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We have to vote Nay on both, unfourtunately. When we controlled the Italian protectorate, we never once asked if we could have it for ourselves. Using the ComIntern's protectorates for land grabs (other than those made by new nations) is well...stupid, to say the least. The DE already has more than enough influence on these territories; the last thing we need is for them to gain full control.

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We have to vote Nay on both, unfourtunately. When we controlled the Italian protectorate, we never once asked if we could have it for ourselves. Using the ComIntern's protectorates for land grabs (other than those made by new nations) is well...stupid, to say the least. The DE already has more than enough influence on these territories; the last thing we need is for them to gain full control.

It is our understanding that the motion is to have the Protectorate move from being a ComIntern protectorate to being a Dragon Empire protectorate. Given the fact that the Dragon Empire completely surrounds Tibet, this (in our view) makes sense. For the ComIntern to enforce its control over the Tibet ComIntern Region, it would mean passing through Dragon Empire territory and/or airspace. We see no issue with this.

Regarding the request of the NPR we find it more than reasonable. They are simply asking for the additional territory needed so that their easternmost province is not an exclave separated by the other protectorate. The NPR would then have to attempt to forge an agreement with whichever nation takes over that protectorate, in order to gain access to their own territory. We see no reason to deny them the two small provinces of the Eastern protectorate necessary for this to happen.

We don't consider these to be "land grabs" per se, and we ask our Comrade why it is that the "last thing we need is for them to gain full control". We do not see the Dragon Empire as a threat. They are our ally and a member of ComIntern. If there is a reason for mistrusting the Dragon Empire, then it would be best for that reason to be stated openly here at this forum so that the Dragon Empire can respond.

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Release the ComIntern protectorate of Tibet to the DragonEmpire as DE protectorate

Yes - 0 vote(s)

No - 1 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Osea, Yuktobania, Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

Canada votes no. The government itself asked us to keep this as protectorate for new nations to arise, and we feel that the DragonEmpire already has enough influence on it by 2 ComIntern members (Dragonisia, NPR) being part of the DE.

Transfer Henan and Shandong to the NPR

Yes - 0 vote(s)

No - 1 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Osea, Yuktobania, Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

This would landlock the current chinese protectorate which, in the case of the DE-states that are CI members leaving, would make it hard to impossible to supply the protectorate. Similarly to Tibet, the government had asked us to keep it for new nations.

New England votes no on both.

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"Thought of it before taking it? What do you refer to? We have not 'taken' anything related to Hubei yet. We appreciate Vaul's support. We of course vote yes to this issue."

Vote count tally on each issue:

No - 5

Yes - 2 (Dragonisia, Vaule)

"I find it hard to believe no one is trying to even reason the practical logic of our requests. We do not want Tibet for ourselves at all. We want to ensure Tibet does not become a threat and given to get to Tibet you have to go through our nation and the fact we are a member of this group it just makes sense we act as executor of the Protectorate status? I mean, to be honest folks, it sounds like many of you have a chip on your shoulder.. a grudge you hold against others/ the world from past activities.. and you're holding it against the DE for no real logical reason save for passive aggression. I mean, for example. Reeki is holding the treatment of Italy protectorate against us. Arkantos is holding the Tahoe protectorate against us. Do you guys actually have anything against the Dragon Empire.. to hold against the Dragon Empire? I'd like to get a grasp on the logic as to why you apparently.. hate.. us. Dragonisia and the Empire have never stood in the way of Commintern activities or any of the activities of any Comintern member states. Blame the world all you will. Give us a firm, sound logic why our requests should not be met.. not "Someone screwd us in the past so we're going to screw you too." I would hope the membership here is more mature than that."

"Isn't the goal of Practical Communism to be.. Practical?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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We do not know who this "Reeki" is. A man named N. Reeki was killed several years ago in the Antarctica continent after a massive civil war, though. All in all, we do not "hate" you. We just cannot see why we should give you more control over something you already have a large influence on.

Also, we are Rational Communits.

OOC: I don't hate you, Mael, just don't really see the logic in it.

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Osea came from China, as Beijing Corp., and now it goes back.

Canada approves of this.

"On the vote regarding Osea, Vaule votes Nay as we wish to see the situation with the Dragon Empire resolved first by a vote with clear explanations. Again we hope that the members of ComIntern will see reason regarding the NPR request. The NPR has not asked for all of the protectorate, but only two provinces. This is a reasonable request, and we have yet to see logical arguments against this. Should no logical arguments be brought forward, we will re-evaluate our relations with particular ComIntern members accordingly.

We note that Osea has asked for the entire protectorate, and we wait to see the results of the vote. Again, we ask, should the Dragon Empire block access to the Tibet area via land and air, is the ComIntern prepared to violate their sovereignty? We ask that the discussion of these and other matters continue, and that reasoned debate and logic by ComIntern member nations."

After the Vaule rep receives a note.

