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Under the Eternal Blue Sky


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Tashkent, Atlin Urda

It has been only a few weeks since the fall of Dilberia, and yet all signs of Francoism had already disappeared. The city, and the nation as a whole, had returned to its Turkic roots. As the most advanced city in Central Asia, Tashkent was fit to furfill its role as the center of the Turks.

In the center of the city stood the majestic Oliy Majlis, the Parliament House, its blue dome portraying the will of the people.


Oliy Majlis

Inside, the First Parliament was meeting.

"..... And by unanimous vote, the new Khan has been selected, to lead us to peace and prosperity!"

Papers flew up into the air as all the members jumped to their feet, celebrating the formation of the government. However, to those who were not part of the section, it was a mystery as to who the Khan was, for there has been no sign of the Khan anywhere.

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Urumuqi, Atlin Urda

The EMP damages from the nuclear war had been intense in this part of the new nation, but since it was underdeveloped, things were almost back to normal now, with a bright new future awaiting.

The retaliation by Rebel Army on the Dilberian Empire had been perfect, with the nuking of the capital city in Omsk and Lahore destroying the centers of the Francoist Dictatorship. With the Kaiser missing, the Empire collapsed quickly, bringing down with it the yoke that had been put upon the Turkic people. Now, it was time to bring forth what was truely theirs, and to repair the relatively small damages. The Golden Camp will be shining more than ever before.

OOC: I have to thank Lavo for not nuking Central Asia. Seems like I can start with a clean slate :P

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Altin-Urda border

Tens of thousands of people were waiting to be admitted into Rebel Army, to be part of the mass reconstruction effort in Perisa.

One major problem of Altin Urda was the lack of jobs for the tens of millions of people. Having been nothing more than a resource mine for the Francoists, it would take some time to build up industries. The only way to get pass this problem is to either get Kazakhstan with its industrial base, or export workers.

And Rebel Army was the perfect place to send workers.

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Unknown location

"...... And how are the talks going?"

"Very well. All the important areas except the Tengiz Fields and the Ural iron mines will be under our control."

"Damn, but it can't be help, I suppose. You have done well, little one."

In the dark room, a man in a khaki military uniform was speaking with someone through videophone.

"What's the progress of the collection, Generalissimo?"

"We've managed to plunder the coffers of Dilberia, and mined every bit of manganese, chrome ore, nickel, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, bauxite, gold, and uranium possible. They're all stocked up in the reserves, ready to be transported to the gathering point. We'll have to give up on digging up all the coal and iron, since there's just too much."

"All right, we'll contact you when Altin Urda finishes the deal. Thanks for the report."

The person on the opposite side prepares to leave, when the man spoke.

"Just a minute, little one, I want to say something."

"What is it?"

"You have beautiful eyes, unlike mine. So natural and full of life, I envy you."

"Don't flatter me, it's embarassing."

"I'm just saying the truth. Until next time, hope you are health, Khan. Generalissimo, over and out."

The men turns off the videophone. He sits back on his comfortable chair, smiling.

"Yes, such beautiful eyes, unlike another in the world....."

OOC: The Generalissimo in this post is unrelated to that of Procinctia.

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Near Karaganda

The wind-raked scrub of this barren plateau reveals little hint of the facilities that is underneath the ground.

The Generalissimo entered a room where an officer was waiting. Crossing his legs as he sat down, he looked at what was displayed on the white table.


The officer spoke.

"Sir, we have developed an assault rifle to make our forces on line with most of the world.

Equipped with a laser range-finder as well as a ballistics computer, the rifle allows the operator to engage in precision attacks against the target. A computer scope is integrated to the gun, which in turn is linked to a goggle with digital display that can be used both during the day as well as night with thermal imaging, and inform the operator with various data such as target range.

The rifle’s targeting system emits a laser beam that measures the distance between the solider and their target. An optical calculator indicated the target on screen, and the target distance is then ‘written’ to a 20mm explosive munition. When the trigger is pulled the munition round is fired and will explode on 3-4 meters above its target. The rounds are powerful enough to penetrate walls, and the explosion can be delayed until the round is inside a building.

