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Yulduz Köl


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Somewhere south of Guam

A "small" fleet could be seen heading south in the darkness of night. Composed of cruisers, corvettes, and landing ships, they started to split up when they reached their objective: Micronesia.

Micronesia had been empty since the nuclear devestation that had happened in the Pacific. While most of the islands in the areas were occupied until stable regimes were found, Micronesia was abandoned for some reason, leaving behind a few people who struggled to survive in the hostile environment. These people were cousins of the Turkic nation, and it was up to Altin Urda to take care of them.

By dawn, the yellow flags of the Golden Horde were flying all over the archipelago, showing who was now an actor in the Pacific.

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*Message from the Hokuyo Kyokujitsujins*

While the rest of the world ignored us in extreme conditions after the illegal invasion by the barbaric Tahoe and United Francoist Empire, our Turkic relatives in Altin Urda have come to help us. We accept their help, and wish to be incorporated into Altin Urda

Therefore, we request that Glorious Aotearoa, and the other nations of the Pacific, accept this rightful incorporation.

- Nakaima Hirokazu, former Governor of the Hokuyo Islands

OOC: Good thing I never evacuated Micronesia during the war.

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OOC: You don't have a ocean-going coastline... How did your ships get there?!?!

OOC: damn, you beat me to it. ^ this. And how did you build your ships, given you are an inland nation and did not rp the construction of navy? Yes you do have to do that, with every new nation

Edited by Lord Frost
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OOC: damn, you beat me to it. ^ this. And how did you build your ships, given you are an inland nation and did not rp the construction of navy? Yes you do have to do that, with every new nation

OOC: I'm not sure what's the deal here, but apparently she built her navy in Canada through SkyCity... which strikes me as a somewhat convenient loophole in the RP restrictions - but honestly, why would she want an archipelago when she's landlocked? It'll essentially be an enclave far away from her homeland - the Pacific powers decide if her actions are acceptable or not (although in principle, I wouldn't recognize it, given SoI issues).

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*Message from the Hokuyo Kyokujitsujins*

While the rest of the world ignored us in extreme conditions after the illegal invasion by the barbaric Tahoe and United Francoist Empire, our Turkic relatives in Altin Urda have come to help us. We accept their help, and wish to be incorporated into Altin Urda

Therefore, we request that Glorious Aotearoa, and the other nations of the Pacific, accept this rightful incorporation.

- Nakaima Hirokazu, former Governor of the Hokuyo Islands

Then ask to be moved there, or travel there on your own. This is still the unlawful and highly dubious possession of territories almost certainly out of your ability to control.

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If the international community would allow along with the Kyokujitsujin population, we have a large amount the Kyokujitsujin ethnicity in the Commonwealth. In recent months we have incorporated much of the past Marchar population into our borders and would be happy to do the same for Micronesia. In fact if this allowed, the Hansa promises Altin Urda to dedicate sixty-five percent of the economic profit from Micronesia to your economy so that you will still get benefits from the territory with out owning in theory.

Mind you this is only a suggestion and do not want to interfere with any plans that any countries in the region have with Mirconesia, Altin Urda etc, but the Hansa would be happy to aid in any way possible.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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OOC: Sumeragi, you are either Altin Urda or Sky City, not both. Navy not recognized unless you choose sky city. I thought we were going to be friends this time around. I can't be your friend if your going to pull the same crap that you did as DKT. Just let DKT go, you were doing so well as this new nation

The Empire does not recognize this incorporation, and in fact are extremely disappointed in Altin Urda for trying to expand even further beyond its bounds to include terrorist peoples. To our friends in Altin Urda, do not try to expand any further, your nation will already be on the brink of chaos trying to govern all of mongolia while trying to rebuild central asia.

To the Kyokujitsans of Micronesia, thank you for alerting us to your presence. The terrorist scourge will end

***Classified//Encrypted Orders to Northern Mariana Air Bases***

Task Fleet is on it's way to Guam, begin pacification runs on nearest Micronesian Islands. Terrorist Threat confirmed

Edited by Lord Frost
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"Seems like DKT is looking to make a comeback general..."

"Ehhh... DKT, another South Pacific skeleton... sorta like LeVentNoir"

"So what's our attitude towards this news?"

"I hate two old evils in the area again... even a 'Golden Horde' navy ain't welcoming to the neighborhood. We'll continue at DEFCON 2."

Public Statement

The Republic of Tanis is befuddled by Altin Urda's actions to claim Micronesia. We sincerely ask you to hastily make your exit back to Mainland Asia.

