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Tibet is a separate issue. NPR needs a land link to the rest of the Empire so it will no longer need Korean Waterways to prevent foreign powers from blocking its movements by sea. We think it was wrong of Comintern to waltz in and protectorate something in our back yard after we gave that region its liberty under an afterwards failed government. The Dragon Empire now fully encompasses Tibet and though we have no desire to consume it.. we will want absolute control over which government is allowed to rise within that domain. It's literally inside our borders. We share a border with it in every direction.

If Comintern chooses to be unreasonable in these affairs it will be hugely detrimental to overall relations. We constitute this as a major security concern and last I checked we were a member of this alliance to have those concerns addressed.

I believe the request is completely reasonable. Who here would not want to make sure the next nation who rises.. WITHIN the continental borders of their state.. was a stable and co-operative nation?

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: Since I already know who's going to be "asked," (it doesn't take a genius to figure out the weakest link), I'd like you guys to let the region work it out without your intervention. Seriously. We're already working towards it.

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"Who said we just waltzed in chairman Vortex, that region in fact was ruled by a former comrade who fell and we moved into to protect the land, a new stable government can come out and we will move out, after that if they have bad ties with the Dragon Empire its their wish not ours. "

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No.. to which aspect of it? No formal voting wording has been proposed, you could be voting either way. I propose we word the vote this way,

"Should the Comintern Protectorate of Tibet be released to the Dragon Empire as a Dragon Empire protectorate since it is within their land boundaries and a major security concern to the member state of Comintern?"

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Who said we just waltzed in chairman Vortex, that region in fact was ruled by a former comrade who fell and we moved into to protect the land, a new stable government can come out and we will move out, after that if they have bad ties with the Dragon Empire its their wish not ours. "

"we gave that nation it's freedom. It is ours to protect. He was your comrade.. and our child."

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"Let me make this more clear on how we perceive this. If Comintern refuses to work with us on this issue then we will interpret it as ignoring a concern for our security.. which is a violation of the alliance charter and makes the charter void.."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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My, the Dragon Empire is starting to sound like Nordland.

You might a bit to if you had a gaping hole in your back yard that could be filled by any number of possible administrations. We do not want the land for ourselves. We simply want oversight as to who will own it. You would want such to if you had a nation existing within your own borders.

Continue to accuse us of Nordic Sympathies and that may come to be more truth than you would like it.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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You might a bit to if you had a gaping hole in your back yard that could be filled by any number of possible administrations. We do not want the land for ourselves. We simply want oversight as to who will own it. You would want such to if you had a nation existing within your own borders.

Actually, we do. It's called the Tahoe Protectorate.

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OOC: Since I already know who's going to be "asked," (it doesn't take a genius to figure out the weakest link), I'd like you guys to let the region work it out without your intervention. Seriously. We're already working towards it.

OOC: I actually didn't plan to ask you. lol

The Elective Dictatorship of Palintine requests the ability to speak in this discussion as most of the politics involves land directly associated with us. We are sick of being shut-out of Socialist Asia politics.

OOC: You also wouldn't know about the topic of these discussions. Private/secret.


Tibet is a separate issue. NPR needs a land link to the rest of the Empire so it will no longer need Korean Waterways to prevent foreign powers from blocking its movements by sea. We think it was wrong of Comintern to waltz in and protectorate something in our back yard after we gave that region its liberty under an afterwards failed government. The Dragon Empire now fully encompasses Tibet and though we have no desire to consume it.. we will want absolute control over which government is allowed to rise within that domain. It's literally inside our borders. We share a border with it in every direction.

If Comintern chooses to be unreasonable in these affairs it will be hugely detrimental to overall relations. We constitute this as a major security concern and last I checked we were a member of this alliance to have those concerns addressed.

"we gave that nation it's freedom. It is ours to protect. He was your comrade.. and our child."
The government asked us, the ComIntern, to protect the land shortly before it fell into anarchy. Thus, the ComIntern will protect it. You, as member of the ComIntern have full rights to participate in protecting, but you may not take the land for yourself or consider it under your sole jurisdiction.
"The potential for the free state to be rogue, dangerous, or lead by someone mentally unsound such as a warmonger.."
Such a thing will not happen.
"That would be.. stupid. When it could prevented. They call that mindless slaughter. I hope you don't speak for everyone in Comintern because that's a fools method of handling this situation and would result in the unnecessary and massive loss of life."
Neither will this.
You might a bit to if you had a gaping hole in your back yard that could be filled by any number of possible administrations. We do not want the land for ourselves. We simply want oversight as to who will own it. You would want such to if you had a nation existing within your own borders.
Canada would, just as Rational Communism dictates, let the people within the region choose by themselves, without outside influence.
I believe the request is completely reasonable. Who here would not want to make sure the next nation who rises.. WITHIN the continental borders of their state.. was a stable and co-operative nation?

Canada. We would let any nation rise that the people within the territory wanted. If it is unstable and aggressive, so be it.

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ooc: Nevermind the response to Hawk.


Very well, Chairman. But please ensure if a nation begins to rise there we are in on the discussion. We cannot guarantee it will not be an instantaneous war if such a nation ends up being a regional liability by acting with belligerence or aggression. If such happens, we won't be letting it go next time.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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You don't just walz in and say "This is ours now", regardless of the territory's history.

It is a ComIntern protectorate and will stay as such until a new nation forms.

"We are certain that this issue could easily be resolved by a vote on the matter before us. The fact that it is currently a ComIntern protectorate should mean that any changes regarding its status would have to be approved by a vote. As the Dragon Empire has tabled a motion on this matter, we should determine the result through a vote."

"Should the Comintern Protectorate of Tibet be released to the Dragon Empire as a Dragon Empire protectorate since it is within their land boundaries and a major security concern to the member state of Comintern?"

"Should the language of the proposed motion be as stated by the Dragon Empire, we would vote in favor of this proposal."

My, the Dragon Empire is starting to sound like Nordland.

"We hope that such a comparison is not being made due to a member nation of ComIntern having a different viewpoint on a matter regarding land in Asia. We hope that this statement does not reflect a change in the mentality of the ComIntern from a co-operative pact where discussion amongst members is encouraged, to a "you're either with us or with the Nords" mentality, as this would be extremely dangerous."

The recent acquisition of Hubei has made it an enclave of Northeast People's Republic territory in the Comintern protectorate. We request the transfer of Henan and Shandong into our sovereignty to connect Hubei with the rest of the Han homeland.

"We vote Aye on the proposal to transfer Henan and Shandong to the NPR from the ComIntern protectorate"

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Release the ComIntern protectorate of Tibet to the DragonEmpire as DE protectorate

Yes - 0 vote(s)

No - 1 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Osea, Yuktobania, Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

Canada votes no. The government itself asked us to keep this as protectorate for new nations to arise, and we feel that the DragonEmpire already has enough influence on it by 2 ComIntern members (Dragonisia, NPR) being part of the DE.

Transfer Henan and Shandong to the NPR

Yes - 0 vote(s)

No - 1 vote(s)

Undecided - 0 vote(s)

To vote: Osea, Yuktobania, Cainette, Alvonia, New England, Vaule, Dragonisia, Annihilation, NPR, Atlantis, Eritrea

This would landlock the current chinese protectorate which, in the case of the DE-states that are CI members leaving, would make it hard to impossible to supply the protectorate. Similarly to Tibet, the government had asked us to keep it for new nations.

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