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64Digits Annoucement

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Is this thread about IRAN and UF or about Karma?

cuz i just don't see where Karma side negotiated peace other than to give terms of white peace, no readmittance in the war, and no aid to any nation at war. (the last two are fairly standard to alliances who surrender early in a war).

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Isn't it a bit late to start complaining about people leaking stuff? That's been a key strategy of your side since before the war.

Taking this war a little too much to heart I see... :P

There are useful logs...and then there are just plain useless logs which serve no purpose. I'll leave it to you to figure out. ;) It will come to you... :popcorn:

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o/ 64digits

Nice tactics Hegemony 2.0...oh I mean Karma. Keep up the moral superiority!

from what i gather Karma never lied to 64D. it was IRAN and UF who did so. Karma simply said that since 64D did not want to surrender to leave the peace talks, which makes sense, since 64D did not wish to surrender. They then stated the terms were white peace, no readmittance into the war, and no aid to any nation at war. Which is pretty darn lenient if you ask me.

so what tactics do you speak of? cuz it looks like 64D were lied to by their own allies, not Karma. but hey, blame it on Karma cuz it is easier than admitting that it was alliances on your side.

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from what i gather Karma never lied to 64D. it was IRAN and UF who did so. Karma simply said that since 64D did not want to surrender to leave the peace talks, which makes sense, since 64D did not wish to surrender. They then stated the terms were white peace, no readmittance into the war, and no aid to any nation at war. Which is pretty darn lenient if you ask me.

so what tactics do you speak of? cuz it looks like 64D were lied to by their own allies, not Karma. but hey, blame it on Karma cuz it is easier than admitting that it was alliances on your side.

UF never lied to 64D. I was also under the impression that 64D wanted peace. I respect 64D for remaining in the conflict, but staying in was not the move I thought UF needed to take. With more than half of my alliance floundering, inactive, or flying the POW banner, I made a move that would help my alliance survive. Infra can be bought back daily, but you cannot form an alliance and have it survive 16 months (between FUC and UF) every day. United Foundation is very special to me as it was formed by a close friend of mine and I will not let it fail under my watch.

o/ 64Digits

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I just finished speaking with HoT about this, but please do not speak as though you are adequately informed regarding these events. Karma was informed 64D was interested in peace. We spoke with 64D, and they were brought into the room, wherein they made it clear they were not actually interested in peace. They were then asked to leave. They inquired as to what terms they would get, then declined. We asked them to leave again. They again failed to leave, so we were forced to compel them to.

Forgive us for committing the heinous crime of listening to their comrade in arms, believing they were interested in peace, and having the audacity to offer it to them. We will not commit such a transgression again.

Well said Archon. If people actually take the time to read the log of the peace talks (don't really care about the other one, that's on UF and IRAN) they will see that Karma was simply offering peace terms. When 64digits said they wouldn't surrender (honorably), they were asked to leave. There were no "lies and half truths" unless they came from your own erstwhile allies in UF and IRAN. Karma spoke to you legitimately. All you had to do was say no, which you did repeatedly and rudely.

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from what i gather Karma never lied to 64D. it was IRAN and UF who did so. Karma simply said that since 64D did not want to surrender to leave the peace talks, which makes sense, since 64D did not wish to surrender. They then stated the terms were white peace, no re-admittance into the war, and no aid to any nation at war. Which is pretty darn lenient if you ask me.

so what tactics do you speak of? cuz it looks like 64D were lied to by their own allies, not Karma. but hey, blame it on Karma cuz it is easier than admitting that it was alliances on your side.

I fully agree with this post. UF may have not lied to 64D, but IRAN signed the peace order with Mogar's name without even asking or consulting him..... so maybe ask them. lol. But yeah, why disgrace your allies when you can just scapegoat the other side.... nice tactic Haf.......... But off topic I want to say one thing to you Haf..... I'm glad I still hold a special place in the ice covered stone compartment in your chest that you call a heart though... Four months is a long time to hold a grudge, esp in this kind of game. Oh wait, I forgot, you still hate Z for something that happened A YEAR AGO!

