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ITT : Karma d-bags try to claim that they won a war against all odds!

Good job!

Please show us where anyone has stated they were fighting "against all odds".

edit: Karma, that is ;)

Edited by Mixoux
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I do believe we're doing well against the odds.


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how awesome, a previous opponent is reading me! Hi Guzalot!

Edited by Alter Leader Nabla
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As opposed to the Hegemony being suicidally incompetent for starting a war they were going to lose ... Face it, the Hegemony thought they would win, otherwise they wouldn't have started the war. The revisionism (before the war is even over!) to gloss over your diplomatic and military incompetence and claim that you were just the victims of impossible odds is, frankly, getting wearing.

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Eh I wouldn't say either side really had that large of an advantage at the beginning. It was pretty much even at the start, and then the Hegemony just started to fall. And if you think peace mode is the same as doing a good job, then you are doing a GREAT job.

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As opposed to the Hegemony being suicidally incompetent for starting a war they were going to lose ... Face it, the Hegemony thought they would win, otherwise they wouldn't have started the war. The revisionism (before the war is even over!) to gloss over your diplomatic and military incompetence and claim that you were just the victims of impossible odds is, frankly, getting wearing.

I would like to correct you : NPO thought they would win.

Other alliances knew it was suicidal and had to walk in it dishearted.

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NPO expected to win by those on Karma's side rolling over and failing to unite. After they made the big blunder of declaring during talks, uniting Karma, NPO made some effort to get out but by then it was too late to get out on terms they would accept.

Edited by Azaghul
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As opposed to the Hegemony being suicidally incompetent for starting a war they were going to lose ... Face it, the Hegemony thought they would win, otherwise they wouldn't have started the war. The revisionism (before the war is even over!) to gloss over your diplomatic and military incompetence and claim that you were just the victims of impossible odds is, frankly, getting wearing.
NPO expected to win by those on Karma's side rolling over and failing to unite. After they made the big blunder of declaring during talks, uniting Karma, NPO made some effort to get out but by then it was too late to get out on terms they would accept.

Personally i agree with the statement made in the Valhalla Peace topic that the war would have broken out whether Pacifica had attacked OV or not.

The odds would have been stacked the same, but that's all water under the bridge. The same as 1V-Q-Citadel forces had no real reason to boast about a victory in lopsided battles, now karma has no real reason to boast.

We can sit and argue about it all day and still disagree on the matter.

What is important now is the current fighting, the negotiations, achieving peace, rebuilding and trying to overcome old/new grudges.

Dang i almost sound like a hippy alliance.

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I fully agree with Bob Janova and Azaghul on that point.

NPO which dragged their allies into this war as they did many others arrogantly thought they could come out victorious in this war. Any revision or attempts to distort that fact will not change things in their favour. I mean if you wish to believe they initiated the war knowing they would be crushed in the process and bringing their allies down with them then what what does that say about them? I mean however you look at this it was a complete and utter failure.

NPO's allies should be looking at themselves now and questioning how they let NPO get them into this.

Of course that isn't to say a lot of satisfaction isn't to be had. These alliances overstayed their welcome at the top and brought about some of the worst times in the history of this planet. And so for that it's good to see them getting their come uppance. I mean there have been attempts to paint IRON, Valhalla, and at some points GGA as victims of NPO's tyrannical rule. That is ridiculous, they were accessories to it all and were the most fervent supporters of NPO's policies including E-ZI harsh reperations, they initiated countless aggressive wars.

The same is true for the bulk of the Continuum alliances towards the end of days. It became apparent that the Continuum by it's nature could not sustain peace, or even healthy competition and rivalry. It was a machine to ensure the Hegemony could curbstomp smaller alliances and blocs and remain in power.

So what should the Hegemony side learn from this? Think for yourself firstly. I mean the concept of "the meat shields becoming aware" or whatever the wording was, that should be the first lesson here.

Edited by Blacky
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Personally i agree with the statement made in the Valhalla Peace topic that the war would have broken out whether Pacifica had attacked OV or not.

The odds would have been stacked the same, but that's all water under the bridge. The same as 1V-Q-Citadel forces had no real reason to boast about a victory in lopsided battles, now karma has no real reason to boast.

We can sit and argue about it all day and still disagree on the matter.

