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Sileath and NSO


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Yes, it can be. But sileath let it bring him down. He decided to pick fights and left when the end result didn't suit him.

That's not a lie. That's not an insult. That is literally what happened.

If he wants to deny it, he can feel free to do so. But it's the truth. I do a lot of things on the OWF, but lying has, to my knowledge, never been one of them.

well whatever the reason.....Sileath fair well matey and should you need to i would be happy to recommend you for iFOK, just dont go toe to toe with Shovel i feel the two of you are too similar to meld :)

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Publishing personal apologies and opinions in OWF is not necessarily a bad idea. However, posting personal criticisms of an alliance's inner-workings for debate in OWF is certainly not honourable. You should have taken this up in private or on the NSO forum. The fact that you came here suggests your opinions on NSO carried no weight and that you had to put them here to garner unnecessarily support. It hurts your character.

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I was going to wish you well and luck in Athens, and I truly would have meant it. However, now that you have brought me into this, I don't think I do want you to do well to be quite honest.

3. As my superior in WarCon was youwish959, he would be considered government, and he's one of the ones who had the biggest problem with my actions in the GGA thread.

I had no problem with your actions in the GGA thread whatsoever. I disagreed with your opinion, and told you that you were making an $@! of yourself once or twice. However, just because a member of government has a differing opinion from you does not mean that they have a problem with it. Do not drag me into your mess of egomaniasm.

I have the log available for those who already have access to the private NSO channel - government spams in the channel that another alliance leader should be insulted, I kick them for spamming, and then get banned. Who's silencing whom here?

It's called having fun. I wasn't being serious at all. Don't throw a temper tantrum about this, it's not a big deal. Me and the other guy were just joking, so chill. You kicked me, I was having fun. I kicked and banned you. No big deal. I removed the ban very quickly afterwards. Then when I realized that you had not returned to the channel, I queried you telling you had been unbanned. None of this matters though, because even when told unbanned you did not return, you did not ask to be unbanned, nor did you unban yourself as you very well could have.

I find it disgusting that you have gone to the OWF to drag NSO down. The fact that you came to the OWF, rather than trying to solve problems internally shows that you wanted to do nothing, but cause harm.

Edited by youwish959
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I do not believe this is thread is going to solve much, only make the situation worse.

points 2 3 and 3a- I am not a Lord or any ranking member in NSO and I only occasionaly log in to the forums, but this treaty bloc is not surprising. I have seen Ivan post that a treaty with NpO, STA and possibly a bloc was inevitable, so the membership should not have been surprised. If you knew anything of Sponge and Ivan's past a treaty with the tLC was a foregone conclusion. Ivan would not have put the NSO into a bloc without a reason, you may not see it but he probably does (I have my theories).

Also just a bit of advice: To be a good leader you have to be a good follower.

Edited by Killer Monkey land
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An outsiders perspective: after reading much of what Sileath has posted elsewhere and here in the OP, this seems like a case of the spoiled kid not getting his way, taking his ball and going home.

From what some have said regarding his work ethic, it was a really really good ball, but NSO seems to have a whole locker full.

Game continues nonetheless.

Good luck.

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I have never met you, nor talked to you before Sileath. But I find it ridiculous that you feel so wronged when your alliance gets upset with you speaking out against GGA, and then you turn around and hold it against Random when he speaks out against a particular member of the NSO.

But I will not hold it against you. Best of luck in Athens, from what I see on the boards, they are a class act.

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Judging from NSO's reaction, I'm going to propose the following:

We put this behind us, and do not insult each other on the OWF any more.

Any NSO government can accept this, then this thread dies. Or we could keep going at it :P

We did this when you first left, however if you wish to try again I'm willing.

Edited by youwish959
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I find it disgusting that you have gone to the OWF to drag NSO down. The fact that you came to the OWF, rather than trying to solve problems internally shows that you wanted to do nothing, but cause harm.

I think this sums up the thread pretty well. I understand your frustrated but this just isnt the way to go about it and you only end up making yourself look foolish.

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There was no need for this, and no good reason for this. You contributed much to the NSO while we were still growing and finding our feet, and I prefer to not tarnish that legacy by descending into petty disagreements.

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Sileath, I thank you for your support and sevice, you were a hard worker. Live long and prosper.

@The RandomI issue, no one has ever told me what opinions I could or could not have on the OWF, why should we try and hold someone to a diffferent standard? You yourself touted the free speech clause of your new alliance, try extending that out to others.

Edited by Merrie Melodies
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We did this when you first left, however if you wish to try again I'm willing.

I've made it clear several times that the reasoning for this thread was me being insulted in other threads that didn't mention NSO..

The point of this thread is to provoke an armistice. I'll assume one now exists.

