state level chiefs of staff as part of our normal military which will receive instructions when federal decisions are made; in order for those instructions to be executed. It is our opinion every state should have a say in any foreign conflict so acts of war will only be declared by the Council and the executive will be required to follow up on the declaration." (ooc: Sound familiar? :-P)

We suggest that division level command may not be devolved to this Federal Joint Staff. Cochin suggests that each nation retains its military organization as they alone are best knowledgeable about their strengths and weaknesses. Strategic decisions could be made at Federal level but tactical decisions and deployments should be decided at the nation level. Cochin is agreeable to the idea that we have an attempt at standardization of our equipments, production and operations. We must have parity in battlefield technology and interoperability.

Another thing Cochin could like to know is in the matter of diplomacy. Are the member states permitted to conduct their own diplomacy? Can we host our own embassies express opinions in international fora and such? We require a clarification on that matter.

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