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I'm trying to figure out what he is advocating stumpy, as well as pointing out how foolish what he is saying actually is. Maybe it wasn't the best tactic, but it got my point across.

Maybe I just read it as a little more blunt then it was meant to be. I still love you either way.

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following orders is wrong? you may not always agree with your boss, but orders are orders.

If you don't agree with your boss, why should you work there in the first place? Orders are orders and should be followed, but why would anyone join an alliance that goes along with and supports the "mob/group think mentality" if they felt so strongly against it? If I hated Mario I sure as hell wouldn't join up with MK. By picking an alliance, you choose to support what the boss says and the decisions they make....it's just hypocritical for anyone to argue against it now when they supported it for so long before.

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I am really curious what would happen if your average member knew what just happened to one of their Triumvir's. It almost makes me think that The Tattler should do an exposé on this event and distribute them to the average member of the Grand Global Alliance. Oh wait... free speech and free press is restricted in GGA <_<.

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And it was still wrong. There is no way of getting around that. I just dont want to hear you spouting about doing whats right in the face of "mob mentality" when you yourself took part in killing MK, Athens, LOST, FLY, and TDSM8 (effectively ending our existance), as well as others who never recovered. Im sorry, I just dont see how you can even try.

We were treaty bound to attack Athens once they hit NPO and that was what we did. We didn't attack anyone who hit GGA in response to the Hyperion attack. Was it all co-mingled? Sure but hey treaty web etc.

Still doesn't explain why there could be so much of a fuss over nothing. It wasn't even an international incident it was an internal decision that sparked all of this, in a thread that had nothing to do with it. It could be any alliance taking this heat and I would speak up. Well maybe not Vanguard. <_<

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We were treaty bound to attack Athens once they hit NPO and that was what we did. We didn't attack anyone who hit GGA in response to the Hyperion attack. Was it all co-mingled? Sure but hey treaty web etc.

Still doesn't explain why there could be so much of a fuss over nothing. It wasn't even an international incident it was an internal decision that sparked all of this, in a thread that had nothing to do with it. It could be any alliance taking this heat and I would speak up. Well maybe not Vanguard. <_<

OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE WITH THE VANGUARD. But seriously, as already pointed out, they dug their own grave and made a thread not about them ABOUT THEM. They literally started, carried, and continued the fight throughout his entire thread, from Dephire to Degenerate. How can you blame other people for what they themselves did? They are also known for their posturing through their allies and the way they handle FA situations (see: Hyperion) with the strength of their allies, so of course the moment they openly admit what they have in this thread, people are going to tell them whats up. Im sorry, but if you are taking pity here then maybe I just dont see it. But once again, you havent had to deal with the GGA style of diplomacy. Also, I still find what you are saying to be hypocritical as stated in my other posts.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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If you don't agree with your boss, why should you work there in the first place? Orders are orders and should be followed, but why would anyone join an alliance that goes along with and supports the "mob/group think mentality" if they felt so strongly against it? If I hated Mario I sure as hell wouldn't join up with MK. By picking an alliance, you choose to support what the boss says and the decisions they make....it's just hypocritical for anyone to argue against it now when they supported it for so long before.

Because TPF, Which I was in at the time, allows free thought, I disagreed with the CB, but I never turn down a good war.

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Well maybe not Vanguard.

And that right there, not any of the other reasons people have stated, is why I think you have no credibility. Either you treat everyone equally or you are a fraud and a hypocrite and shouldn't waste our time by posting about morality.

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Because TPF, Which I was in at the time, allows free thought, I disagreed with the CB, but I never turn down a good war.

I bet its nice being able to turn down a war. I bet its also nice being able to attack nations getting gang banged and nuked 3v1. I guess we should just rebuild so you can do it again for some made up reason, amirite? But you are right, TDSM8 and CnG was just around for your amusement so that one day you could just destroy us for the sake of a "good war" or tech raid. It must have been pleasant starting the events that wiped us from the map. I love the mentality, really, I do.

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I am really curious what would happen if your average member knew what just happened to one of their Triumvir's. It almost makes me think that The Tattler should do an exposé on this event and distribute them to the average member of the Grand Global Alliance. Oh wait... free speech and free press is restricted in GGA <_<.

Interestingly enough, GGA members also have access and registration on these boards, so they are free to see this thread just as is everyone else.

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I bet its nice being able to turn down a war. I bet its also nice being able to attack nations getting gang banged and nuked 3v1. I guess we should just rebuild so you can do it again for some made up reason, amirite? But you are right, TDSM8 and CnG was just around for your amusement so that one day you could just destroy us for the sake of a "good war" or tech raid. It must have been pleasant starting the events that wiped us from the map. I love the mentality, really, I do.

Stumpykins take a break bud. At least Mogar admits it was BS. The past is the past, at least we know who our friends are bud.

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I bet its nice being able to turn down a war. I bet its also nice being able to attack nations getting gang banged and nuked 3v1. I guess we should just rebuild so you can do it again for some made up reason, amirite? But you are right, TDSM8 and CnG was just around for your amusement so that one day you could just destroy us for the sake of a "good war" or tech raid. It must have been pleasant starting the events that wiped us from the map. I love the mentality, really, I do.

