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Where are you NPO?


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Staggering was pretty bad on some nations I would deem critical

Yeah, we pushed you down far enough in the first wave that you were out of range of our reserve, that kind of threw a wrench in the plans. We got most of you though.

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Ah, another topic created by some one who enjoys reveling in the pleasure of their own gloating. It's about as appealing as watching an old fat guy publicly masturbate or a pig wallow in its own sloppy filth. So enraptured by their pleasure that they are oblivious to their own form, it almost makes one hesitate to interrupt them. So carry on then, oh you, embodiment of Captain Obvious, for surely there are still those whose mental capacity render them incapable of the relatively primitive function of observing the incongruency between words and actions.

these random troll generators are fun but i think u should try using your own work

/o vox never forgive never forget !!

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Ouch! I would hate to be Kingdom of Dark right now. Right now, the most powerful nation of the New Pacific Order is in peace mode while his alliance tanks. I think it says something about him. How's the view from up there?

I don't know if this has been pointed out yet, but Kingdom of Dark did engage against two of the upper ranking Karma nations in wars that ended a few days ago. Somehow, nobody declared on him and he was able to go back to peace mode to reload for a new round most likely.

Edit: I see somebody did, never mind this post.

Edited by President Obama
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Yeah, we pushed you down far enough in the first wave that you were out of range of our reserve, that kind of threw a wrench in the plans. We got most of you though.

Well, you made sure you got the big kahuna. Took 4, I think, but he's iced. I'm still trying to adjust to a CN without Bubbler Nation at #1. Ah well, I doubt he's sweating it. Don't know him it all, but he seems pretty cool with it all and a great asset to IRON.

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Yeah, we pushed you down far enough in the first wave that you were out of range of our reserve, that kind of threw a wrench in the plans. We got most of you though.

Yes, I understand Gramlins's lack of coverage over the entire NS spectrum. I cannot say the same for all. But keeping staggers over everything is not very easy. We do however have jokes about one alliance that always messes up the staggers, whether you fight with or against them.

Edited by shahenshah
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Yes, I understand Gramlins's lack of coverage over the entire NS spectrum. I cannot say the same for all. But keeping staggers over everything is not very easy. We do however have jokes about one alliance that always messes up the staggers, whether you fight with or against them.

Let me guess MHA?

They and RoK constantly blew staggers and stole targets in past wars. I know it's hard to control a large group of nations but IRON and the NPO combined had less mistakes then either of these two in each war. There were other offenders to be sure but they stood out to me.

As for the OP I know you guys want to rub it in but seriously try taking the high road here. They are lossing the war, kicking dirt in their wounds and insulting their mothers might make you feel better but it's unneccessary.

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This pattern of behavior flat out disgusts me. I see the war itself as a continuation of the past pattern of wars. Not just being "no better," but as if NPO had gracefully passed them the torch in a proud tradition of convenience lynchings.

But more than the war itself, I find this trolling to be outright shameless. Not only is it the same kind of cronyism that is so loudly decried against the Hegemony side's past actions, but it is being done in a far less restrained manner as people seem specifically motivated to shout as loudly as their lungs will allow.

Deep down inside, I really want to believe that Karma's main leading forces are being driven by principals and dignity. To the rest of you, please quiet down and let more honorable voices do the talking. I respect Karma enough to wish that they be represented by the those who know better.

Edited by Senes
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One thing about propoganda is that it's like Karma. If you do it to others, it will ricochet and hit your butt, in RL or on Planet Bob. Be careful with the power of propaganda.

That being said, the NPO nations I'm fighting are fighting honorably and to the best of their ability. And entering hippy mode after fighting is not as dishonarable as some point it out to be.

It is sad that a thread like this can be written against NPO, considering that NPO are fighting the war, but NPO used the same propaganda against FAN, GPA, and some other alliances, and guys, Karma's a !@#$%*

Edited by Ilya Murometz
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Radio Silence is Folly, these forums are CyberNations

The open world forum is the real battle, lose on these forums and you lose the game

Any alliance unwilling or unable to maintain a presence here does not deserve continued existence

You know you've lost the PR battle when this guy starts making excellent points.

And they are correct regarding an alliance's missteps.

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This pattern of behavior flat out disgusts me. I see the war itself as a continuation of the past pattern of wars. Not just being "no better," but as if NPO had gracefully passed them the torch in a proud tradition of convenience lynchings.

But more than the war itself, I find this trolling to be outright shameless. Not only is it the same kind of cronyism that is so loudly decried against the Hegemony side's past actions, but it is being done in a far less restrained manner as people seem specifically motivated to shout as loudly as their lungs will allow.

Deep down inside, I really want to believe that Karma's main leading forces are being driven by principals and dignity. To the rest of you, please quiet down and let more honorable voices do the talking. I respect Karma enough to wish that they be represented by the those who know better.

You do realize the touch of hypocrisy in this post? Part of the change some folks wish for is freedom in the open world. Yes, that means you will have to sift through some garbage. You are asking for the exact same system but with different overlords. A system in which only people you approve of post here. Some posts make me want to claw my eyes out for having read them but I am glad folks are becoming more assured about beginning to post. They will learn with practice.

There is an overall release as of now but that will slow down in due time and the boards will go back to normal.