The new rifles weigh 6.1kg and are 860 mm long. The exploding bullets have an range of 460-500 meters. The rifles have been specifically designed for urban combat, and will be ready for combat use next month."

The Generalissimo looked closely at the rifle, then stood up, smiling.

"Then move on to the next phase. We need to get the upgrading done as soon as possible for our plans."

He then left the room.

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Karaganda is an industrial city, built to exploit nearby coal mines using the slave work of prisoners of labor camps during the rule of Dilber. Commercial extraction of coal continues to be an important activity in the region, making this city the heart of Altin Urda's heavy industry.

In addition to the industry, another characteristic made Karaganda special: It was the political center of the Koryo-saram and Wolgadeutsche, who had become radical nationalists under the oppression they faced. Gathering around a man who goes by the title "Generalissimo/Großmarschall", a mass party was built up, uniting nationalism and socialism into the Turan Worker's party. The TWP had absolute support in Kazakhstan, which would continue into the formation of Altin Urda. One could say that the Generalissimo was the most powerful man in the new nation, if the Khan didn't exist. All of TWP was under the Generalissimo, and the Generalissimo was under the Khan.

Deep within the headquarters of the TWP, a petite blonde in a black uniform entered the large room, where hundreds of screens lit up the darkness. Everyone in the room stood up, immediately greeting her with the Wolgadeutscher Gruß.

"At ease."

At the reply, the agents of the Staatssicherheitsabteilung, the "Shield Squadron" of the TWP, sat down. The blonde walked to the chair that was in the center of the room and sat down. One who looked at the girl to whom everyone showed respect would say that she is what some crackpots in the past would consider the "ideal Aryan woman". Her prefect features made her seem to be a goddess, the ultimate standard of Nordic beauty. That, combined with his uniform, ws enough to overwhelm all.

She was Emma von Kämpfer, the Großführer-SSA of the Staatssicherheitsabteilung.

"How are has Operation Otoq proceeded?"

A soft voice, like the twinkling of crystals, came out.

"We're ready to move on to Phase 2. All the troops have gotten themselves ready for the task"

"What of Aq Küneš?"

"The seperation of the element is near completion. We just need to get 5 more kilos."

"The Großmarschall would be very pleased then. Excellent work."

After sitting in silence, a slight smile came upon her face.

"Begin Operation Yulduz Köl."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Asadal, Jyushin

In the old days, there was the state of Jyushin, which was the first civilized state of the Hordes, It was located in Manchuria, centered on the city of Asadal. After thousands of years, it have been revived.....

Oh Se-hoon look on the flowing of life in the city. Although the outside world believed that Altin Urda would have trouble with overexpansion, there was no need for such worries, for the Kankokujins were completely loyal to the Khan. And if the smooth transfer of power and industry, Jyushin was running at full speed, as if it had always been around. The estimate of the yearly GDP per capita had already reached the $15,000, making all the citizens affluent.

And affluence brought with it obligations. The Jyushin army had grown to 350,000 troops, forming the bulk of the Altin Urda army. And this mighty Army had only one objective: Unify the Hordes.

OOC: Whoever guesses what Jyushin was and where Asadal is gets a cookie.

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Ulan Bator

Mongolia was finally flourishing after years of oppression from outside forces. Now part of the Horde, its people were free to posper without someone else sucking their blood. The Mongolians were swarming back into their homeland, determined to never again be under a foreign power. Funds and people were flooding into the area, as the numerous natural resources were started to be developed. It seems things would get better.

And in the midst, the old labor camps from the Francoist regime continued running, this time filled with the political enemies of the SSA. No one would dare challenge the Khan and the State without suffering the consequences. No one.

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Tien Shan

One could see how mountainous the terrain is, how easily defensible, but what one couldn't see is that those mountains are honeycombed with a titanic military-industrial infrastructure. Dilberia had been laboring to create a subterranean system that would allow their people to wage another war from a secure location. Although Dilberia is no more, its legacy continues as Altin Urda completed the works, and is now using it as the center of Turkistan's defense.