"We note and protest the fact that while a vote was ongoing regarding the fate of the protectorate, that it was given to another nation before the process was completed. As such, any Vaule troops aiding in ComIntern protectorates are immediately ordered to withdraw"

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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"On the vote regarding Osea, Vaule votes Nay as we wish to see the situation with the Dragon Empire resolved first by a vote with clear explanations. Again we hope that the members of ComIntern will see reason regarding the NPR request. The NPR has not asked for all of the protectorate, but only two provinces. This is a reasonable request, and we have yet to see logical arguments against this. Should no logical arguments be brought forward, we will re-evaluate our relations with particular ComIntern members accordingly.

We note that Osea has asked for the entire protectorate, and we wait to see the results of the vote. Again, we ask, should the Dragon Empire block access to the Tibet area via land and air, is the ComIntern prepared to violate their sovereignty? We ask that the discussion of these and other matters continue, and that reasoned debate and logic by ComIntern member nations."

After the Vaule rep receives a note.

"We note and protest the fact that while a vote was ongoing regarding the fate of the protectorate, that it was given to another nation before the process was completed. As such, any Vaule troops aiding in ComIntern protectorates are immediately ordered to withdraw"


This is the situation in Tibet. Yes, it is surrounded by the Dragon Empire. Yes, a government hostile to them may cuase minor instability there.

Still, it is a protectorate of the ComIntern, and the government which formerly was there chose to ask us, the ComIntern, to protect the territory. Canada will uphold this promise and not let the protectorate be anything but a ComIntern protectorate until a new nation arises.


This is the situation in China. The two provinces to the right, slightly lighter than the DE territory, are those that the NPR wants. This would landlock the protectorate in very much the same way as Tibet is landlocked. Similarly, the government here - Beijing Corp, now Osea, whose people now wish to return there - asked us to keep the protectorate in the ComIntern for newly arising nations or themselves, should they decide to return. Which they now do.

Do you wish to break these promises?

Regarding the last point: The people of Osea are returning to their homeland, but the government is not the same. In essence, a new nation would be forming there.

Edited by Lynneth
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China shall be resigning from Comintern effective immediately, the 72 hour cancellation period shall be adhered too before concerning it null and void.

Also if Dragon Empire wishes to talk to us, they can always send a diplomat over.

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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China shall be resigning from Comintern effective immediately, the 72 hour cancellation period shall be adhered too before concerning it null and void.

Also if Dragon Empire wishes to talk to us, they can always send a diplomat over.

"Vaule is sad to see such a development, and we will withhold our recognition of China until the relevant votes are concluded. We then fully intend to recognize China."

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**Classified message to ComIntern**

To whom it may concern,

Annihilation votes NO to these Asian/Dragon Empire proposals.

As our ComIntern ambassador is currently under the weather (OOC: Drunk), we cannot give you more information at this time.

Thank you ever so much, and have a pleasant day,

- Madame Unicorn

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**Classified message to ComIntern**

To whom it may concern,

Annihilation votes NO to these Asian/Dragon Empire proposals.

As our ComIntern ambassador is currently under the weather (OOC: Drunk), we cannot give you more information at this time.

Thank you ever so much, and have a pleasant day,

- Madame Unicorn

OOC: Waht in the world is MU doing at 5:25 am?

BTW, it's 2:45 am for me. I'm at work.

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"In regards to Tibet, the same government also stated we may reclaim the land in the event they fell. We have politely stepped aside and let Comintern protect this region, but the recent geopolitical changes as a result of the formation of the Empire has resulted in a new re-evaluation of the security needs of the region. Given it is a huge, gaping hole, in the heart of our country we think it is essential this is done. We object to the moves to give the lands that NPR has properly requested to another region. Who cares if the protectorate is land locked? There are many land locked states who are completely fine with their existence without naval access and besides, we would be more than content to help those in the region without access to the oceans to obtain that access on only a cost basis, no profit. That said the concerns about the protectorate being land locked are a bit of a red-herring in comparison to the Unity needs of the NPR and the Dragon Empire."

"We also view this move of Osea as merely an attempt to block our attempts at regional unification and have to ask China's motivations."

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With Canada ceasing to be.. does anyone else find the perpetuation of this bloc.. awkward?

Yes. The people of my nation are getting quite... ah... restless, with Rational Socialism. Rational Socialism's life in North America seems to be coming to a rapid end. It appears the New England will be the only state left in North America with Rational Socialism that is stable. We may be able to hold on for a little longer, but not much longer. The people have a will.

That said, this bloc is quite weird without the stabalizing force of Canada.

Also, seeing as our HQ is now a protectorate, I move the ComIntern HQ be moved to New York City.

Edited by Arkantos
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Yeah, let's vacate to our fall back position for now.

I propose a new vote though:

Comintern has appeared to have run its purpose. Nations have different goals, different governments, and many of the more powerful former members have fallen to the wayside in the world affairs. Given this, shall we disband?

Dragonisia currently abstains from voting. We want to see where others' hearts are on this issue first.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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