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The Phoenix Federation Announcement


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Likewise a combined declaration of over 350 nations fighting less than 50 nations whom are already engaged with one of the best military alliances out there is somehow an even playing field. You guys are new, but you have some of the oldest players around and if you think I'm going to allow my friends and former home to be the play thing of your military tests, you're dead wrong. We might only be able to bleed on you, but that blood will be as painful as we can muster.

So.. it'll be like baking soda?

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I've noticed a lot of PC nations declaring mulitiple offensive wars. Seems to me you're complaining about your own lack of disipline.

1 offensive war per nation really doesn't fly anymore, I'm pretty certain those that are in 2 or 3 offensive wars can handle it better than, say, you.

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1 offensive war per nation really doesn't fly anymore, I'm pretty certain those that are in 2 or 3 offensive wars can handle it better than, say, you.

I can handle it fine, thank you. I'd be more worried about the PC nations who probably are used to having targets not fight back.

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I believe it should be clarified that the New Sith Order does not wish war upon our friends in STA. Having read this thread more completely, I can see how it can easily be misinterpreted that we are actively seeking more conflict for our allies.

That is not the case.

Well you might not but we do :P

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Volunteering or help being requested is NOT being "obligated" by anything other than your own decisions.

Either way, it's a choice, not an obligation

Oh, and to clarify, it seems to be TPF and allies that are spreading the disband rumor, to scare their own side into continuing the fight. If anyone thinks some of the alliances involved in this would allow that as a peace term, you have a very distorted view of Planet Bob.

Well tell PC members to stop sending it.

I already talked with CTB about this and he said merely it was "bravado"

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So the messages of "Disband or delete" are not accurate from certain alliances against us?

I should hope not. If they are there's going to be a dispute, I promise.

I'm not going to laud TPF for attacking my allies, but I have to say that there's some serious reaching going on in this thread.

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I should hope not. If they are there's going to be a dispute, I promise.

I'm not going to laud TPF for attacking my allies, but I have to say that there's some serious reaching going on in this thread.

All we need is TBB to show up, he'll show you just how far reaching things can get before they're officially crazy.

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Likewise a combined declaration of over 350 nations fighting less than 50 nations whom are already engaged with one of the best military alliances out there is somehow an even playing field. You guys are new, but you have some of the oldest players around and if you think I'm going to allow my friends and former home to be the play thing of your military tests, you're dead wrong. We might only be able to bleed on you, but that blood will be as painful as we can muster.

Meh, we're ok with MK needing help on us. :D We take it as a compliment. At the same time, TPF may help with the destruction as well.

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I should hope not. If they are there's going to be a dispute, I promise.

I'm not going to laud TPF for attacking my allies, but I have to say that there's some serious reaching going on in this thread.

I must admit, TSI has gotten a couple messages from PC along those lines, but they haven't been from the government, so I've disregarded them as individual messages of fighters that are over-eager. I can't speak as to what TPF has been told though, but I can tell you that it's probably not reaching horribly far. I know that they have more communication with the PC government than I do, as I have little to no communication with them at all.

Edit: The above post is not saying that the Poison Clan government is threatening this, just that TPF would probably receive more threats about this than we would, and would be more certain in knowing their legitimacy and talking about them.

Edited by Shurukian
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So the messages of "Disband or delete" are not accurate from certain alliances against us?

They are not, which is, as I said, why you are making silly, overdramatized three-offensive-war DoW's which won't do anything.

The TPF PR machine :rolleyes:

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They are not, which is, as I said, why you are making silly, overdramatized three-offensive-war DoW's which won't do anything.

The TPF PR machine :rolleyes:

I'm done arguing with y'all. We're here for ML, you can analyze our actions when all is said and done. Now is the time to fight.

Edited by mhawk
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I must admit, TSI has gotten a couple messages from PC along those lines, but they haven't been from the government, so I've disregarded them as individual messages of fighters that are over-eager. I can't speak as to what TPF has been told though, but I can tell you that it's probably not reaching that far. I know that they have more communication with the PC government than I do, as I have little to no communication with them at all.

seeing as how mhawk has already quoted CTB as calling those words by PC members as "bravado", I'm fairly certain, fairly .. fairly certain, that's not coming from PC government at all.

But, your attempts to make an issue out of a non-issue are noted.

p.s. And seeing as how TPF tried for a year to destroy PC, I don't think anyone can really fault some of their members for venting and throwing around some bravado.

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In the NSO's DoW it was pointed out a few times that the war with Molon Labe was not only to help out their allies in the STA, but to repay an honor debt to MK. A position for which I have a great deal of respect. Now it's being said that the sole reason for the NSO's involvement in this war is to back up the STA. Which one is it? I'm not good with the lawyer crap, but this doesn't seem right.

We appreciate the those who have concern because our allies may not have done enough to support us, probably more so than they have actual concern. But we'll be the judge of that, and we're happy to have the help in any form.

Finally, not to give the wrong impression, this war's been a lot of fun, there are some friendships with great potential being formed, and all three alliances at war with ML have done a great deal to earn my respect.

Unless you see such a position being expressed by me it is nothing more than personal opinion and not policy.

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They are not, which is, as I said, why you are making silly, overdramatized three-offensive-war DoW's which won't do anything.

The TPF PR machine :rolleyes:

Not so fast there! You clearly have your facts messed up, because TPF now has 5 offensive wars against us!  :lol: It's too bad the TPF nations that are blitzing us can still be counted on one hand, otherwise I might be inclined to believe that their pretty DoW picture wasn't just for show.

