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To the Nordic Confederacy


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OOC: Let the NC answer before posting anything.

Also, Neutrals who want to send inspectors, raise your hands, please (means: Send a PM, so I can confirm your participation)

And yes, I know that "Annexion" is wrong. Too early for proper grammar of such words.


To whom it may concern,

some time ago the Great German Empire has annexed the territory of the AWS.

In order to determine whether this move was legit or not, we would propose 15 inspectors to be sent into the formerly AWS territory.

Five from the NC, five from the ComIntern and five neutral inspectors (From Lübeck, the Imperium of Man or another such state not directly bound to either of our blocs).

Should you disagree, then we will automatically regard the annexation as illegal and impose economic sanction on the German Reich and, if necessary, the entire NC.

Should the Inspectors determine that the annexation was illegitimate, similar sanctions will be enacted and the area will come under ComIntern jurisdiction, as protectorate.

Should the Inspectors determine that the annexation was legitimate, then we will not bother you further.

Do the German Reich and the NC agree to this?


Chairwoman Merkel

Edited by Lynneth
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Again, the Commitern feels the need to stick it's ugly head into the sovereign affairs of another country. Don't you people have anything else better to do? Like tend to your own people? or tend to your internal and foreign affairs, which has been lacking as of late?

Visari laughed and thought for a moment.

Should the Inspectors determine that the annexation was illegitimate, similar sanctions will be enacted and the area will come under ComIntern jurisdiction, as protectorate.

So, you ignore the fact that the sovereign government of the AWS granted the land to the Greater German Reich, which, in turn, declared the protectorate apart of the "Nordic Russian Protectoate"? You also think we are as naive as to trust any inspector from commitern, who could be paid to bring up any false allegation against the Nordic Confederacy and German Reich, so the land can be transferred to Commitern?

With that being said, I must reply with a "no thank you". Also, please refrain some interfering in our internal affairs again.

That is all.

Visari shook his head. "Somone needs to give them some Foreign Affairs lessons."

Edited by Malatose
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Again, the Commitern feels the need to stick it's ugly head into the sovereign affairs of another country. Don't you people have anything else better to do? Like tend to your own people? or tend to your internal and foreign affairs, which has been lacking as of late?

When there are no internal problems, there are no internal problems, it's easy like that.

So, you ignore the fact that the sovereign government of the AWS granted the land to the Greater German Reich, which, in turn, declared the protectorate apart of the "Nordic Russian Protectoate"? You also think we are as naive as to trust any inspector from commitern, who could be paid to bring up any false allegation against the Nordic Confederacy and German Reich, so the land can be transferred to Commitern?

Please provide the document or message where the AWS government explicitely stated that Germany can move into the territory.

Additionally, we did say that the ComIntern, the NC and neutral nations should send 5 inspectors each, to make sure that everything is as it should be.

Lastly, please check your spelling. It's "ComIntern", not "Commitern".

With that being said, I must reply with a "no thank you". Also, please refrain some interfering in our internal affairs again.

That is all.

As said, provide proof that the AWS government approved of you moving in.

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"These talks even started because we find it difficult a communist nation would just give up its land like that to a NC nation. That being said, we are not butting into your internal issues but the fall of our comrade has made us take this decision"

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A message would arrive at Comintern authorities showing transcripts of the meeting where annexation was accepted by the Government all marked with the former Seal of the Board of Directors

OOC Now why would you do that when you were so staunchly anti-nordic? *scratches head in puzzlement*

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OOC Now why would you do that when you were so staunchly anti-nordic? *scratches head in puzzlement*

ooc: probably because he traded his land in Russia for the Phoenix Empire.

ic: We understand Germany's apprehension, at letting foreign investigators come and look into their internal affairs, but Germany shouldn't be crying that other countries are "sticking their ugly heads into the sovereign affairs of Germany" especially after thier invasion of Slavorussia and annexing over 90% of the country's territory.

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OOC: He wanted to restart elsewhere. It has been done before, many, many times. There's no reason at all for this thread.

OOC: Yes, there is, if you want people to continue staying in character. Think how YOU would react if a Nordlandic nation disbanded and gave their land to the ComIntern.

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OOC: It's his choice really. We'd adjust to it and prepare the necessary IC defenses.

OOC: That's BS and you know it. You'd be doing the exact same thing, or possibly something even more aggressive.

Yes, it is his choice, but try to analyze yourself objectively.

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OOC: It's his choice really. We'd adjust to it and prepare the necessary IC defenses.

OOC: Yeah right. We can all react rationally when really in our heads we're screaming "WHAT THE ****?!!!!".

Like Subtle said, you'd react just like us if not more aggresively.

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OOC: That's BS and you know it. You'd be doing the exact same thing, or possibly something even more aggressive.

Yes, it is his choice, but try to analyze yourself objectively.

OOC: It's not BS. We, in the NC, tend to analyze ourselves and not go overboard over stuff like this.

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OOC: As do we in ComIntern. We held the decision to a vote, and we agreed to this.
OOC: Yeah right. We can all react rationally when really in our heads we're screaming "WHAT THE ****?!!!!".

Like Subtle said, you'd react just like us if not more aggresively.

OOC: Please don't contradict yourself 3 posts after the initial one. Additionally, Subtle said that we would probably act contrary to a very passive manner, which is probably true, because we would have to do things like fortify our borders and re-draw defensive plans. We would not react more aggressively because we are not more aggressive. In the past few weeks, the ComIntern has, most certainly, become more aggressive than the Nordic Confederacy.

Edited by Mergerberger II
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