Because my former alliance CDS was never gangbanged by GOONS twice, right? and again by PLUS, HoG, and someone else during the Unjust War, yes you have ill will towards those who attacked you, I understand that, but this game is about politics, and when someone doesn't like you or your friends, you either stand with them whether you'll lose or not, or you try to be neutral, your alliance signed treaties and stood by you, and as I recall, I reached out to CnG alliances after the war and was very respectful towards my opponents during the war. Just because you're on the opposing side in one particular war, doesn't mean our alliances wont share a future goal together, something I learned from GOONS(in b4 someone puts me on a ZI list for learning something positive from GOONS :v:).

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Stumpykins take a break bud. At least Mogar admits it was BS. The past is the past, at least we know who our friends are bud.

Just rubs me in that right way watching people who took part in that try to take any sort of moral high ground when it comes to not following a crowd and doing whats right. Just makes me giggle.

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Interestingly enough, GGA members also have access and registration on these boards, so they are free to see this thread just as is everyone else.

Seeing is different than having the ability to state your own opinion on the matter.

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OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE WITH THE VANGUARD. But seriously, as already pointed out, they dug their own grave and made a thread not about them ABOUT THEM. They literally started, carried, and continued the fight throughout his entire thread, from Dephire to Degenerate. How can you blame other people for what they themselves did? They are also known for their posturing through their allies and the way they handle FA situations (see: Hyperion) with the strength of their allies, so of course the moment they openly admit what they have in this thread, people are going to tell them whats up. Im sorry, but if you are taking pity here then maybe I just dont see it. But once again, you havent had to deal with the GGA style of diplomacy. Also, I still find what you are saying to be hypocritical as stated in my other posts.

:P But I digress.

I think a lot of people came in before they did and made it about them. Started in the first few posts. They should've stayed quiet sure but hey how many alliances really can when they began to take that kind of beating? The thing is the situation really didn't call for this kind of backlash. It's all pent up rage for what GGA has been doing with themselves the last year or so. Some of it I suppose I can understand. 60+ pages though? C'mon you guys have got to have something better to do than harrass GGA over nothing in a thread not even about them. Then again maybe not.

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Just rubs me in that right way watching people who took part in that try to take any sort of moral high ground when it comes to not following a crowd and doing whats right. Just makes me giggle.

Most of Vox helped shape the world into what it is now, just because you supporting something over a year ago doesn't mean you feel the same way now.

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:P But I digress.

I think a lot of people came in before they did and made it about them. Started in the first few posts. They should've stayed quiet sure but hey how many alliances really can when they began to take that kind of beating? The thing is the situation really didn't call for this kind of backlash. It's all pent up rage for what GGA has been doing with themselves the last year or so. Some of it I suppose I can understand. 60+ pages though? C'mon you guys have got to have something better to do than harrass GGA over nothing in a thread not even about them. Then again maybe not.

I think it's been explained to you at least 4 times that GGA made this thread about them.

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:P But I digress.

I think a lot of people came in before they did and made it about them. Started in the first few posts. They should've stayed quiet sure but hey how many alliances really can when they began to take that kind of beating? The thing is the situation really didn't call for this kind of backlash. It's all pent up rage for what GGA has been doing with themselves the last year or so. Some of it I suppose I can understand. 60+ pages though? C'mon you guys have got to have something better to do than harrass GGA over nothing in a thread not even about them. Then again maybe not.

Yet at this point you are helping this thread stay alive as much as they are by arguing semantics with your old bud, Stumpy. :huh: Its a vicious cycle.


Most of Vox helped shape the world into what it is now, just because you supporting something over a year ago doesn't mean you feel the same way now.

I didnt say I also dont view many Vox members as hypocrites either. At least they are trying to right what they see as their wrongs though.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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Because TPF, Which I was in at the time, allows free thought, I disagreed with the CB, but I never turn down a good war.

Well who doesn't love a good war every once in a while, heh. The point being made, however, isn't about whether or not the CB was good or anything of that sort. The point is that if he is against it enough to post what's being said on here then he could've just as easily have joined up with an alliance that he knew supported that thought/mentality/whatever you want to call it.

OOC: I'm too distracted by schoolwork right now to word everything perfectly...if you want to continue this discussion feel free to find me on IRC.

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Interestingly enough, GGA members also have access and registration on these boards, so they are free to see this thread just as is everyone else.

GGA's next move: Banning all members from ever accessing the CN forums... ever.

Edited by Jphillips412
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Seeing is different than having the ability to state your own opinion on the matter.

Actually, we have been having discussions as an alliance multiple times since these current events. Thanks for your concern though. Update has passeth again, so I shall begone.

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:P But I digress.

I think a lot of people came in before they did and made it about them. Started in the first few posts. They should've stayed quiet sure but hey how many alliances really can when they began to take that kind of beating? The thing is the situation really didn't call for this kind of backlash. It's all pent up rage for what GGA has been doing with themselves the last year or so. Some of it I suppose I can understand. 60+ pages though? C'mon you guys have got to have something better to do than harrass GGA over nothing in a thread not even about them. Then again maybe not.

What you don't seem to understand

1. GGA made it about them

2. Whenever it became close to dying, GGA kept making it about them.

3. You're the one complaining about people posting in a public thread, surely you have us beat in the something to do category then :rolleyes:

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