Edited by Quest07
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*Message from the Hokuyo Kyokujitsujins*

While the rest of the world ignored us in extreme conditions after the illegal invasion by the barbaric Tahoe and United Francoist Empire, our Turkic relatives in Altin Urda have come to help us. We accept their help, and wish to be incorporated into Altin Urda

Therefore, we request that Glorious Aotearoa, and the other nations of the Pacific, accept this rightful incorporation.

- Nakaima Hirokazu, former Governor of the Hokuyo Islands

Governor Hirokazu

Your people have suffered a great deal in the past years and that is at best regrettable, Altiin Urda has proven themselves as the most loyal of friends in your time of need and there is no doubt anyone can refute that. Least of all the international community. However, these foreign nations are something that you must deal with and their unhappiness to see Altin Urda's claim to your land may end in more problems for your people. I am writing this letter to request an audience with Your Excellency to perhaps provide you with another path for the help you require. A great deal of Kyokujitsujin people live within the borders of the Commonwealth and like the Marchar peoples that have lived with Hanseatics for a great period of time we would be blessed to consider your people as brethren. It would be my honor to talk about the incorporation of your islands into the Commonwealth.

I understand if you refuse and see no problems with that option. My only wish is to provide you with the centralization and aid that your region requires.

Sincerely Yours,

Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

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OOC: I bought the damn ships from Canada. Stop nitpicking.

IC: *To Neo Japan*

Mongolia is already under our control, thank you. Also, if you dare touch Micronesia, it'll br considered an act of war. Choose your actions carefully.

*Coded Message to Hanseatic Commonwealth*

We'll consider after the conflict is over.

Edited by Sumeragi
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OOC: Mind you all, folks, she *does* have her navy in-game. So, although the given circumstances look like a loophole... she has the right to have the ships since she owns them in her nation.

IC: Given Altin Urda's landlocked status, the lack of relation to its Kyokujitsujin residents (OOC: assuming the demographics remained the same as they were before the fall of KMT) and vast distance from Micronesia, not even the Lord could think of a legitimate reason to claim the islands.

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OOC: Mind you all, folks, she *does* have her navy in-game. So, although the given circumstances look like a loophole... she has the right to have the ships since she owns them in her nation.

OOC: This. Stop being haters.


Given Altin Urda's landlocked status, the lack of relation to its Kyokujitsujin residents (OOC: assuming the demographics remained the same as they were before the fall of KMT) and vast distance from Micronesia, not even the Lord could think of a legitimate reason to claim the islands.

"The people FROM the Islands WANT to be a part of Altin Urda. That is the most valid and sacred of reasons in this planet."

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"The people FROM the Islands WANT to be a part of Altin Urda. That is the most valid and sacred of reasons in this planet."

OOC: I have to reply this in an OOC manner.

The "people of Micronesia" want to be part of Sumeragi's nation only because she roleplayed it as such. From a honest perspective, we'd likely never know whether if they want to be part of her nation or not - it's an unclaimed territory. Of course, one can say "well, she claimed it, so it's hers and she can RP the people as whatever she wants!" - however, in this scenario, we have to deal with the "legitimacy" and "feasibility" of those claims.

It is far too easy for anyone to claim any territory in any part of the world and make a short RP stating that "the people wants to be part of the nation!". Hypothetically speaking, pretend that I claimed say, Tonga. Could I state that the "people from Tonga longs for security and wishes to be under the rule of a fair, democratic government"? Sure I could. Would the claim itself make any sense? Probably not. Even though I border the Pacific and have a vast SoI, I probably couldn't cover the island in the first place, and am based too far away and in other continent for my claim to be "sensical".

The rhetoric would probably be valid if I had taken the island from someone else or if there was in-game legitimacy (FAFB or SoI), but is definitively invalid when we're talking of an unclaimed territory, particularly so when it's way off one's SoI, and very particularly when it's in another continent.

Edited by V The King
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OOC: This. Stop being haters.


"The people FROM the Islands WANT to be a part of Altin Urda. That is the most valid and sacred of reasons in this planet."

OOC: Fun Fact: The SkyCity (located in Canada, near the capital Ferinh) is part of my nation, Canada. However, Sumeragi roleplays it and its Kyokujitsujin (sp?) population, together with the industrial capacities it has. That is not a new country, I merely gave her the authority to use parts of my infrastructure, industry, et cetera in a joint-roleplay between the two of us. I could reincorporate the SkyCity back into Canada whenever the hell I wantedeffectively ending the joint RP. Unless hawk, Mercy or Sargun say anything against it, it's completely legitimate. It's not a separate country, after all.

Now shut up, please, and continue with the RP.


Canada agrees with Nordheim.

That said, should any nation attempts to eradicate or relocate the population of Micronesia, Canada will intervene.

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