What is important now is the current fighting, the negotiations, achieving peace, rebuilding and trying to overcome old/new grudges.

Dang i almost sound like a hippy alliance.

I think you greatly overestimate the unity of Karma. Had NPO entered into a justified war with all of their allies backing them from the start, this war could have been very different. If NPO hadn't been stupid enough to pick a target that draws in SuperFriends and C&G (who otherwise probably wouldn't have joined), this war could have been another massacre - for your side.

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The odds would have been stacked the same, but that's all water under the bridge. The same as 1V-Q-Citadel forces had no real reason to boast about a victory in lopsided battles, now karma has no real reason to boast.

This war peaked at around 1-1.6 in karmas favour. This war was nothing like the 15-1 curb stomps the hegemony regularly participated in, but I agree winning this war is not much to brag about, considering the staggering incompetence displayed by the Hegemony. You gave up before Karma even fired a shot, lol.

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This war peaked at around 1-1.6 in karmas favour. This war was nothing like the 15-1 curb stomps the hegemony regularly participated in, but I agree winning this war is not much to brag about, considering the staggering incompetence displayed by the Hegemony. You gave up before Karma even fired a shot, lol.

Hegemony: CN's France? :o

Edited by Tolkien
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o/ Francemony


Personally i agree with the statement made in the Valhalla Peace topic that the war would have broken out whether Pacifica had attacked OV or not.

Francemony can repeat this until their faces are blue. It still doesn't change the fact that NPO started this war.

Edited by neneko
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I must ask this, are you blind or something?

You might want to recheck that, at the start of this war Hegemony had roughly 24m NS more than Karma, the fact that you no longer have that does not mean the odds were not in your favor, it just means that you didn't use them correctly, and woke the beast in the process. Your new odds are of your own doing.

where exactly did I say Karma was fighting against all odds, infact, I mentioned Karma only a single time in that post, I think you should read it again, cause that post is about Hegemony.

But gf anyways :)

In fact, if you had actually been reading the posts in this topic, you'd have realized that it's not Karma claiming we're fighting against all odds, it's the Hegemony:

Considering the odds i believe we are doing a great job...
Edited by Paul
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Personally i agree with the statement made in the Valhalla Peace topic that the war would have broken out whether Pacifica had attacked OV or not.

The odds would have been stacked the same, but that's all water under the bridge. The same as 1V-Q-Citadel forces had no real reason to boast about a victory in lopsided battles, now karma has no real reason to boast.

We can sit and argue about it all day and still disagree on the matter.

What is important now is the current fighting, the negotiations, achieving peace, rebuilding and trying to overcome old/new grudges.

Dang i almost sound like a hippy alliance.

I beg to disagree. I know my alliance and our closest allies (meaning the Superfriends in this case) fairly well. We might not have liked NPO much, but we wouldn't have declared an offensive war against them without a very valid reason (same as with any other alliance, unless a truly valid CB is given we won't come gunning for you).

I know your side has been trying to sell this point for a while (with little success) using a number of different arguments to try to back up your point, but the fact remains that offensive wars without a CB are VERY rare, and so far have ONLY been started by your side.

If you mean that the conflict was at some point inevtiable, then i might even agree. It was obvious that the political situation was changing for a while, but that does not strictly imply war. It meant primarily that your diplomatic corps should have been working overtime since February to reshuffle the cards. Instead the so called Hegemony drew closer together and followed the NPO into a war.

Could you have won this war? I honestly don't know, from the way it went so far i can confidently say that some part of IRON and NPO were not the fighters i expected them to be. NS is only a part of your nations true value in battle, improvements, wonders and your warchest play a much more important role, and a fair number of Hegemony alliances have obviously been VERY lax in their preparations.

Was it close? We were actually preparing to BE curbstomped over the weekend while the peace talks were under way. It was clear from the start that the Superfriends and VE would stand with OV, but aside from that we were very unsure how the lines would look. (At least to the general membership, maybe the goverment had more information but i somehow doubt that).

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Look, I don't think the Hegemony or Karma were ever very cohesive groups to begin with. "Hegenomy" alliances began backing out without consultation with other alliances within the first week. Other alliances (IRON) are basically on their own, dragging their amassed enemies farther and farther down for every day they continue the war.

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