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Let the lemmings commence.

Are you calling FOK lemmings? You know, the stupid little creatures that according to urban legend follow each other off a cliff to their deaths?

Given the dicey diplomatic situation your alliance and its allies have gotten themselves into, you'd think you'd be a little bit more careful with what you say. Of course since your government doesn't really care about things like that, you probably shouldn't either.

Edited by Electron Sponge
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What is it people say? 'Lines are being drawn'? I get the feeling that there is more to this, as everyone does. Good luck FOK and TORN.

And, unless I am mistaken, I have posted before the notorious Mogar..

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Are you calling FOK lemmings? You know, the stupid little creatures that according to urban legend follow each other off a cliff to their deaths?

Given the dicey diplomatic situation your alliance and its allies have gotten themselves into, you'd think you'd be a little bit more careful with what you say. Of course since your government doesn't really care about things like that, you probably shouldn't either.

I think he meant lemmings as in people like you would comment on the separation. But I don't know, you might be right. :)

Good luck to FOK. TOP stands strong beside you as always, my friends.

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Forgive me for not looking it up myself. What does that entail as far as defense and such?

OUT is a mainly an economic and diplomatic bloc with NAP/trade/optional aid (including military)/etc. clauses.

Edit: Seems I've been beaten to it. Text of it is here for the curious.

Edited by mythicknight
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Are you calling FOK lemmings? You know, the stupid little creatures that according to urban legend follow each other off a cliff to their deaths?

Given the dicey diplomatic situation your alliance and its allies have gotten themselves into, you'd think you'd be a little bit more careful with what you say. Of course since your government doesn't really care about things like that, you probably shouldn't either.

Lemmings to mean your alliance and it's merry little band of puppeteers. Don't you dare question my feelings towards FOK which are well documented at the government level of both FOK and TORN.

I speak for myself and support my allies in TORN and friends in FOK.

Edited by Calderone
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