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I for one can say that no one, from any AA, has even inferred to me that some sort of disbandonment is in the works for TPF. I know I will have it in my AA as long as I am on this planet.

Hell, we have to be around to satisfy all those who feel they owe us something.

The only dummy that has come close to saying anything even remotely connected to TPF being ended is that astronaut fellow...and he has no involvement in anything, other than to see his name in print and hear his own voice.....an empty gong clanging in the wind and all.

CTB and co. are better than that, as are the rest of the folks we are fighting.

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I for one can say that no one, from any AA, has even inferred to me that some sort of disbandonment is in the works for TPF. I know I will have it in my AA as long as I am on this planet.

Hell, we have to be around to satisfy all those who feel they owe us something.

The only dummy that has come close to saying anything even remotely connected to TPF being ended is that astronaut fellow...and he has no involvement in anything, other than to see his name in print and hear his own voice.....an empty gong clanging in the wind and all.

CTB and co. are better than that, as are the rest of the folks we are fighting.

Good to see the honestly. This rumor should be ended, from my discussions with a few Karma leaders, it seems completely ludicrous.

Anyways, I've got some errands to run, fellows. I'll return later.

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I for one can say that no one, from any AA, has even inferred to me that some sort of disbandonment is in the works for TPF. I know I will have it in my AA as long as I am on this planet.

Hell, we have to be around to satisfy all those who feel they owe us something.

The only dummy that has come close to saying anything even remotely connected to TPF being ended is that astronaut fellow...and he has no involvement in anything, other than to see his name in print and hear his own voice.....an empty gong clanging in the wind and all.

CTB and co. are better than that, as are the rest of the folks we are fighting.

Really? I have?

awwwh, I love you too JBone. I believe I've never called for your disbandment. Your destruction, yes. Disbandment? no. What I believe I said was, something along the lines of I'd enjoy watching your alliance burn to the ground and that you deserve, at worst, total annihilation.

I don't think I've ever called for your disbandment though. Destruction and disbandment are two different things, and seeing as how TPF tried for a year to do one of those two to PC, you're probably well aware of the difference.

P.S. Space is DOPE.

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Nobody is making anyone disband for christ's sake. The hyperbole and rhetoric in this thread is deplorable from both sides.

and Felix von Agnu, I am in 3 offensive wars because quite frankly, you guys just don't know how to fight. I'm basically fighting one guy, the others are just dropping money on my lawn. If that's a lack of discipline on my part, then guilty as charged. The way I see it though, I'm just tapping the TPF bank to fund my war against Valhalla.

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Unless you see such a position being expressed by me it is nothing more than personal opinion and not policy.
Tonight we recognize the debt we owe to the Mushroom Kingdom and the Siberian Tiger Alliance. Today we acknowledge the gift provided to us by the Mushroom Kingdom by stating that they were our de facto protectors in our formative days without the promise of treaty, reciprocation or any contemplated payment. It was a word of honor and it has left a debt to be paid.

Therefore, in recognition of our values and our honor, we take up arms in defense of the Mushroom Kingdom and the Siberian Tiger Alliance, as they enter the abyss, in order to repay our debt to both alliances.

In recognition of our treaty with the Siberian Tiger Alliance and our commitments with Mushroom Kingdom, the New Sith Order declares war on Molon Labe.


Ivan Kalinski Moldavi, Dread Lord of Stromholde, Dark Lord of the Sith, Sovereign of the New Sith Order

I left the relevant parts.

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Also, the rumors of TPF being forced to disband or delete are not only not true, they are merely being used as a scare tactic at this point. I have not once, EVER seen anyone saying anything differently, except TPF and allies.

Um, yeah. I hear from folks fighting on the Karma side, how NPO, TPF, and Valhalla should be singled out for disbandment/pzi/extreme reps. I would wager I hear about those crappy terms (from karma members) about as often as I hear about fair/light terms (also from karma members).

To be fair, I don't think most of the leadership in karma wants to pzi all their opponents. However, I have read things like 'we don't want to do that, but it's up to each alliance what they will accept', and that, coupled with 'F no they aren't getting peace' does give one pause.

As for TPF, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I for one am glad you do these 'PR stunts', like honoring your treaties and helping your mates. I am proud to be your friend, and you guys are the best allies anyone could ever ask for.

Molon Labe, baby ;)

o/ TPF

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Surely when you make a declaration of war you actually do just that and get your nations to attack?

A quarter of TPF is still in hippy mode...just like pre-update. :huh:

You're kidding, right?

I guess we should just all go in and max out our attack slots and then get counter attacked and end up with 6 wars per person. Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant plan. There is no place in this game for any form of strategy after all. We don't want to actually think things through. No it's better to just go barreling in head first and get in over your head. Better that than getting called a coward on the forums. God forbid that someone who's opinion I care so much about should say something like that.

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As for TPF, you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I for one am glad you do these 'PR stunts', like honoring your treaties and helping your mates. I am proud to be your friend, and you guys are the best allies anyone could ever ask for.

The entire Coward Coalition is "damned if they do, damned if they don't" really. You lost all credibility the second you even considered leaving NPO to die alone and no amount of PR stunts are going to erase that from people's memories.

TPF making claims about sticking with their allies no matter what and "never leaving a man behind" really are comedic gold. Their own leader left because they didn't want to honour a treaty, what argument can you possibly put up in TPF's defense after that.

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