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OOC: Right, V, but I can only respond to an IC situation in an IC manner, besides, that the people would want Altin Urda to get involved makes sense due to cultural links. Either way I refuse to make an IC decision based on OOC criteria in such a manner.


Canada agrees with Nordheim.

That said, should any nation attempts to eradicate or relocate the population of Micronesia, Canada will intervene.

"Italia and Outer Mongolia saw enough blood in such a manner, the World should not allow eradications and relocations anymore."

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OOC: Right, V, but I can only respond to an IC situation in an IC manner, besides, that the people would want Altin Urda to get involved makes sense due to cultural links. Either way I refuse to make an IC decision based on OOC criteria in such a manner.

OOC: Well, but the main thing is, there isn't even a cultural relation - As far as I'm concerned, Altin Urda is a Muslim Turkic nation - which has very little to do with the Kyokujitsujin - who, as far as I'm concerned, were modeled in relation to the Japanese under a strict Imperial regime. So IC justification through cultural ties is - well - impossible.

IC: Although we won't intervene in the matter, we'll stand by our opinion that the claim is completely nonsensical... and that the opinion of the Kyokujitsujin could very easily be manipulated by Altin Urda... if the world community seems to be just fine with random inter-continental claims, what can we do about it?

Edited by V The King
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Then ask to be moved there, or travel there on your own. This is still the unlawful and highly dubious possession of territories almost certainly out of your ability to control.

*Reply from the Hokuyo Kyokujitsujins*

We are not moving from the land that we have spilled build to retain from the barbaric forces that want to exterminate us. It would probably be the same for you concerning New Zealand.

The Empire does not recognize this incorporation, and in fact are extremely disappointed in Altin Urda for trying to expand even further beyond its bounds to include terrorist peoples. To our friends in Altin Urda, do not try to expand any further, your nation will already be on the brink of chaos trying to govern all of mongolia while trying to rebuild central asia.

To the Kyokujitsans of Micronesia, thank you for alerting us to your presence. The terrorist scourge will end

***Classified//Encrypted Orders to Northern Mariana Air Bases***

Task Fleet is on it's way to Guam, begin pacification runs on nearest Micronesian Islands. Terrorist Threat confirmed

Altin Urda is wary of how Neo Japan thinks that we need to rebuild ourselves when all of our main industrial infrastructure is intact and that Mongolia is in chaos when we are welcomed with opened arms.

We are also disturbed at the advocation of fratricide.

*Classified/Encrypted Order to the Carrier Fleet in Saipan*

Be prepared for runs from the Northern Mariana. Shoot down any and all Neo Japan military planes hedaing for Micronesia.

***Highly Classified, Saipan***

"Troops, prepare yourselves. It's time that the Kairyu Division protect our family down there. Also, get the EMP missiles ready."

The Republic of Tanis is befuddled by Altin Urda's actions to claim Micronesia. We sincerely ask you to hastily make your exit back to Mainland Asia.
Given Altin Urda's landlocked status, the lack of relation to its Kyokujitsujin residents (OOC: assuming the demographics remained the same as they were before the fall of KMT) and vast distance from Micronesia, not even the Lord could think of a legitimate reason to claim the islands.

The Koryo-saram are Koreans, meaning we have a direct link in blood. It is assuming that the Turkic Nation, being cousins of the people of East Asia, are to be considered too far away. Also, we're the only nation that cared about our brothers in the islands, and as relatives, we have an obligation to look after their welfare.

OOC: Fun-fact. Turanism is a pan-turkic movement that wishes to unite all Altai, Uralic, and Turkic people under a single union. Also, I RP that the Koryo-saram (Koreans in Central Asia) is the second largest ethnic group in my nation.

Also, Islam is nearly dead in Altin Urda, except for the Tajiks in the southerm region.

The People's Socialist Union of IndoChina condemns Altin Urda for its imperialist actions. We ask that they remove their presence from Micronesia.



Altin Urda tells Indochina to mind its own business.

*Classified, in Karaganda*

"It seems those Chinks to our south are trying to attack us."

"Ignore them, they're a pitiful fighting force. We'll blow them to nothing if they attack first."

The Philippines like Hansa also posesses a sizeable Kyokujitsujin population and therefore is mindful of any situation regarding the legacy of the DKT. We will be watching with interest and urge all parties involved to show restraint.

We find the reasonable sense of the Philippines grateful.

Edited by Sumeragi
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OOC: Its out of your SoI, you can't project the power there. Look. Your SoI barely covers Japan, does not cover your mainland asia lands, and would not cover Micronesia by its self, and you want to cover both at the same time?


We are not moving from the land that we have spilled blood to retain from the barbaric forces that want to exterminate us. It would probably be the same for you concerning New Zealand.

You spilt no blood defending from "barbarians". You did not defend those islands, you invaded them, and the country with owned them fought back and trumped you ultimately. You are talking about somewhere where you have no cultural ties, Micronesia was a agressive expansion, one which resulted in a war with Wellington. If you had tried to put forward the same sob story with Melanesia you might have had a case.

