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A Mushroom Kingdom Declaration of War


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Ok,well take a look into mdnss69s aplogy. And we did no harm,didn't even try to steal anything. Where I doubt anyone else would have,and what of various people saying,Justice has prevailed,well done MK,you all sound as though MK is the world courts. And now everyone is thinking of starting one week wars,and

is anyone going to question MKs use of other alliances.

Sorry, sorry, I know I said I would leave, but... "we did no harm,didn't even try to steal anything." So, you just took a look around then? If someone breaks into your house and either leaves without taking anything or gets caught before they do, it's still a crime.

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God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

Edited by Corran Dralling
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God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

Calm down buddy. Its not the end of the world. Take your mild wrist slap and learn from it. Dont try to curse the entire cyberverse.

o/ UBD (Dont haunt me plz)

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God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

If I were you, I'd stop trying that, honestly. Stop trying to "point out" things, you need not dig yourself a hole you cannot get out of. Now's not the time to be picking fights everywhere about how the MK "is unjustly doing x and y" when you fail to realize that the lot of posters in here have blatantly said things that made your arguments null and void.

Realize things could be worse, so stop please. You know, people are actually trying to look out for you and try to dissuade you from making yourself to look like an idiot. Re-read this thread.

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Ok,well take a look into mdnss69s aplogy. And we did no harm,didn't even try to steal anything. Where I doubt anyone else would have,and what of various people saying,Justice has prevailed,well done MK,you all sound as though MK is the world courts. And now everyone is thinking of starting one week wars,and

is anyone going to question MKs use of other alliances.


God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

NPO decided it would be in their best interests to not interfere. Along with Agora and your other treaty partners, who we talked to before sly :P

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EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

Totally correct Corran, then MK just get =LOST= and Federation of Buccaneers to do their work, experience and tech raid >_>

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God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

MK caught your man red-handed. The fact that your government tried lying about it is even more dumbfounding than the first action. Lucky for you all, MK is actually a jolly bunch of green oafs who love the world. Maybe not as extreme as that, but they were very generous in giving you guys a slap on the wrist for spying.

Believe me when I say alliances have been entirely rolled altogether for much less. Consider this your lucky break on CN.

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God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

Ok, let me clarify some things.

1) One of your members attempted to join MK under the guise of being an inactive member who was demasked. The member he chose to impersonate unfortunately was not inactive or demasked.

2) After extensive investigation we found out what his goals, motives and intentions were. And we also found that there were good chances we were not the only alliance targeted.

3) After approaching your government we were lied to. Multiple times while trying to resolve this.

4) This is a conventional war. We will not seek reps. We will not install a viceroy and we will not nuke you. After a short period of war you will be let go.

If you did this to any other alliance, you wouldn't get the things listed in #4. You would be at war for weeks, even months, probably be forced to take a viceroy and or pay extensive reps.

Seriously, this isn't as bad as you are making it out to be. If you know anything about our history, you should know we don't go to war because Archon farts, we actually have a solid basis for going to war and act upon is as such.

EDIT: Forgot to add, allies are being used because you have nations who are out of our range. We are using allies who have nations in those ranges to help out. This is plain and simple strategy and in no way is anyone bandwagoning here.

Edited by AirMe
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God I hate this...I am trying not to curse my mouth off. You automatcically take MKs side,no one,and no one is saying anything good about us,I swear to god this will come back to haunt you all.

EDIT: We do have allies, NPO, BBW, and more, but do we ask them for help, no. We stay where we are.

Corran Dralling, as a great beleiver in speaking my mind, and a great friend of UBD, I have to tell you, in all honesty, you need to shut the hell up.

The Terms are fair, the war is short, and no ones really "chosing sides"

Your continuous spewing useless arguements is making your alliance look worse than it needs to be. No one hates you, you have many friends left.

To continue griping like this, you can only accomplish worsening your situation. As your friend, I tell you again. STOP TALKING.

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Totally correct Corran, then MK just get =LOST= and Federation of Buccaneers to do their work, experience and tech raid >_>

We all know MK need all the help they can get :v:

Totally correct Corran, then MK just get =LOST= and Federation of Buccaneers to do their work, experience and tech raid >_>

Is anyone stopping you from using your allies?

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We were personally asked by government members of UBD to do nothing, we do not ignore our treaties, especially not with friends as great as UBD. Taking shots at an univolved alliance in a war thread, hats off to you Neme member.

I will have to first point out that we have no abbreviation Neme, its Nemesis.

Second off, and this goes for all of UBD's treaty partners, not just ARES, shouldn't you defend your allies who you have signed a treaty with that states you will offer them support? And yes, I do realize that my allies fall into this category, and it disappoints me.

When you sign a treaty, you should be ready to honor it regardless of the circumstances and not decide that because they made a major mistake you won't honor it, or because they request it? No, an honorable alliance comes in regardless. If your written obligation is that spying is an exception to this rule, that's different. But if they haven't violated your treaty with their actions, you should be defending them. To use the ARES treaty as an example, because its the one I saw, there's no clause that says they can chose not to assist.

The signatories of this treaty are obliged to provide military, financial and diplomatic assistance to the other signatory if they are fighting a defensive war. In the case that one signatory is attacked because of another treaty the other signatory is not obliged to act but may do so if asked. In times of peace both signatories agree to encourage and actively pursue good resource and technology trading between the alliances to further the economic prosperity of the alliances as a whole.

To address the Declaration of War directly, a good firm reasoning behind the war, but I would expect nothing less from MK.

Edit: Also, I look forward to seeing the new clause in treaties "unless the treaty partner under attack requests them to not help"

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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