I am just going to go ahead and think you did not quite understand what you typed there in the last sentence. You are asking for people to post in representation of Karma only rather then in representation of themselves or perhaps their alliances? I think you misunderstand Karma completely.

Let me guess MHA?

They and RoK constantly blew staggers and stole targets in past wars. I know it's hard to control a large group of nations but IRON and the NPO combined had less mistakes then either of these two in each war. There were other offenders to be sure but they stood out to me.

As for the OP I know you guys want to rub it in but seriously try taking the high road here. They are lossing the war, kicking dirt in their wounds and insulting their mothers might make you feel better but it's unneccessary.

If I am not mistaken did not NPO share their little program with IRON that is responsible for their targeting? Kind of makes it silly to point fingers at others whom do not use such to gain that advantage.

Edited by HeinousOne
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To the NPO's chosen strategy's defense : this is a siege/trench warfare,.... the one who has the most tenacity and patience to keep at it usually the are the one who would win. (Taking into account that both sides are well stocked).

So I think they're doing everything they can to follow that doctrine in order to win this war.

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IRON were actually responsible for at least two stagger breaks in the Polar war :P I think it's inevitable with large alliances that you will get over-zealous inexperienced nations declaring where they shouldn't.

If I am not mistaken did not NPO share their little program with IRON that is responsible for their targeting?

Whether this is true or not has little relevance to staggering. Correct application of assigned targets, whether done manually or by machine, will result in correct staggers. The trouble comes when individual nations choose their targets and don't know to check the war slots (or two nations choose the same target at the same time), and no automated target assignment system will avoid that.

And entering hippy mode after fighting is not as dishonarable as some point it out to be.

No, that is tactical. Never coming out of hippy is cowardly. Kingdom of Dark is exempt from the 'lol peace mode' propaganda at this time :P

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Whether this is true or not has little relevance to staggering. Correct application of assigned targets, whether done manually or by machine, will result in correct staggers. The trouble comes when individual nations choose their targets and don't know to check the war slots (or two nations choose the same target at the same time), and no automated target assignment system will avoid that.

Actually, yes it does. Not going to bother explaining the little details involved in it but the program draws the members to the forum to get their target which makes it much easier to put instructions in front of them as far as staggering goes. I suppose you can send out intricately detailed instructions to each member explicitly stating when they are to attack but with that much work comes break downs in communication and thus failed staggers. The list goes on as to why depending upon more work rather then less leads to more ruined staggers. The proof is right there in the known blown staggers.

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It seems to be a common refrain that we should avoid speaking like the NPO and therefore becoming what we hate. While I understand the sincerity behind those comments, the thinking behind them is wrong. This thread is intended, in part, to let us remember why we dislike the NPO. To find those quotes, I had to go through a lot of material. And believe me, I remembered what it was like being under the NPO. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't fun, and I never want to go back to that again.

They went after their enemies and demolished them. We can't forgot what it was like otherwise it will happen again. Don't be foolish.

Today is the last day of April, and the Imperial Military Analysts have scribed the name of every GATO nation in peace mode. On May 3rd, they shall check their list and any nation still in peace mode shall only know peace or death.

Their nations shall become a prison, cut off from the world of trade, relations, and life. No system shall harbor them under penalty of war. No aid shall be given under penalty of death. Long after the Brown Rebellion is put down, those that refused to fight will continue to struggle in this world ...As long as FAN remains turtled in hippy mode to avoid fighting the war they will have no peace. Get it straight

No crueler than going to war in the first place. The point of declaring war is to break the enemy's !@#$. The enemy is using a tactic that prevents us from breaking their !@#$ with maximum efficiency. Therefore we are employing a countermeasure to mitigate this tactic so that we may once again break their !@#$ to the fullest extent possible.

To be honest, it seems like I'm taking a lot of heat from some people about being slightly sardonic, and I don't think it's completely deserved. An important motto which seems lost on a lot of people is "Know thy enemy".

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Turtling, Peace moding and radio silence is the best strategy they can use.

Pointing out hypocrisy is a moot point. It wont change anything.

Personally I never understood the strategy of radio silence, then again I'm a noob at these things :P

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...and radio silence is the best strategy they can use.
Radio silence is counterproductive, alliances isolating themselves from the international community do not endear themselves to anyone.

Not participating in these forums is not playing the game, these forums are the game.

CyberNations=CyberNations Forums

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Mhawk, I think any NPO member making a counter-argument is just going to be clubbed by dozens of people anxiously awaiting the chance to satisfy their false e-egos. You know very well how objective the discussion is going to be.

I think, rather others taking a stance for NPO will add more credibility to the discussion rather than NPO members, who'll be subject to pre-conceived misjudgements anyway.

PR battles should have been fought 6 months ago. Speaking out adds no additional marginal utility for NPO at this point IMO, rather, NPO Gov has a chance to strongly project its own message to its people.

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Radio silence, however, only fuels these rumors.

Not responding to allegations and preconceptions only reinforces them.

Yeah you're right. Although it depends on the other side to take advantage of the radio silence and ensure that their message is delivered and reinforced. So far it seems to be somewhat lacking as Karmaites continue to fight over petty things. Although I can't really fault Karma. After all, we certainly aren't the propagandists that the NPO are and we don't have any emperor overlords telling us what to do.

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