We still feel given the jarring cultural differences, extreme removal from your main lands, and obvious Imperialistic motives behind this move, the censoring of free information as shown by the obviously faked statement coming out from the 'people' of the isands that this would be no more than a colony, with almost separate government, people, language etc. If you cared so much about the people and wanted to provide them a home, either let a pacific nation on the edges of those islands absorb them, or move the people to your asian lands.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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OOC: You don't need to RP the building of a navy if you don't want to as you have them in-game.

OOC: You sure as hell do. Nobody has ever just had a navy. She claims to be a nation that is underdeveloped, millions out of labor, etc as stated in this thread right here. Her nation isnt just magically powerful yet. Then she gains vase holdings over land fantastically outside her SoI. Oh and she's still landlocked - no place for a navy. Now most of that can be overlooked; its her after all, she likes to RP sudden giant leaps in fortune and nation development with no explanation, and I'm still willing to give her RP a chance so long as she doesn't pull the same stupid crap she did as the DKT. But here we are, yet again. No, that navy is either there with the RP of Altin Urda to back it up, or its someone elses, or its not there at all. She is either Altin Urda, or she is Sky City


The Empire will gladly recognize the Hanseatic League ownership of Micronesia, as their Kyokujitsan population gives them a greater legitimate claim then our friends in Altin Urda, who have very little relation, if at all

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OOC: You sure as hell do. Nobody has ever just had a navy. She claims to be a nation that is underdeveloped, millions out of labor, etc as stated in this thread right here. Her nation isnt just magically powerful yet. Then she gains vase holdings over land fantastically outside her SoI. Oh and she's still landlocked - no place for a navy. Now most of that can be overlooked; its her after all, she likes to RP sudden giant leaps in fortune and nation development with no explanation, and I'm still willing to give her RP a chance so long as she doesn't pull the same stupid crap she did as the DKT. But here we are, yet again. No, that navy is either there with the RP of Altin Urda to back it up, or its someone elses, or its not there at all. She is either Altin Urda, or she is Sky City

OOC: Since when did you become a mod?

Anything you have in-game does not have to be RP'd. That's the rule. Don't like it? Get over it, just because you have some blood feud with her doesn't mean I have to listen to your dribble.

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ooc: I think sumer did rp the building of her navy, but I still think she needs to pick between Sky City and Altin Urda.

OOC: Refer to this post, please.

The SkyCity is not a separate country. It's merely an extended RP between me and Sumer. Anything she does with the SkyCity I can veto and change and whatever.

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To all the nations that believes we have no position in Micronesia:


Of course, rampant imperialism once again shows its amazing diplomatic abilities. Studies show you are going to have sever problems trying to maintain and administer your central asian lands, adding a colony half a world away will only ever end badly.

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Of course, rampant imperialism once again shows its amazing diplomatic abilities. Studies show you are going to have sever problems trying to maintain and administer your central asian lands, adding a colony half a world away will only ever end badly.

Your studies are false. We have no problem maintaining our territories.

Plus, given how the inhabitants are accepting our rule, we do not see why other nations would be so concerned.

Edited by Sumeragi
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Your studies are false. We have no problem maintaining our territories.


Plus, given how the inhabitants are accepting our rule, we do not see why other nations would be so concerned.

More blatant propaganda. Who wouldn't accept the rule if thousands of armed men invaded your peaceful home? If they wanted to join you, your army would still be sitting at home, while the Canadian ships they rode on would still be in the americas.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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How about you stop yours? You might rise above a large area of underdeveloped steppe?

Our main industrial areas were not affected by the nuclear wars. Ever since we have expanded to the north, we have had full employment with the factories of Dilberia coming under our control.

Now, stop living in the past.

OOC: Try reading. The only underdeveloped part of the nation is East Turkistan, and with Karaganda in my hands, I no longer have an underdevelopment problem.

Let's stop this "I'm right, you're wrong" argument. It's getting old.

Edited by Sumeragi
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ooc: I read that post before and I read it again, but I and still think she needs to choose one of the two.

OOC: And I will repeat that she does not have two nations. She has her nation, Altin Urda. And then I gave her the authority to use some of my stuff - the SkyCity. Anything she does there needs to be approved by me and I can veto it whenever I want to. It uses my infrastructure, my population, my everything and nothing from her, aside from the RP.

In essence, SkyCity-stuff could be considered my RP, even though she writes it. So unless Sargun/Mercy/hawk says so, Sumer won't have to choose, because it's not its own nation.

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OOC: If you have issues with Sumeragi, then what about me? I have holdings far, far away from my SoI yet no one has bothered with me. Land in The Northern Empire, IoA, and numerous other countries that I control mutualy. Sumeragi's Sky City within Lynneth's nation is the same way (at least as far as I can tell).

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