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An Imperial Announcement from The Legion

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Ave Legio!

Ave trolled threads!

I'll fight to the last pixel to defend the Legion and her honor. And I look forward to the many trolled threads which I expect to see when the Legion comes out of this alive. Let's do this, RoK. Just try to remember to keep lemon juice out of the paper cuts ;)

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Ah, I knew only we could draw such a fiery crowd with our post :)

The Legion of old is gone. You can't expect an alliance of three years to never once change after the day you leave it. Is The Legion you knew dead? Yes, no reason really debating the truth. Changes in government, charter, even the very forums themselves all mark massive shifts in Legion policy. You may agree or disagree, but everyone has their opinion as evidenced here by past and present members. It is what it is.

To those who disapprove of our actions, know this: if it were your alliance whose signature resided on a Legion MDP, we would have honored it just as we have this one. This is the change that I bring to our foreign policy.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with you honoring your MDP in this current conflict, you are doing the correct thing. What isn't right is the fact that you signed this MDP in the first place. You didn't sign it out of friendship, you signed it out of fear.

I will have to disagree with you on our reasoning for signing a treaty with NPO. NPO has been nothing but great allies since the day we signed z'ha's legacy treaty. This sounds like I am sucking up but I don't care...it is the truth. They have helped us out in more ways than I can list in this simple post. Call me brainwashed or tell me I have stockholm's syndrome. You aren't in The Legion so you can't actually see the relationship our alliances have with one another. You might not agree with NPO's policies and sometimes I don't either. They are constantly active on our boards (much like ODN) and always in our IRC channel. They constantly are looking for ways to help there allies. Strong allies make better allies. Our MDP is based not on fear, but mutal respect and friendship. That is the truth believe it or not.

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I love you ... each and every one of you.

Something will be dropping tonight indeed ...

You may want to check the combined nukes of your opponents before bragging about putting one nation into anarchy. Tick tock, gentlemen ... tick tock.

I suspect your anarchy rate will be far worse soon enough. You do also realize that you are not fighting RoK alone, right? You also realize that they exchanged nukes last night as well? Why, look there, it appears that next to none of those anarchies can be contributed to the awesome power of legion. Shocker.

That's right, my dear legionaires, you are not a military powerhouse by any stretch of the imagination. Please stop trying to come across as one.


ly.....replying......DAMN YOU HOO!!!!!(picture me shaking my fist at the sky on the last part)

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I'm right here. :awesome:

Hooray! Even though you left long ago, I still love you. Er....in a totally platonic way, that is. :D

The Legion shoulders a heavier burden of history than most. Something which is never more clearly illustrated than by those former members who safely voice their frustrations from afar. It's damned annoying. Both for those who daily keep their own alliance, only to be told by outsiders that they do so poorly; and for those ex-patriots who look back to see little of the alliance they once knew. Regardless of words, Legion will act as it wishes, and regardless of actions, Legion will be damned with words. Such is just part and parcel with being a Legionnaire.

I'll add my voice to those former members who are saddened by some of her decisions, particularly this last one in which she has chosen to fight alongside those powers who for so long sought to subjugate her. And I'll voice that my opinion – and theirs – is largely irrelevant on this matter. No matter what the Legion has become, no matter what the Legion once was, no matter the level of nostalgic passion some of us hold, only one thing matters in the end: We left. We had our reasons, many justified, but we left. It is not ours to safe-guard any longer; it is theirs, and they may do with her as they like. And if we sometimes lament the loss of those principals we upheld in earlier days, we must remind ourselves that we must foster them elsewhere, and not look for them in the past.

Legion, best of luck to you in coming days. Truly.

More wisdom. Sometimes it's easy to forget just how long it's been since I could proudly fly the purple in my banner... *sniff*

Too many people for me to say hi to!

HI CORPORAL AND VOODOO-CHILD AND OVIDE AND SIMON AND AYRRIE (and everyone else that I'm forgetting). /me huggletackles them all at once.

Also, thank you for your honest words everyone.

o/ Ave Legio

(also, rakari, I never got a chance to say a simple "Hi Rakari," so here it is anyway.... HI RAKARI! Please, don't be sad for us, after all, we've moved on and grown up quite well, and just like corporal and ovide et. all said, the Legion is under our guidance now, and we wish to be judged by our current actions :) )

Herro! Also hello to Ayrrie and everyone from back in the day.

Nice, Corporal. You speak good words, a pleasure to read. Out of everything I've read, this makes the most sense.

Thanks. You know, it's starting to feel like Old Home Week in this topic. All we need is for Ref to drop in and say hi and my day will be made. :)

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Lets start with the obvious, I forgot The Legion even existed, ever since you were house broken and joined the kennel of Lapdogs, most of CN considers you an empty shell of your former self.

You'd actually have to piss someone off for them to roll you, since you guys barley have a presence here, I highly doubt that would happen, that old saying out of sight out of mind comes to thought.