Edited by Ronon Dex
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UF never lied to 64D. I was also under the impression that 64D wanted peace. I respect 64D for remaining in the conflict, but staying in was not the move I thought UF needed to take. With more than half of my alliance floundering, inactive, or flying the POW banner, I made a move that would help my alliance survive. Infra can be bought back daily, but you cannot form an alliance and have it survive 16 months (between FUC and UF) every day. United Foundation is very special to me as it was formed by a close friend of mine and I will not let it fail under my watch.

o/ 64Digits

I apologize as i was unsure which alliance stated that 64D wanted peace or told 64D that the peace talks were anything but that.

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To be clear, I'm not as angry at Karma as I am at UF and/or IRAN.

UF/IRAN (or at least one of them) made the mistake of assuming that 64Digits would do what they wanted us to without even asking me first (to surrender and merge immediately) and apparently relayed this sentiment to Karma. Not only did it show a lack of understanding of what we are all about, but it was particularly upsetting that they didn't even think to make sure this was acceptable to us before speaking on our behalf.

Karma did not verify this prior to bringing us to peace talks. After the lack of communication was somewhat apparent, instead of first filling us in on what had occurred and actually giving us a chance to consider their offer, the immediate reaction was to try and kick us out instead. Forgivable? Probably. Professional? Not particularly.

Edited by Magicman657
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Seeing as IRAN trolled the STA incessantly during the last major war about our military prowess, I'd have to say I'm as surprised as you are, magicninja, by their early surrender.

On the other hand, it warms my heart to see their true colours when the heat is on.

I think Tyga said it best.

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To be clear, I'm not as angry at Karma as I am at UF and/or IRAN.

UF/IRAN (or at least one of them) made the mistake of assuming that 64Digits would do what they wanted us to without even asking me first (to surrender and merge immediately) and apparently relayed this sentiment to Karma. Not only did it show a lack of understanding of what we are all about, but it was particularly upsetting that they didn't even think to make sure this was acceptable to us before speaking on our behalf.

Karma did not verify this prior to bringing us to peace talks. After the lack of communication was somewhat apparent, instead of first filling us in on what had occurred and actually giving us a chance to consider their offer, the immediate reaction was to try and kick us out instead. Forgivable? Probably. Professional? Not particularly.

I don't understand why you'd be angry with Karma at all. UF/IRAN assumed you were seeking peace, Karma was simply there to offer it to all three of you. You made it very clear from the beginning that you were not interested and so you were asked to leave - something which you failed to do numerous times before finally being kicked out. Did you not understand the purpose of that channel?

How exactly did you want Karma to verify your intentions? They heard you were interested, so they invited you to the talks - and you declined. The only unprofessional thing about it was your failure to understand your presence wasn't required in that channel anymore after being specifically asked to leave a bunch of times.

Giving peace to relatively irrelevant alliances in the great scheme of things isn't what will win Karma the war, it's an opportunity available for small alliances who are getting shattered fighting somebody else's war and not for the greatest causes at that. I think this is taken too much for granted, and find it ridiculous that it would be seen as a "devious tactic" or whatever else your paranoid perception makes it to be.

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Just to clarify a few things. UF never tried to lie about 64 Digits intentions. As far as I was aware, I thought the terms were solely for the United Foundation. We have no desire to make decisions for other alliances. We were under the impression from Battalion at IRAN that 64 was being kept in the loop. The discussion that we had with 64 was to be solely for the purposes of seeing if there was any interest in a merger.

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Karma did not verify this prior to bringing us to peace talks. After the lack of communication was somewhat apparent, instead of first filling us in on what had occurred and actually giving us a chance to consider their offer, the immediate reaction was to try and kick us out instead. Forgivable? Probably. Professional? Not particularly.

We politely asked you to leave once you made it clear you were not interested. We didn't kick you out until you displayed stunning tactlessness and rudeness, and were doing little more than obstructing what was otherwise productive discourse. This is borne out by the logs.

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Hypothetical Convo:

Karma: You guys want peace?

64Digits: No... we honor our treaties.

Karma: Then please leave this channel, because we're discussing terms.

UF/IRAN: We still want peace.

64Digits: k bai!

64Digits left the chat room.

Could have been that simple.

Edited by Bellisus
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Very honorable guys! To all that think this war is just a walk in the park, let me remind you of past wars. Also there will be list made and those who jump ship will reap what they sew.

64D doing the honorable thing!!

O/ 64digits


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