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Announcement from =WE=

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Hello people of the world.

The =Western Empire= is a constantly growing alliance that is always moving forward and coming up with new ideas.

The government of the Empire is constantly working as hard as it can to help the alliance move forward for the betterment of the Empire.

Each government member realizes that they are supposed to do as much as they can to help the alliance progress and that they cannot do anything unless they put their full effort into it.

I am no exception. Recently my RL has caught up with me and I’m burning out on CN.

As such I am retiring from being the Emperor of =WE=.

I will be taking my place as an Elder of the alliance and I will be running the school. Basically I’m taking a smaller role in the government. I will still be around IRC and these boards like I typically am but I will no longer be that last person to go to for answers on the alliance.

The person who is taking my place was decided a few weeks ago when I told the rest of the government on my plans to retire.

This person is Oda. Oda will be a good Emperor for the alliance and will help innovate new policies that will help the alliance.

The membership of =WE= was informed of this change last week and since then Oda has taken full control over the alliance from me.

Its been fun guys but now I’m off to my retirement home in =WE=


Former Emperor of =WE= and new Elder of =WE=.

Also hit up our IRC #WE on coldfront to get a chance to chat with myself and the new Emperor.

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