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I wonder how many grudges are taken out of character when the source of them is in character ... and the one holding the grudge takes offense at the IC behaviour, and has no actual OOC interaction with the offender.

I'm serious on this--most of you folks I mainly know through the IC bits of the boards. Which does colour my opinions heavily. That, and I can be a very bitter person even in reality, let alone when I have a nation at my beck and call. The solution I end up resorting to is a ban on forum activity imposed by me on me. Works at times, too.

Think one of the biggest hazards of holding grudges is that they can spawn other grudges. The fun of the vicious circle ... someone in alliance X angers someone, that person gets so mad (with no real resolution to their issues, either) and takes it out on anything from X, and members of X get grudges against what they think is a hothead and start pouring hate and derision on his alliancemates.

I think one serious issue that does feed these is from folks who don't seem to have a sense of where another person's 'lines' are. And the eternal 'get a thicker skin' line isn't always the best solution--in fact, it might sound like further jeering.

And that's when REVENGE SHALL BE MINE thinking starts up. Well, it does for some, anyway.

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Im right there with ya Quianna...Ive often wondered the same things myself. At time I have to prevent myself from coming on the big boards because i know I wont be able to control what I say when im upset about something. Mostly though im able to forgive and forget... Well except for Lucas Perry(you know what you've done)...unless they continue on with the actions that upset me in the first place...

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I love my CN grudges (in a purely non-sexual, humane and appropriate IC manner). They are great virtual CN pets that thrive on the little bitterness I can feed them daily; or perhaps even weekly if I have been a little neglectful.

*W_A_R looks over shoulder in case CN Grudge Welfare Officers are loitering the thread.

I find a great deal of pleasure scooping my pricky buggers up and giving them a good hard hug; even though they do have a nasty tendency to put runs in my hose and mess up the living room rug.

Just remember, folks. Occasionally a grudge needs to be let out of its confinement and be provided the chance to run free with the pet grudges of others. This is a healthy thing which can often lead to the propagation of the species.

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There is nothing wrong with grudges in game, just like there's nothing wrong with any emotion derived from any game. If you get your kicks out of that one moment where you have cleared all the conditions that are needed to finally mastermind a decisive blow against some sort of coward or opportunist, that's fine.

There are, of course, also times when you need to take a step back. When you look for pictures or real life information on people to make fun of them in the game, that sort of thing. I'm not even talking about the kids who post porn on the forums or something, trolling is a different game altogether after all.

But you do have to wonder about people who wish to ruin another person by beating them in a game, especially when that person likely doesn't care. And if you use information about people such as jobs, handicaps, sexual assault history, etc., just for an online game, there's a serious problem.

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I forgive Viril for messing up \m/.

I will still treat him with upright disdain because he used to be Aegis, though.

I did that a while ago, in my "Going away" thread.

I still have some grudges that I am not going to give up right now, but they are more towards some alliances, and not so much individuals.

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