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Official IRON Announcement

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Just a question cause Im curious...Im not saying its true or false or anything ( I dont know thaaat much) , but I want to get some reaction.

Say Alliance X didn't support NPO's DoW on OV....like, say IRON thought the DoW on OV was wrong (not saying I am)....if the alliance came out and said that and didnt fight along side the NPO, what would everyone reaction be? Would it still have been the Coalition of Cowards? Would it be wrong of an ally to not fight for an ally if the CB wasnt valid in your opinion?

Edited by delgursh
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The problem is that you have gone to war behind NPO for similar reasons when things looked better, like in the previous major conflict, which we call the noCB war.

However, to answer your question, TORN did that - however, they had the luxury of being part of the original strike team, and proved that they were willing to fight, but not without reason. Therefore, it might be safe to say that, even if it was all in deceit, declaring on day one, then taking a few days to "reconsider" would have had much better effects.

But then, Hindsight, 20/20, etc.

Edited by Prince Yvl
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The problem is that you have gone to war behind NPO for similar reasons when things looked better, like in the previous major conflict, which we call the noCB war.

However, to answer your question, TORN did that - however, they had the luxury of being part of the original strike team, and proved that they were willing to fight, but not without reason.

I gotcha. I do think however, that IRON is unfairly lumped into a group who support a certain set of ideals when we really aren't what everyone thinks. And also, I think down the road if the behind the scenes lead up to this war comes out, people will understand better. I hope it does at some point. [/suspense] xD But meh...let the trolling keep coming from the real trolls. See, like Prince Yvl, I like you....talking things out like you just did should become more commonplace on the OWF.

Also, we're not thaaat evil, we did cut the alliance's we fought in that war loose after a while and dropped reps.


Edited by delgursh
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I do think however, that IRON is unfairly lumped into a group who support a certain set of ideals when we really aren't what everyone thinks.

I know this, but if everyone you hang around is evil, people are going to assume you're evil as well. You guys just fell in with the wrong crowd, imo.

I think down the road if the behind the scenes lead up to this war comes out, people will understand better. I hope it does at some point.

That's been my dream since my first day in CN politics, really.

See, like Prince Yvl, I like you....talking things out like you just did should become more commonplace on the OWF.

Hahaa... thanks, I try. I'm rather glad to be able to discuss stuff without being assaulted with stubbornness myself, so thanks for that, Delgursh.

Edited by Prince Yvl
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I gotcha. I do think however, that IRON is unfairly lumped into a group who support a certain set of ideals when we really aren't what everyone thinks. And also, I think down the road if the behind the scenes lead up to this war comes out, people will understand better. I hope it does at some point. [/suspense] xD But meh...let the trolling keep coming from the real trolls. See, like Prince Yvl, I like you....talking things out like you just did should become more commonplace on the OWF.

Also, we're not thaaat evil, we did cut the alliance's we fought in that war loose after a while and dropped reps.


How many petitions to leave 1V or Continuum were started by the general membership of IRON in the past year?

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Hey I saw everything that was going on firsthand....and thats not what I saw. But hey, what do I know.

I did, too. And oyababy apparently saw what I saw.

Any fine leadership would do that.

Psst - he means "completely back out of fighting entirely."

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How many petitions to leave 1V or Continuum were started by the general membership of IRON in the past year?

Petitions are irrelevant, IRON is not a democracy, the council speaks for the alliance and has complete sovereignty over all matters. Those of you shouting and crying about how evil IRON has been over the past 2 years need to take a look in the mirror. The chances are your alliance has supported the action of the previous "hegemony" if not actively participated in it.

There are very few alliances that participated in the past conflict that did so for a "change in the way the game is played", granted there are a few. Most have participated in this war to better there own political situation which makes this war for the majority the same as any the hegemony has ever participated in. Behind all the "we're the forces of justice" BS lies the same alliances that supported the Hegemony for the same reason they now support the Karma side, because it's convenient for them and will ensure their survival.

IRON made it's bed a long time ago unfortunately we had to lie in it this time around right or wrong.

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Say Alliance X didn't support NPO's DoW on OV....like, say IRON thought the DoW on OV was wrong (not saying I am)....if the alliance came out and said that and didnt fight along side the NPO, what would everyone reaction be?

That is what we were trying to ask you to consider :P. Treaties shouldn't be there to drag you into a war against your will, and when your 'ally' gets themselves into a huge mess on false pretences and then asks you to die for them it is not unreasonable to say no. I would have recommended you attempt to broker a resolution, although since NPO had already screwed up one moderated meeting then that might have been ineffective.

On the other hand, you did have an MADP. I hope now everyone in global politics sees how dangerous and silly MADPs are.

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EDIT - Actually...I just realized...why am I defending our actions against you man? I don't care what you think, especially when its just biased trash youre spewing. I don't even dislike anyone inside or outside Karma...what I dont like is seeing my alliance's reputation put up for grabs by people who don't have the right to judge.

This is why IRON tends to stay off the OWF. :P

I don't mind playing in the dirt. I've done far too much 'splaining the last couple days, and know what? You're right. There's no need. Not gonna sway anyone.

I'm just here to sling mud and poke people at this point.

I be class personified!*

*Quality of class not assured. Plus tax, license, and title transfer fees. Refunds must be processed through the survivng members of the lollipop guild. Not responsible from blindness, flatulance, divorces, or rashes originating from my corrupted thought waves, not responsible for any pregnancies that may result, and reader hereby agrees not to contact Maury and is from here on out bound to that agreement.

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