And yet we have enough of a presence to warrant 4 alliances attacking us. If Karma is going through that much trouble to bring us down, seems that we are a little more than out of sight, out of mind.

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And yet we have enough of a presence to warrant 4 alliances attacking us. If Karma is going through that much trouble to bring us down, seems that we are a little more than out of sight, out of mind.

Three, actually. We attacked RoK. We're fighting 4 total, though.

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And yet we have enough of a presence to warrant 4 alliances attacking us. If Karma is going through that much trouble to bring us down, seems that we are a little more than out of sight, out of mind.

Let me explain how that works, See Nemesis hit you and well Hoo hates to loose, so I imagine he made sure you guys weren't getting up from this one.

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Let me explain how that works, See Nemesis hit you and well Hoo hates to loose, so I imagine he made sure you guys weren't getting up from this one.

lol...keep trying and eventually you will get trolling right. Practice makes perfect so feel free to do it here because, in all honesty, the Legion could care less what you have to say. Carry on.

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Well I will make a reappearance into this thread after my insanely stupid mistype of page 2 (Ill keep it there since I am know for mistypes Rooster anyone?). First off to the person that said VL was a bad leader, he was one of the best (also he was the PM during GWIII and GunneR was MoD).

It is incredible the smear that has taken place.

The 'old' Legion is smeared by NPO for years over GWI and yet there was still a ton of people that lived within the legion despite that malice. That is the way the legion has always been people showing malice towards it.

When I was there all I wanted to do was show the legion was no pushover and I think we did that in UJW despite being called puppets. Yah okay you might be able to be called us puppets but at the time there was only one person that showed us compassion and that was ES. Go Figure. Although I will leave the story telling to Swampy as he is far better than I and self centered than I.

Rak, while i respect you and still do, you made the decisions you did (as did I) and to say that the legion doesnt deserve to be here is false. Still to this day I believe that it was necessary to disband, in that a lot of the "old guard" had to leave or we would have been completely rolled.

Legion I have always respected the way you are, you know that. I dont care if you sat out, fought on the side of Karma or whatever. You are a great alliance, new and old. Just because you choose to bear the name of the past is why you catch this flack.

I think this is a great testament to the planet of bob. The Legion, the alliance that has taken probably more hardships from the NPO has come to fight for it (yes FAN also). Many say this is a suicide mission so that doesnt make the legion opportunistic, they knew the odds coming in, have still chosen to fight.

Keep trolling trolls, I know it is easy to do and I know it gives you a high, I have been there. But if your malice is really directed at NPO then keep it directed there not at someone who is upholding an agreement. You search for a new CN then I can think of no greater CN where the legion can finally live without being constantly trolled.

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Well I will make a reappearance into this thread after my insanely stupid mistype of page 2 (Ill keep it there since I am know for mistypes Rooster anyone?). First off to the person that said VL was a bad leader, he was one of the best (also he was the PM during GWIII and GunneR was MoD).

It is incredible the smear that has taken place.

The 'old' Legion is smeared by NPO for years over GWI and yet there was still a ton of people that lived within the legion despite that malice. That is the way the legion has always been people showing malice towards it.

When I was there all I wanted to do was show the legion was no pushover and I think we did that in UJW despite being called puppets. Yah okay you might be able to be called us puppets but at the time there was only one person that showed us compassion and that was ES. Go Figure. Although I will leave the story telling to Swampy as he is far better than I and self centered than I.

Rak, while i respect you and still do, you made the decisions you did (as did I) and to say that the legion doesnt deserve to be here is false. Still to this day I believe that it was necessary to disband, in that a lot of the "old guard" had to leave or we would have been completely rolled.

Legion I have always respected the way you are, you know that. I dont care if you sat out, fought on the side of Karma or whatever. You are a great alliance, new and old. Just because you choose to bear the name of the past is why you catch this flack.

I think this is a great testament to the planet of bob. The Legion, the alliance that has taken probably more hardships from the NPO has come to fight for it (yes FAN also). Many say this is a suicide mission so that doesnt make the legion opportunistic, they knew the odds coming in, have still chosen to fight.

Keep trolling trolls, I know it is easy to do and I know it gives you a high, I have been there. But if your malice is really directed at NPO then keep it directed there not at someone who is upholding an agreement. You search for a new CN then I can think of no greater CN where the legion can finally live without being constantly trolled.

I agree with most of your post. Regrettably Gunner was in midterms and not able to stand his post as MoD during GWIII. Atlas and a few others scrambled to put in. I believe it was you and another member who were mere centurions who launched the attacks. I had taken two days off to help, but was unable to take the third day, as VL kept putting it off...hence the rush by GOONS and FAN in IRC ridiculing us for not entering the frey while our allies were being weakened.