Hundreds of trucks and trains were entering the underground facilities, loaded with manganese, chrome ore, nickel, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, lead, zinc, bauxite, gold, and uranium, all from Kazakhstan. The strategic stockpiles will be in Tien Shan for one would never know hwat might happen in the future.

Trouble was brewing, and the Horde would need to prepare for the inevitable conflicts that were to come.

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Turkistan was not in a good condition. That was the conclusion Yuriy Yekhanurov came to as he read at the report on the status of the western state of Altin Urda.

The country could be divided into five sectors, according to the direction of the compass. The central sector was Uzbekistan, with Tashkent as the heart. Comprising the area of the former Uyghur Khanate, it had the most population, and a somewhat decent economy. Nevertheless, it was in hard times, and many of the people started to work in Rebel Army to earn a living.

Northern Turkistan was the most industrialized area, filled with the deteremined Koryo-saram and Wolgadeutsche. With the Turan Workers' Party in tight control, it was what one might call a state within the state, autunomous to the degree that it didn't have to listen to directives from the central government. Only the Khan could keep them in control. Meanwhile, East Turkistan was relatively underdeveloped, but had the natural resources to become an important part of Altin Urda. Most of the construction that was going on in Turkistan was concentrated there, and soon it would pass Uzbekistan to claim second place in economy.

The problematic areas were Western and Southern. In the case of Western, the majority of the population were Russians, for the area had never been really populated in the first place. WIth the opening of the borders to Rebel Army, most of the Turkics moved south, pretty much leaving the area from the Caspian to the Aral in the hands of Slavs. it was something unstoppable. As for the Southern, The muslim Tajik, with the Hizb ut-Tahrir becoming a major political power, was very rebellious. The nuclear bombing to their south didn't help matters, driving the Tajiks into Uzbekistan and straining the already weakened situation.

Yekhanurov knew that the situation in the south needed to be solved soon, or something might happen......

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By now Karaganda was the de facto capital of Turkistan. Never mind the fact that the prime minister was in Tashkent; all important military matters were concentrated into the hands of the Großmarschall, for he was the head of the military with only the Khan above him.

"Now Emma, tell me how things are while I was gone."

"Ja, mein Großmarschall. Currently the Army has been split into three commands: Jyushin, Turkistan, and Mongolia."

Maps turns up on the screen.


"The Jyushin Army has 350,000 troops. About 250,000 are at the border with the Neo Japs, with 50,000 near Jiangmushu and 200,000 across the Ussuri. The rest of the troops are stationed in Asadal."


"Mongolia has only 50,000, all concentrated near the border with Indochina. The unstable situation there has led to the beefing up of border controls, for we do not know what might happen soon."


"The situation in Turkistan is at a critical stage. Besides the 50,000 Waffen-SSA in Karaganda, we have 20,000 in Southern Turkistan to control the refugees, while 30,000 along the Indochina borders. We'll probably have to call up reserves if we want to ensure complete defence."

"And the two Special Divisions?"

"All in place, Großmarschall. They're ready to go into action at any time."

"And the Navy?"

"Almost completed. We'll be launching the Home Fleet soon."


"40 squadrons in Jyushin, 25 in Turkistan, and 5 in Mongolia. The bombers are spread evenly."

"Seems like things are in order, then."

The khaki-uniformed man rose up to leave, then stopped.

"By the way Emma."


"I've noticed this while I was looking around Asadal."

He took out something from his breast pocket.


"I see that you're recruiting some Kankokujins into the Waffen-SSA, right?"

"Ja, mein Großmarschall."

"I've got two comments on this. First, use Hangul or something. The people in Jyushin don't understand Wolgadeutsch, unlike the Koryo-saram."


"Second, who's the girl?"

"She's Kim Hyon Hui. It turns out that she studied Deutsch, and so I personally recruited her."

"Ah. In that case, arrange a meeting with her. I want to see what she is like."

"Now now, Großmarschall, isn't that too fast for such a fresh recruit?"

"The sooner the better, Kätzchen. I want to know what the Kankokujin recruits will be like."