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I've made it clear several times that the reasoning for this thread was me being insulted in other threads that didn't mention NSO..

The point of this thread is to provoke an armistice. I'll assume one now exists.

The New Sith Order will not negotiate with terrorists. Oops, wrong thread.

Yeah, I guess you can assume one does exist. At least between me n you.

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5. What the hell is with the baseballer drama? The guy's a ruler playing a game. If kicking him out of NpO for entering #royalpacificball due to an autojoin caused by an /invite while he was on probation to not join any non-NpO channels wasn't going to be enough for all the pissypants in and out of NpO, then you should have got it all out at once and ZIed him too. You'd think he started a fake war or hacked a forum the way you guys ride him and run him from one AA to another. Grow up.

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I never criticized you publicly and I don't really appreciate you criticizing my department here. Unlike IA, much of FA has to be kept close to the chest. Information that could/would leak could be very detrimental to the alliance. Diplomacy requires a certain amount of discretion, a concept I don't really expect you to grasp. When I start to get complaints from the Darth Council, I will look into changing it.

With that said, I wish you well; hopefully, the issues you caused with us aren't going to carry over to my friends in Athens.

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5. What the hell is with the baseballer drama? The guy's a ruler playing a game. If kicking him out of NpO for entering #royalpacificball due to an autojoin caused by an /invite while he was on probation to not join any non-NpO channels wasn't going to be enough for all the pissypants in and out of NpO, then you should have got it all out at once and ZIed him too. You'd think he started a fake war or hacked a forum the way you guys ride him and run him from one AA to another. Grow up.

That is not why Baseballer got banned. That was only part of it. He was yapping about enjoying deviant sexual activity not just once, but spamming it several times in #royalepacificball. The same reason that he "left" MCXA (and I do NOT believe that he left on his own accord, more like a "leave or else"). Granted, he is a great tech man, and could probably help a growing Alliance in the trades department. But, he acts like a ten-year old, and expects you to treat him differently because he is a kid.

As for Sileath, Moldavi is going to do what Moldavi is going to do. That bloc treaty is more like Nemesis on speed. i.e. four NpO Emperors getting together in their own cartel.

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If kicking him out of NpO for entering #royalpacificball due to an autojoin caused by an /invite

LOL are you serious? Ahahahhaha..

Anyway, moving on..

This thread needs more NPO lulzery..

To: Sileath From: Nitro Date: 5/28/2009 12:19:40 AM

Subject: Do you not like your infra?

Message: Throwing yourself into the fight is honourable, but there's a point where honour ends and lunacy begins... I believe you just crossed it.

Hope you like glowing!

To: Nitro From: Sileath Date: 5/28/2009 12:22:12 AM

Subject: RE: Do you not like your infra?

Message: 500 infra: $20 million

50 aircraft: $2 million

Destruction of the New Pacific Order: Priceless!

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There appears to be some unresolved issues between myself and New Sith Order. This thread exists so myself and NSO can each express their sides and after the airing of grievances is complete, we can all move on.

If you really wanted to speak with us, you'd have done so in private instead of airing dirty laundry (or rather, staining clean laundry and then blaming us for it) out in public.

The purpose of this thread isn't to open a dialog between us; you just wanted to attract angry replies from NSO members so that you could play the victim. In the words of Dr. Phil, I think you like being a victim because it's easier for you to rebel.

1. Lack of communication from the government. This has been by far my #1 issue since I was head of Internal Affairs, and I had worked hard to make sure that government operations were being divulged to the citizenry in a timely matter. Following my departure from that role, communication from the government to the people was drastically reduced.

That's how the alliance works. What is the problem exactly? No one was forcing you to stay and endure the horrors of our "poor communication" from the government.

2. Ivan Moldavi said several times that NSO would not be signing treaty blocs. Terra-Cotta Pact was a treaty bloc, though it was a color sphere thing and the citizenry could see the negotiations taking place in the Brown alliance embassies.

3. Frostbite - a treaty bloc. This bloc was not at all talked about to the general NSO public. Having a treaty with STA and NpO are completely understandable and justified - no person in NSO would oppose them due to the history of those alliances and the NSO. Still, due to how many times that Ivan said that NSO would not be signing into treaty blocs its curious that such a dramatic change in paradigm of a leader would occur without the knowledge of the citizenry.

Again, I really don't see the big deal. Furthermore, I don't recall Ivan saying that we wouldn't be signing treaty blocs. As I understood it, he said we would not be joining any of the existing blocs in order to carve out our own path rather than serve as others' lackeys.

I apologize, Dark Lord, for any inconsistencies in my post however. I do not mean to put words in your mouth so please correct me as needed.