VL kept us from GWII and delayed GWIII as I recall. Those were horrible mistakes. His intentions were good, but his leadership decisions hurt not only ourselves but our allies.

I would add that from my understanding ODN was urging us to stay out of GWII.

Regardless, the Legion of now is no where what it is was for many reasons. Although the people have my respect...mainly the ones that were there when I was, the alliance is nothing like what it was. If it were, it would have chose a different path. Albeit this is honorable. I didn't realize how close they had come to NPO since they were ruled by them.

The puppet argument may be more true now than during the UJW. That saddens me, as it means Legion has lost all relativity to its history...which is a great one.

Edited by Chalaskan
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I agree with most of your post. Regrettably Gunner was in midterms and not able to stand his post as MoD during GWIII. Atlas and a few others scrambled to put in. I believe it was you and another member who were mere centurions who launched the attacks. I had taken two days off to help, but was unable to take the third day, as VL kept putting it off...hence the rush by GOONS and FAN in IRC ridiculing us for not entering the frey while our allies were being weakened.

VL kept us from GWII and delayed GWIII as I recall. Those were horrible mistakes. His intentions were good, but his leadership decisions hurt not only ourselves but our allies.

I would add that from my understanding ODN was urging us to stay out of GWII.

Regardless, the Legion of old is no where what it is now for many reasons. Although the people have my respect...mainly the ones that were there when I was, the alliance is nothing like what it was. If it were, it would have chose a different path. Albeit this is honorable. I didn't realize how close they had come to NPO since they were ruled by them.

The puppet argument may be more true now than during the UJW. That saddens me, as it means Legion has lost all relativity to its history...which is a great one.

Chal while I respect you. I do not think the Legion has become a puppet. We try and keep an active embassy with the legion. We spend time in their forums, we spend time on the IRC. It is not like we go in and say Hey we are going to war we want you now. To be completely honest I didnt know they were joining until they actually announced and I know that is the case for quite a few other former legion members.

One could say that if Legion maintained its disdain for the NPO it would serve them well in this war. That is not how the new Legion should have existed. There is basically no one there from GWI so why should they keep that disdain. If you have someone that is constantly insulting you, you can a) ignore it, B) Punch them or c) try and talk to them. And in that regard this legion is the same as old, they choose to use words.

Chal you have always been a good friend.

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Choosing words was always Legions downfall. But I will say if they truly formed a friendship this is honorable. With that I trust you...and will retract what I said with exception to the leadership of VL...whom I like very much.

I wish no ill will on my former alliance, and feel a fond relationship with many...including yourself. I hope we can all do well after this war.

Edited by Chalaskan
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I will have to disagree with you on our reasoning for signing a treaty with NPO. NPO has been nothing but great allies since the day we signed z'ha's legacy treaty. This sounds like I am sucking up but I don't care...it is the truth. They have helped us out in more ways than I can list in this simple post. Call me brainwashed or tell me I have stockholm's syndrome. You aren't in The Legion so you can't actually see the relationship our alliances have with one another. You might not agree with NPO's policies and sometimes I don't either. They are constantly active on our boards (much like ODN) and always in our IRC channel. They constantly are looking for ways to help there allies. Strong allies make better allies. Our MDP is based not on fear, but mutal respect and friendship. That is the truth believe it or not.

You have a short memory. Don't you remember how the NPO got a chance to prove they were "nothing but great allies"? I think it took for them to implant a foreign governor in your alliance, to invalidate and rehash your rules and charter, and to expel members of your [once] sovereign alliance. They're constantly active in your channel, are they? Let's hope that is not true for the private ones, as was for a certain other alliance whose spirit didn't take a two wars followed by the threat of a third to break.

There's no shame in admitting that the only reason you signed this treaty was to appease your abusers and that you now only honor the same treaty to avoid being marked for extermination due to yet another act of 'treachery', as you once were.

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[00:19] <SpiderJ[Nemesis]> KingWillIV|Legion, don't you trust your members?

[00:19] <T-O-P[Nemesis]> I trust me members... Do you?

[00:19] <&KingWillIV|Legion> of course

[00:19] <&KingWillIV|Legion> i trust them to fight

[00:19] <&KingWillIV|Legion> until they want out

[00:19] <%PapaJacky[Legion]> Or the members don't trust KingWIll :ph34r:

[00:19] <SpiderJ[Nemesis]> hmm... "want out"?

[00:19] <SpiderJ[Nemesis]> so, you think Legionnaires will surrender?

[00:19] <&totem> I dont trust our ghosts <_<

[00:20] <T-O-P[Nemesis]> As in .. Sending PM'S demanding peace

[00:20] <&KingWillIV|Legion> we told them

[00:20] <&KingWillIV|Legion> if they want to fight they can

[00:20] <&KingWillIV|Legion> they are not required to

[00:20] <&KingWillIV|Legion> internal decision

Legion, doinitrite

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