"As you wish. Just remember to give me a meeting later."

"Of course, Kätzchen, of course. You're the most important one around here. After all, sometimes your position is above me."

"Only when you want to, Großmarschall."

The purring voice of Emma tickled the ears of the Großmarschall, who gave a slight smile.

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Eimei, Jyushin

The Khan looked upon the new object developed by Tenmu Heavy Industries. The report on it had the following data:



Production Open-Ocean AUSV and Sensor Array

Length (hull): 15 m overall

Beam (hulls): 12 m overall

Mast height: 18 m

Communication via radio, and satellite

Draft: (hydrofoils lowered): 3 m

Payload: 680 kg

Stowage capacity: 17 cu. m

Airfoil surface: 65 sq. m

Foil-borne speed: 25+ knots

Range: 800+ km aux. power

Time at sea: 3+ months

Tenmu's innovative Autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel (AUSV) will provide real-time situational awareness to distant command stations. Our vessels will be capable of operating autonomously or under remote control from land-based, ship-based or airborne facilities and will transmit pictures, video and other electronic data to on-shore facilities, ships, aircraft or other command assets. The essence of their missions will be reconnaissance and surveillance.

Tenmu's AUSVs will operate as environmentally friendly, tri-hull, high performance composite wind-powered craft, fitted with a hard wing airfoil sail. They will be fitted with hydrofoils for stability, seaworthiness and speed in performing their missions.

The AUSV's inherent platform stability will enable customized suites of ocean surveillance equipment including stabilized Infrared, thermal imaging and live video cameras to be mounted atop its sixty-foot-high mast to provide real-time feedback by satellite uplink or line of sight radio to its control platform. Because the AUSV will not require on-board personnel, Targets of Interest will be cost-effectively intercepted while more expensive vessels, helicopters or aircraft are freed for other mission assignments.

To further increase its value to on-shore commanders, Tenmu has proposed a technology demonstration project to prove the concept of leveraging and extending the individual capabilities of Tenmu's AUSV and another company's unmanned aerial system to carry out reconnaissance, surveillance and enforcement missions in designated Hawaiian waters.

Homeland Security/Drug Interdiction/Search and Rescue:

For Homeland Security/ Coast Guard / Customs and Border Protection applications the AUSV can provide narco-terrorism, law enforcement and drug interdiction surveillance for costal waters, ports, airports, power plants and sensitive facilities. In sensitive foreign areas and maritime choke points susceptible to piracy, drug running or open ocean assault, the AUSV can be used in conjunction with manned or unmanned aircraft for close-up observation and analysis of targets of interest and early warning of hostile, illegal or terrorist-related activity. Fitted with survival or communications gear, AUSVs pre-positioned on remote patrol stations could assist in search and rescue operations covering large areas of sea.

Range Operations and Safety Monitoring:

Personnel safety considerations and environmental law compliance call for using the Tenmu AUSV for military range control during missile and torpedo exercises, gun shoots, low frequency sonar exercises, and ship shock tests. Currently, manned vessels, helicopters or aircraft must be used to ensure that areas downrange of a missile or gunnery shoot or where other tests are taking place are safe and secured. Positioning the AUSV at such critical locations can ensure that target areas are clear of unauthorized vessels, as well as whales and other marine mammals and endangered species. The AUSV can be rapidly and precisely stationed near intended weapon impact points to provide visual telemetry and other real-time data collection and transmission with no risk to personnel or more expensive observation platforms.

Mine Survey and Countermeasures:

A unique problem for Navy mine countermeasures is the need to continuously monitor previously cleared mine areas to ensure that no new mines are re-seeded into the area. The AUSV's small profile, minimal draft, negligible electronic/acoustic signatures and very low radar cross-section make the AUSV an ideal platform for monitoring areas susceptible to mines such as shipping channels, harbor entrances and littoral coastlines. Because the AUSV is unmanned, such missions will not risk onboard personnel, while its wind-powered maneuverability will permit long on-station times.

'This ought to be an interesting toy....'

That was the only thought that passed through the Khan's mind.

OOC: Eimei is Vladivostok's new name.

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