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You know you've overdosed on CN when...


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When you've lost so much sleep from staying up to see DOW's each night that you begin to drift off and without thinking, reference NPO and CoaLUEition in a paper on WW1.

Done it. >_>

That works pretty good.

CoaLUEition- Allies

NpO - Austria-Hungary (Tyga, lol :P)

NPO - Germany

When you try to create links between RL and CN whenever you read a new snippet of history.

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Don't judge my nerdiness...I already know I'm 100% nerd...but you know when you've had too much CN:

-When you have passionately explained CN to some ppl, only to find that they looked positively bored, or didn't understand a THING you said. And you felt bad about their lack of knowledge in such an intriguing game.

-You can't remember NOT playing CN. Like you vaguely remember the grade you were in when you started, but you don't remember what you did with all your time before hand xD

-When you adopt a small "second family" of ppl you met on irc- only a few people, but you begin to realize that sometimes those people understand you more than your rl friends ever could.

-When you are more able to talk to random irc people you have never met irl than you are to your own rl friends, and you realize what jerks your rl friends are sometimes and wonder why you're even still friends w/ them. Or when you need cheering up, and irc is the first place you go :P

-When you write a paper for class, and use a CN player's quote as a valid quote in the paper, and quote the reference as "some random dude from CN" and you and your teacher argue over the validity of it, but she is finally forced to agree that you and the "random dude from CN" are right, and she gives your paper the highest grade in the class- 105 xD

-When you've only been asked out irl once, but you've lost track of all the people who have asked you out/said they loved you on irc.

-When you've lost nearly all sympathy you might have had for emos/suicidal/needy people because so many pf them have stalked you on irc, or even went as far as to spam you w/ PMs on CN.

-When a combination of CN and Model UN have made you realize how amazing politics really is, and made you want to study International Relations when you go to college.

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When you post in this thread.

Now, real ones that happened to me.

When you use essentially the same platform for alliance and school elections (won both, lol).

When you go to a dance thingy and spend a quarter of the time talking about IRC (oh hai cello-chik).

When you get out of the hospital and immediately check if your nation's still there (It wasn't).

When you, rather than studying for college placement exams, make bad jokes about the other side in the war. Speaking of which, I better stop doing that now.

LOL ahahahaha omg i do need a life zessa xD this is so sad, my social skills are so sorely lacking :lol:

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Today at union station in toronto I saw someone who was a dead ringer for dilber, and so I decided to text message pezstar (since pezstar is the only person from CN whose number I have.. and I get free, unlimited text messages to the entire world, so I use em. Also it's probably best that I don't have anyone else's number because I like to text people randomly. anyway) and ask if I should declare war on them.

It probably would have been funny, and pezstar said I should run up to them and say "I declare war on thee!" but then the dead-ringer-dilber joined up with a group of friends and I was wondering if the TTQA carried over to the real world.

I'm not sure it does, but.. I wanted to be safe.

True story, too. Dude looked just like him, and I don't even know why I remember what Dilber looks like, but man... I put dilbert instead of dilber..

Edited by astronaut jones
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When your IT Manager walks in to ask what in hell are alll those little pictures (sigs) doing on your destop and background !

( Lanching crusie his way stay off my PC )

Edited by Solaman
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'Gotta keep that warchest going in case there is a war taking place at your doorstep, am I right?

It would actually be a good idea if all companies maintained a "recession chest" <------ One more, try to solve the financial crisis via CN.

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When you put your alliance position on your resume.

...no, I haven't done that, but I'm sure someone out there has. "2007-present: Commander of an army, leading dozens of nations into battle a few times a year".

Well it can have some merit, the leader of a couple hundred people. Most starting management positions are no more than 10-20 people, and leader of X large alliance has led hundreds.

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When you put your alliance position on your resume.

...no, I haven't done that, but I'm sure someone out there has. "2007-present: Commander of an army, leading dozens of nations into battle a few times a year".

"Assisted in the creation and management of a 400 member coorporation." ;)

When you're so tired from staying up for update, you start seeing CN-related things in your history class, including NPO, VE, DoW, CB, and Egore peed in his dishwasher.

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Don't judge my nerdiness...I already know I'm 100% nerd...but you know when you've had too much CN:

-When you have passionately explained CN to some ppl, only to find that they looked positively bored, or didn't understand a THING you said. And you felt bad about their lack of knowledge in such an intriguing game.

-You can't remember NOT playing CN. Like you vaguely remember the grade you were in when you started, but you don't remember what you did with all your time before hand xD

-When you adopt a small "second family" of ppl you met on irc- only a few people, but you begin to realize that sometimes those people understand you more than your rl friends ever could.

-When you are more able to talk to random irc people you have never met irl than you are to your own rl friends, and you realize what jerks your rl friends are sometimes and wonder why you're even still friends w/ them. Or when you need cheering up, and irc is the first place you go :P

-When you write a paper for class, and use a CN player's quote as a valid quote in the paper, and quote the reference as "some random dude from CN" and you and your teacher argue over the validity of it, but she is finally forced to agree that you and the "random dude from CN" are right, and she gives your paper the highest grade in the class- 105 xD

-When you've only been asked out irl once, but you've lost track of all the people who have asked you out/said they loved you on irc.

-When you've lost nearly all sympathy you might have had for emos/suicidal/needy people because so many pf them have stalked you on irc, or even went as far as to spam you w/ PMs on CN.

-When a combination of CN and Model UN have made you realize how amazing politics really is, and made you want to study International Relations when you go to college.

Holy crap its freaking cello.

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When you think of every excuse in the book just to get a pass to the computer lab at school.

When you go to the computer lab after school and tell the football coach that you had "tutorials" and miss the first part of practice.

When you become so obssessed, that it keeps you off the streets and is one of the reasons why you quit a gang.

Edited by Jimmy Hopkins
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