4. Holy good gravy, people brought all their biases with them in NSO. The GGA-Athens-NPO thread was a mess. (I'm not including TPF because noone doubted mhawk's account of the events). We're talking about people screaming and swearing at me in the NSO channel because I'm refusing to automatically take an anti-GGA stance. In the history of NSO, GGA has never done anything against NSO. In fact, GGA assisted NSO by taking LadyDakota off of their ZI list so they could join. And I'm getting flamed to hell because of the position I'm taking in this thread searching for the truth (posting screenshots, putting together the evidence, instead of saying "OMG GGA FAILS CAUSE THEY'RE GGA") and it's like the biggest betrayal to them.

Basically, you're revealing one of the two factors which contributed to your departure. You're just bitter because you disagree and if anything, you were the one who defended your blind pro-Karma (pro-Athens) stance with incredible hostility as if the issue actually involved yourself or the NSO even when I pointed out how you shouldn't take something that we're not involved in so seriously.

5. What's with the treaty with The Liquor Cabinet? You know their Theodore Roosevelt (what's the equivalent of that rank?) RandomInterrupt, like two days after he leaves NSO, publicly insults NSO for accepting baseballer as a member and says he'll laugh when baseballer fails.

I believe that the treaty was signed between the former emperors of the New Polar Order; not the former emperors of the New Polar Order plus RandomInterrupt. Furthermore, an alliance should not be judged by its most unsavory individual, though I don't believe Random to be so much of one.

6. The whole concept of government making decisions without telling the citizenry - I'm not even saying the people should have a choice, just for them to know - and then distracting them with shiny objects (the Frostbite sig) so they can go on a mass hail fest seems a little... yeah, a little NPO.

So was it that was keeping a gun to your head making you stay? Don't like it? There's the door.

7. My Sileathonomics thread on these forums did not concern NSO to the degree to which I was insulted within it. That is the biggest motivation for this thread.

Here's the other reason you left. You're just bitter because people didn't like your ideas and wouldn't let you usurp the powers of your superiors in order to implement them. The truth is that no matter how good your economic policies were, you basically acted like you have some authority that was never given to you. You actually just announced that you were "displacing" (your use of the word is erroneous) your superiors.

I suck, etc - let's hear it NSO, get it all out in the open because you know I like to keep things public.

Once it's all been said and gotten out in the open, we can move on, you guys as a great alliance, and me in Athens keeping it real with the convenienct free speech clause in the constitution.

I'm sure you'll fit better in Athens seeing as you showed more loyalty to them and their cause than to the New Sith Order.

Edited by Tom Litler
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I was sad to see your resignation Sileath. As Sovardie stated, you weren't always the easiest to work with and there were times I felt you were a bit too aggressive, but all in all you certainly made things fun and it was nice to have you as a member. Good bye and Good luck.

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That is not why Baseballer got banned. That was only part of it. He was yapping about enjoying deviant sexual activity not just once, but spamming it several times in #royalepacificball. The same reason that he "left" MCXA (and I do NOT believe that he left on his own accord, more like a "leave or else"). Granted, he is a great tech man, and could probably help a growing Alliance in the trades department. But, he acts like a ten-year old, and expects you to treat him differently because he is a kid.

As for Sileath, Moldavi is going to do what Moldavi is going to do. That bloc treaty is more like Nemesis on speed. i.e. four NpO Emperors getting together in their own cartel.

While adding depth to the last straw that got him kicked from NpO, the childishness of continued hounding of him remains unanswered. Less mature people have gotten longer ropes. Let's not forget noWedge got to run a Continuum alliance while doing worse.

Edited by Schattenmann
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While adding depth to the last straw that got him kicked from NpO, the childishness of continued hounding of him remains unanswered. Less mature people have gotten longer ropes. Let's not forget noWedge got to run a Continuum alliance while doing worse.

If it's you're perogative to harangue people about supposed injustices, by all means don't stop. But please, this thread isn't the place.

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While adding depth to the last straw that got him kicked from NpO, the childishness of continued hounding of him remains unanswered.

I'm going to have to agree with this. The idea of a Sileath-NSO "clean break" was attempted, but unsuccessful due to the NSO government's actions in the Sileathonomics thread. This is why I'm giving you an entire thread to talk as much !@#$ as you want, so that in future threads, you will allow me to live in peace without needlessly bringing up the past.

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I'm going to have to agree with this. The idea of a Sileath-NSO "clean break" was attempted, but unsuccessful due to the NSO government's actions in the Sileathonomics thread. This is why I'm giving you an entire thread to talk as much !@#$ as you want, so that in future threads, you will allow me to live in peace without needlessly bringing up the past.

Do you think you'll be able to get up on that cross of yours all by yourself, or should I give you a boost?

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